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(Reflection Five: Insightful Mentor Matters)
(26 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Hi, I'm Gary. I am deeply committed to revolutionizing work-alike practice and enhancing its role in education. For decades, I have been actively supporting this mission through both donations and volunteer work. Today, I'd like to share my personal story to showcase the problems it can solve and illustrate how the concept of using practice as a learning backbone developed and evolved over time.
Hi, I'm Gary. I am deeply committed to revolutionizing work-alike practice and enhancing its role in education. For decades, I have been actively supporting this mission through both donations and volunteer work. Today, I'd like to share my personal story to showcase the problems it can solve and illustrate how the concept of using practice as a learning backbone developed and evolved over time.
==Reflection One: Education Meets Career==
==Reflection One: Education Meets Career==
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My practical experience played a significant role in enhancing my student performance. I could apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios and was more motivated, seeing a clearer purpose in my education.
My practical experience played a significant role in enhancing my student performance. I could apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios and was more motivated, seeing a clearer purpose in my education.
This second degree has been instrumental in my career success. It significantly boosted my publishing business, ultimately leading to its successful sale, and continues to benefit my professional endeavors. Additionally, it has enabled me to teach business part-time, covering nearly every subject I studied during my degree program.
This second degree has been instrumental in my career success. It significantly boosted my publishing business, ultimately leading to its successful sale, and continues to benefit my professional endeavors. Additionally, it has enabled me to teach business part-time, covering nearly every subject I studied during my second degree program.
==Reflection Three: Navigating Career Guidance==
==Reflection Three: Guidance Meets Career==
In the mid-2000s, I relocated to the United States, determined to find my ideal career path. Initially, I faced setbacks due to limited English proficiency and a lack of American work experience. Nevertheless, I had no choice, but to try.
In the mid-2000s, I relocated from Belarus to the United States. I was determined to find my ideal career path in that new to me country. Initially, I faced setbacks due to limited English proficiency and a lack of American work experience. Nevertheless, I had no choice, but to try.
I enrolled in various colleges and universities, focusing primarily on English classes. Despite my efforts, uncertainty about my future career persisted. By the 2010s, I was one class short of completing my Bachelor's degree in the US, but still hadn't found a meaningful job to pursue.
I enrolled in various colleges and universities, focusing primarily on English classes. Despite my efforts, uncertainty about my future career persisted. By the 2010s, I was one class short of completing my Bachelor's degree in the US, but still hadn't found a meaningful job to pursue.
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a) Oversimplification: Questionnaires and assessment tools attempt to match personality, interests, skills, and values to specific occupations, overlooking the complexity of job roles and employer cultures. I also found that generalizations of occupation classifications made them misleading and difficult to use.
a) Oversimplification: Questionnaires and assessment tools attempt to match personality, interests, skills, and values to specific occupations, overlooking the complexity of job roles and employer cultures. I also found that generalizations of occupation classifications made them misleading and difficult to use.
b) Lack of Industry Insights: Career counselors often emphasize aspirations over real-world industry needs, and their knowledge is normally outdated and limited.
b) Lack of Industry Insights: Career counselors often prioritize aspirations over real-world industry needs, with their industry knowledge with very few exceptions being outdated and limited. They function more as social workers, ensuring clients leave the office satisfied, rather than as job market insiders.
c) One-Size-Fits-All Approach: Assessment tools fail to account for the evolving nature of interests, skills, values, and personalities, and they don't consider individual credentials and experiences.
c) One-Size-Fits-All Approach: Assessment tools fail to account for the evolving nature of interests, skills, values, and personalities, and they don't consider individual credentials and experiences.
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In retrospect, my search for a career path in a new environment was a valuable learning experience that I used to design WiseNxt products.
In retrospect, my search for a career path in a new environment was a valuable learning experience that I used to design WiseNxt products.
==Reflection Four: My Tour to Education==
==Reflection Four: Inside of Career Prep==
After relocating to the United States, I worked various entry-level jobs, including washing cars, cleaning stores, and serving drinks. Recognizing the need to build a meaningful resume, I incorporated a business and appointed myself as its director. This experience enabled me to start teaching business courses at a community college two years later.
