Careerprise BizOpps

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Careerprise BizOpps (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the CNMC Workforce Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to the developers of CNMCyber. This lesson belongs to the CNMC for Experience session of EmployableU Concepts.


The predecessor lectio is What the Workforce Is.


A business opportunity refers to sale or lease of something that enables the buyer to begin a business. A Careerprise bizopp is an opportunity to start a business with the Friends Of CNM. The Friends Of CNM offers three types of bizopps.
First, the Friends Of CNM may post requests for proposals (RFP) to award the contracts to develop or run CNMCyber services when CNMCyber Team makes their requirements available.
Second, Careerprise contractors may propose some developments of CNMCyber and the Friends Of CNM may hire them directly. Every month, there is some budget for that type of increments.
Third, Educaship partners may take part in undertakings to share those risks and profits that are related to those undertakings with the Friends Of CNM. For instance, if you are an established training provider, the Friends Of CNM may vet your marketable products and offer them to KSA Certified Digital Operators.
If you are interested in any of those bizopps, you may ask for the available requests for proposals (RFP) and/or request a Careerprise conference. That conference would be organized in order to clarify requirements and possibilities for Careerprise contractors and/or Educaship partners.

Key terms

Careerprise bizopp, Careerprise contractor, Careerprise conference, business opportunity


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Career Ladder at Cyber is the successor lectio.


Placement entrance exam

Every statement below is split into one true and one false question in the actual exam.
  1. Careerprise contractor is (not) an independent contractor who works on projects financed by Friends Of CNM.
  2. Careerprise contractor is (not) a legal entity that takes part in an undertaking with Friends Of CNM to share risks and profits.
  3. CNMCyber hiring event is (not) a conference organized to recruit learners for EmployableU Concepts.
  4. CNMCyber hiring event is (not) a an event organized to clarify requirements and discuss challenges that contractors face.
  5. Careerprise conference is (not) a conference organized to recruit learners for EmployableU Concepts.
  6. Careerprise conference is (not) a an event organized to clarify requirements and discuss challenges that contractors face.
  7. Careerprise business opportunity is (not) an opportunity to become a Careerprise contractor.