What CNM Talk Be

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What CNM Talk Be (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the Action Suite Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to the development of CNMCyber. This lesson belongs to the Introduction to CNMCyber session of EmployableU Concepts.


The predecessor lectio is What CNM Mail Is.


CNM Talk is CNMCyber's future webconferencing system. CNM Talk may resemble other systems; this service uses a popular software package called Jitsi under its hood.
For now, its software has been installed, but the system hasn't been designed yet and cannot serve the customers. When CNM Talk is launched, it shall become the vital part of the CNM Action Suite.

Key terms

CNM Talk, webconferencing, webconferencing software


Are you interested in working on CNM Talk? --Yes/No/I'm not sure

What CNM Social Is is the successor lectio.


Placement entrance exam

  1. CNM Talk is CNMCyber's future webconferencing system.
  2. CNM Linkup is CNMCyber's future webconferencing system.
  3. CNM Video is CNMCyber's future webconferencing system.
  4. CNM Talk uses a popular software package called Jitsi.
  5. CNM Talk uses a popular software package called Wordpress.
  6. CNM Talk uses a popular software package called Moodle.

Fill in blanks (short answer) questions

  • CNM __________ is CNMCyber's future webconferencing system.
  • CNM __________ uses Jitsi under its hood.