After relocating to the United States, I worked various entry-level jobs, including washing cars, cleaning stores, and serving drinks. Recognizing the need to build a meaningful resume, I incorporated a business and appointed myself as its director. This experience enabled me to start teaching business courses at a community college two years later.
This initial part-time teaching position in the late 2000s led to a significant period of my life dedicated to academia. I taught at American colleges and universities in Belarus, China, and Russia.
This initial part-time teaching position in the late 2000s led to a significant period of my life dedicated to academia. I taught at American colleges and universities in Belarus, China, and Russia.
Without a doctoral degree, I couldn't teach full-time, but I aspired to secure an innovative role in educational administration. Through organizing student and academic exchange programs, I connected with high-ranking university officials, visited hundreds of universities, and reviewed their educational programs.
Without a doctoral degree, I couldn't teach full-time. Nevertheless, I aspired to secure an innovative role in educational administration. Through organizing student and academic exchange programs, I connected with high-ranking university officials, visited hundreds of universities, and reviewed their educational programs.
I would like to share my insights on how the educational system prepares students for careers. My focus won't be on specific counselors, curricula, or teachers, but rather on the systemic challenges in equipping students with the competencies necessary for career success and workforce contribution.
I would like to share my insights on how the educational system prepares students for careers. My focus won't be on specific counselors, curricula, or teachers, but rather on the systemic challenges in equipping students with the competencies necessary for career success and workforce contribution.
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c) Ability development is the most expensive, needing workplace-like environments, personalized assignments, and mentor feedback. At this level, the bicyclist should actually compete and have a chance to win.
c) Ability development is the most expensive, needing workplace-like environments, personalized assignments, and mentor feedback. At this level, the bicyclist should actually compete and have a chance to win.
Due to these financial constraints, educational institutions tend to focus heavily on knowledge transfer, minimize skill-building activities, and either eliminate or outsource opportunities for actual professional experience.
Due to these financial constraints, educational institutions tend to focus heavily on knowledge transfer, minimize skill-building activities, and either eliminate or outsource opportunities for actual professional experience. As educational institutions prioritize knowledge transfer due to its lower cost, the development of practical skills and real-world abilities often suffers.
In conclusion, my journey from entry-level jobs to academic roles across multiple countries has provided me with a unique perspective on the educational system's approach to career preparation. The systemic challenges in equipping students with the necessary competencies—knowledge, skills, and abilities—are exacerbated by financial constraints. As educational institutions prioritize knowledge transfer due to its lower cost, the development of practical skills and real-world abilities often suffers. To better prepare students for successful careers, there must be a concerted effort to balance these three competencies despite budgetary limitations. By addressing these challenges, we can create a more robust and effective educational system that truly prepares students for the demands of the workforce.
==Reflection Five: Search for Insightful Mentors==
In the early 2010s, I unexpectedly secured a position with the US Marine Corps. I use the word, "unexpectedly", because, in my view, I had zero credentials for this job on the day one. I had neither education nor work experience. Possibly, my previous activity contributed to this job landing.
==Reflection Five: Insightful Mentor Matters==
I led a Russian part of a cultural program and was allowed developing it highly innovative. This work involved extensive resources on the one hand and little-to-no supervision and zero bureaucratic roadblocks on the other hand. We extensively utilized technology and various methodologies.
In the early 2010s, I unexpectedly secured a position with the US Marine Corps, leading a highly innovative cultural program. This job extensively utilized technology, which was a blessing. The role was successful but ended after a year due to budget constraints.
Some level of Russian language proficiency was one of the objectives. For the first iteration, we used a standard textbooks and conversational language resources. However, it didn't reflect the needs. When the first cohort took the Defense Language Proficiency Test, they were surprised that no one said them "Hello" in Russian, waiting for a standard response. Instead, they were given a Moscow radio snippet and asked what happened in the story.
For the second iteration, I reached out to Professor Soboleva from the Defense Language Institute and inspired her to develop a new curriculum. I built it after one work day in order to test it next day.
As a result, my students matched listening skills of their peers in the Defense Language Institute. I believe that if we continued building a new curriculum, new participants would outperform their peers. I believe that my role was successful; however, the project ended after a year due to budget constraints.
After that experience, I was at a crossroads, deciding whether to continue as a cultural instructor or transition to information technology.
After that experience, I was at a crossroads, deciding whether to continue as a cultural instructor or transition to information technology.
Fortunately, I met a high-ranking head of the recruiting department of a top cultural training provider. He explained that finding a job in that field would be difficult due to fierce competition and limited opportunities, especially in innovative roles.
Having previous experience with social workers, this time I decided that I needed to find insightful insiders to advise.
On the cultural side, I found a high-ranking head of the recruiting department of a top cultural training provider. I met this person in an unofficial setting. After exploring my situation, this person explained that finding a job in that field would be difficult due to fierce competition and limited opportunities, especially in innovative roles.
This knowledgeable insider said, "You have many competitors with better educational and experience credentials. Okay, let's assume that you have got great results from your first experience. However, I cannot imagine that I can possibly hire you. I am a bureaucrat and I am interested in keeping this role. I don't want to be blamed if something would happen. That include a situation when your competitors complain."
BOD vs sounding board
On the information technology side, I failed to find the same quality consultants. Some of them have narrow scopes of expertise and couldn't see a bigger picture. Some of them have their own objectives. It is worth mentioning, however, that information technology was changing more rapidly and accounted for more roles than language training at that time.
    Inadequate Reporting: Failure to provide regular, clear, and concise progress reports can lead to client dissatisfaction.
    Overreliance on Theory: Consultants may rely too heavily on theoretical models, neglecting practical considerations and client needs.
    Burnout and Exhaustion: Consultants may take on too much work, leading to burnout and reduced quality of service.
By understanding these common pitfalls, consultants can take steps to avoid them and ensure successful project outcomes.
BOD (Board of Directors) vs. Sounding Board: What's the Difference?
A Board of Directors (BOD) is a formal group of elected or appointed individuals who oversee the management of an organization. They are responsible for making strategic decisions, setting policies, and ensuring the organization's overall health and success.
On the other hand, a sounding board is an informal group of individuals who provide advice, guidance, and support to a person or organization. They offer a safe and confidential space to discuss ideas, explore options, and test assumptions without fear of judgment.
Key differences:
    Formality: BOD is a formal, structured group with legal responsibilities, while a sounding board is informal and flexible.
    Purpose: BOD focuses on governance and decision-making, whereas a sounding board focuses on advice and guidance.
    Accountability: BOD members are accountable to the organization and its stakeholders, whereas sounding board members have no formal accountability.
    Scope: BOD has a broad scope, covering all aspects of the organization, while a sounding board typically focuses on specific areas or projects.
In summary, a BOD is a formal governing body, whereas a sounding board is an informal advisory group. While both can provide valuable insights and guidance, they serve different purposes and have different levels of formality and accountability.
To navigate the complex world of career guidance, I now believe that:
To navigate the complex world of career guidance, I now believe that:
* Professional guidance should come from industry-based mentors.
* Professional guidance should come partially or wholly from industry-based mentors.
* Vocational discovery should be seen as an ongoing process.
* Vocational discovery should be seen as an ongoing process.
* Practical experience is essential for clarifying career preferences.
* Practical experience is essential for clarifying career preferences.
==Reflection Six: Emphasis on Experience==
==Reflection Six: Practice Reveals Potential==
My experience in apprenticeship development proved invaluable when I began recruiting for a startup-focused investment group in the 2010s. Startups need versatile team members. While verbal interviews could help narrow down candidates, the true determining factor was their actual work.
To hire one person, I targeted 1,000 candidates. Through a funnel effect, this number narrowed down to 100 who started training, 10 who advanced to work, and ultimately, 1 who succeeded.
However, this outcome doesn’t necessarily mean that the sole successful candidate was the best employee. Beyond fitting into the startup's culture, the biggest obstacle was simply finding candidates who were willing to complete the process.
Most adults have demanding family commitments and must prioritize earning a steady income to pay their bills. Engaging in startups, skill development, or vocational exploration often entails significant uncertainty.
It is worth mentioning that the practice-based training that we developed proved surprisingly efficient, taking only a few months compared to my first degree pursuit. However, many adults cannot afford to be out of work for even a couple of months and no longer have that option.
==Reflection Seven: Emphasis on Experience==
I am 60 years old and over half my life was dedicated to recruitment and training. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of working with various organizations, observing that employers typically focus on three key areas when evaluating candidates:
I am 60 years old and over half my life was dedicated to recruitment and training. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of working with various organizations, observing that employers typically focus on three key areas when evaluating candidates:
* Job Performance: Can the candidate perform the job requirements?
* Job Performance: Can the candidate perform the job requirements?
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This emphasis on experience contributes to the struggle many recent college graduates face in landing their first job. On the other hand, I know someone with a Bachelor of Arts degree who started a recruiting business, which failed, but they leveraged that experience to secure a recruiter job.
This emphasis on experience contributes to the struggle many recent college graduates face in landing their first job. On the other hand, I know someone with a Bachelor of Arts degree who started a recruiting business, which failed, but they leveraged that experience to secure a recruiter job.
==Reflection Seven: Practice Reveals Potential==
In conclusion, my journey from entry-level jobs to academic roles across multiple countries has provided me with a unique perspective on the educational system's approach to career preparation. The systemic challenges in equipping students with the necessary competencies—knowledge, skills, and abilities—are exacerbated by financial constraints.  
My experience in apprenticeship development proved invaluable when I began recruiting for a startup-focused investment group in the 2010s. Startups need versatile team members. While verbal interviews could help narrow down candidates, the true determining factor was their actual work.
To hire one person, I targeted 1,000 candidates. Through a funnel effect, this number narrowed down to 100 who started training, 10 who advanced to work, and ultimately, 1 who succeeded.  
To better prepare students for successful careers, there must be a concerted effort to balance these three competencies despite budgetary limitations. By addressing these challenges, we can create a more robust and effective educational system that truly prepares students for the demands of the workforce.
However, this outcome doesn’t necessarily mean that the sole successful candidate was the best employee. Beyond fitting into the startup's culture, the biggest obstacle was simply finding candidates who were willing to complete the process.
==From Problems To Solutions==
Most adults have demanding family commitments and must prioritize earning a steady income to pay their bills. Engaging in startups, skill development, or vocational exploration often entails significant uncertainty.
It is worth mentioning that the practice-based training that we developed proved surprisingly efficient, taking only a few months compared to my first degree pursuit. However, many adults cannot afford to be out of work for even a couple of months and no longer have that option.
===Summary of reflections===
Gary's reflections highlight the inefficiencies of traditional education compared to practical, hands-on training, emphasizing the superior performance and motivation of students with real-world experience and the challenges of balancing such opportunities with financial stability.
Gary's reflections highlight the inefficiencies of traditional education compared to practical, hands-on training, emphasizing the superior performance and motivation of students with real-world experience and the challenges of balancing such opportunities with financial stability.
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<p>This dream is my greatest passion and motivation. It took some time to reach this point. Initially, I started developing it with my daughter in mind, and later, I considered my son's career. They have now grown, but the journey has been worth it. I am so committed to it that I would willingly dedicate my life to making it a reality. You are welcome to benefit from our efforts as a participant, parent, supporter and/or advocate. Will you join us? Are you in?</p>
<p>This dream is my greatest passion and motivation. It took some time to reach this point. Initially, I started developing it with my daughter in mind, and later, I considered my son's career. They have now grown, but the journey has been worth it. I am so committed to it that I would willingly dedicate my life to making it a reality. You are welcome to benefit from our efforts as a participant, parent, supporter and/or advocate. Will you join us? Are you in?</p>
### Reflection Three: Teaching Experience and the Superiority of Practical Knowledge
### Reflection Three: Teaching Experience and the Superiority of Practical Knowledge
With over half his life dedicated to recruitment and training, and a quarter to teaching at various international colleges, Gary observed that students with practical experience consistently outperform their peers. These students can apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios, enhancing their learning and motivation. Gary’s extensive teaching experience supports his belief in the value of practice-based education, demonstrating its effectiveness across diverse educational contexts and student demographics.
With over half his life dedicated to recruitment and training, and a quarter to teaching at various international colleges, Gary observed that students with practical experience consistently outperform their peers. These students can apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios, enhancing their learning and motivation. Gary’s extensive teaching experience supports his belief in the value of practice-based education, demonstrating its effectiveness across diverse educational contexts and student demographics.

Revision as of 15:46, 21 June 2024

Gary's Appeal to WiseNxt prospects

Hi, I'm Gary. I am deeply committed to revolutionizing work-alike practice and enhancing its role in education. For decades, I have been actively supporting this mission through both donations and volunteer work. Today, I'd like to share my personal story to showcase the problems it can solve and illustrate how the concept of using practice as a learning backbone developed and evolved over time.

Reflection One: Education Meets Career

It's common for education and career paths to diverge, and my experience is no different.

In high school, an inspiring teacher and my classmates sparked my passion for physical science. This led me to pursue a graduate degree in mechanical engineering. However, after eight years of education and starting an entry-level job, I realized that this career wasn't the best match for my professional interests.

Motivated by a desire to innovate, I founded a desktop publishing company in the early 1990s, during the industry's infancy. With no formal training programs available due to the field's novelty, we developed in-house apprenticeships, which were crucial to our success.

As information technology advanced, we continued to innovate, designing and implementing our own customer relationship and enterprise resource planning systems.

While I value my time at my first university and appreciate having that credential on my resume, in hindsight, my initial degree had little impact on my professional life.

Practical experience and action often diverge from educational theory. If I had better identified my career needs before my first university project or the rubber met the road earlier, I would have chosen a different path for my early degree or initial job.

Reflection Two: Practice Shapes Education

Aligning education with career goals and the value of practical experience in shaping one's professional journey is important.

Due to a mismatch between my initial education and my actual career needs, I enrolled in another university in the early 2000s. The second graduate degree, that time in business, proved to be far more effective than the first one.

My practical experience played a significant role in enhancing my student performance. I could apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios and was more motivated, seeing a clearer purpose in my education.

This second degree has been instrumental in my career success. It significantly boosted my publishing business, ultimately leading to its successful sale, and continues to benefit my professional endeavors. Additionally, it has enabled me to teach business part-time, covering nearly every subject I studied during my second degree program.

Reflection Three: Guidance Meets Career

In the mid-2000s, I relocated from Belarus to the United States. I was determined to find my ideal career path in that new to me country. Initially, I faced setbacks due to limited English proficiency and a lack of American work experience. Nevertheless, I had no choice, but to try.

I enrolled in various colleges and universities, focusing primarily on English classes. Despite my efforts, uncertainty about my future career persisted. By the 2010s, I was one class short of completing my Bachelor's degree in the US, but still hadn't found a meaningful job to pursue.

In search of direction, I sought guidance from career counselors, government agencies, private companies, and non-profits. Yet, despite their advice, I struggled to establish a meaningful career path.

I explored assessment tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and John Holland's career choice theory. While these tools offered some insights, they oversimplified my characteristics and failed to provide practical results.

Later, as a recruiter and volunteer career counselor, I delved deeper into the field and identified three major issues with traditional career guidance resources:

a) Oversimplification: Questionnaires and assessment tools attempt to match personality, interests, skills, and values to specific occupations, overlooking the complexity of job roles and employer cultures. I also found that generalizations of occupation classifications made them misleading and difficult to use.

b) Lack of Industry Insights: Career counselors often prioritize aspirations over real-world industry needs, with their industry knowledge with very few exceptions being outdated and limited. They function more as social workers, ensuring clients leave the office satisfied, rather than as job market insiders.

c) One-Size-Fits-All Approach: Assessment tools fail to account for the evolving nature of interests, skills, values, and personalities, and they don't consider individual credentials and experiences.

In retrospect, my search for a career path in a new environment was a valuable learning experience that I used to design WiseNxt products.

Reflection Four: Inside of Career Prep

After relocating to the United States, I worked various entry-level jobs, including washing cars, cleaning stores, and serving drinks. Recognizing the need to build a meaningful resume, I incorporated a business and appointed myself as its director. This experience enabled me to start teaching business courses at a community college two years later.

This initial part-time teaching position in the late 2000s led to a significant period of my life dedicated to academia. I taught at American colleges and universities in Belarus, China, and Russia.

Without a doctoral degree, I couldn't teach full-time. Nevertheless, I aspired to secure an innovative role in educational administration. Through organizing student and academic exchange programs, I connected with high-ranking university officials, visited hundreds of universities, and reviewed their educational programs.

I would like to share my insights on how the educational system prepares students for careers. My focus won't be on specific counselors, curricula, or teachers, but rather on the systemic challenges in equipping students with the competencies necessary for career success and workforce contribution.

These competencies can be divided into three categories: knowledge and understanding of a specific domain, skills to apply that knowledge, and abilities to perform tasks and responsibilities required by the job.

Educational institutions often operate under limited budgets and scarce resources. This creates a challenge:

a) Knowledge transfer is the least expensive. It’s cheaper to hire a teacher and provide basic teaching materials like a blackboard and chalk than to invest in simulators. For example, a competitive bicyclist needs explanations for how to use a bicycle and strategies to win a competition in a theory.

b) Skill development is more costly, requiring practical tools and environments. Using the same example, the bicyclist should use simulators for practical training.

c) Ability development is the most expensive, needing workplace-like environments, personalized assignments, and mentor feedback. At this level, the bicyclist should actually compete and have a chance to win.

Due to these financial constraints, educational institutions tend to focus heavily on knowledge transfer, minimize skill-building activities, and either eliminate or outsource opportunities for actual professional experience. As educational institutions prioritize knowledge transfer due to its lower cost, the development of practical skills and real-world abilities often suffers.

Reflection Five: Search for Insightful Mentors

In the early 2010s, I unexpectedly secured a position with the US Marine Corps. I use the word, "unexpectedly", because, in my view, I had zero credentials for this job on the day one. I had neither education nor work experience. Possibly, my previous activity contributed to this job landing.

I led a Russian part of a cultural program and was allowed developing it highly innovative. This work involved extensive resources on the one hand and little-to-no supervision and zero bureaucratic roadblocks on the other hand. We extensively utilized technology and various methodologies.

Some level of Russian language proficiency was one of the objectives. For the first iteration, we used a standard textbooks and conversational language resources. However, it didn't reflect the needs. When the first cohort took the Defense Language Proficiency Test, they were surprised that no one said them "Hello" in Russian, waiting for a standard response. Instead, they were given a Moscow radio snippet and asked what happened in the story.

For the second iteration, I reached out to Professor Soboleva from the Defense Language Institute and inspired her to develop a new curriculum. I built it after one work day in order to test it next day.

As a result, my students matched listening skills of their peers in the Defense Language Institute. I believe that if we continued building a new curriculum, new participants would outperform their peers. I believe that my role was successful; however, the project ended after a year due to budget constraints.

After that experience, I was at a crossroads, deciding whether to continue as a cultural instructor or transition to information technology.

Having previous experience with social workers, this time I decided that I needed to find insightful insiders to advise.

On the cultural side, I found a high-ranking head of the recruiting department of a top cultural training provider. I met this person in an unofficial setting. After exploring my situation, this person explained that finding a job in that field would be difficult due to fierce competition and limited opportunities, especially in innovative roles.

This knowledgeable insider said, "You have many competitors with better educational and experience credentials. Okay, let's assume that you have got great results from your first experience. However, I cannot imagine that I can possibly hire you. I am a bureaucrat and I am interested in keeping this role. I don't want to be blamed if something would happen. That include a situation when your competitors complain."

On the information technology side, I failed to find the same quality consultants. Some of them have narrow scopes of expertise and couldn't see a bigger picture. Some of them have their own objectives. It is worth mentioning, however, that information technology was changing more rapidly and accounted for more roles than language training at that time.

   Inadequate Reporting: Failure to provide regular, clear, and concise progress reports can lead to client dissatisfaction.
   Overreliance on Theory: Consultants may rely too heavily on theoretical models, neglecting practical considerations and client needs.
   Burnout and Exhaustion: Consultants may take on too much work, leading to burnout and reduced quality of service.

By understanding these common pitfalls, consultants can take steps to avoid them and ensure successful project outcomes.

BOD (Board of Directors) vs. Sounding Board: What's the Difference? A Board of Directors (BOD) is a formal group of elected or appointed individuals who oversee the management of an organization. They are responsible for making strategic decisions, setting policies, and ensuring the organization's overall health and success. On the other hand, a sounding board is an informal group of individuals who provide advice, guidance, and support to a person or organization. They offer a safe and confidential space to discuss ideas, explore options, and test assumptions without fear of judgment.

Key differences:

   Formality: BOD is a formal, structured group with legal responsibilities, while a sounding board is informal and flexible.
   Purpose: BOD focuses on governance and decision-making, whereas a sounding board focuses on advice and guidance.
   Accountability: BOD members are accountable to the organization and its stakeholders, whereas sounding board members have no formal accountability.
   Scope: BOD has a broad scope, covering all aspects of the organization, while a sounding board typically focuses on specific areas or projects.

In summary, a BOD is a formal governing body, whereas a sounding board is an informal advisory group. While both can provide valuable insights and guidance, they serve different purposes and have different levels of formality and accountability.

To navigate the complex world of career guidance, I now believe that:

  • Professional guidance should come partially or wholly from industry-based mentors.
  • Vocational discovery should be seen as an ongoing process.
  • Practical experience is essential for clarifying career preferences.

Reflection Six: Practice Reveals Potential

My experience in apprenticeship development proved invaluable when I began recruiting for a startup-focused investment group in the 2010s. Startups need versatile team members. While verbal interviews could help narrow down candidates, the true determining factor was their actual work.

To hire one person, I targeted 1,000 candidates. Through a funnel effect, this number narrowed down to 100 who started training, 10 who advanced to work, and ultimately, 1 who succeeded.

However, this outcome doesn’t necessarily mean that the sole successful candidate was the best employee. Beyond fitting into the startup's culture, the biggest obstacle was simply finding candidates who were willing to complete the process.

Most adults have demanding family commitments and must prioritize earning a steady income to pay their bills. Engaging in startups, skill development, or vocational exploration often entails significant uncertainty.

It is worth mentioning that the practice-based training that we developed proved surprisingly efficient, taking only a few months compared to my first degree pursuit. However, many adults cannot afford to be out of work for even a couple of months and no longer have that option.

Reflection Seven: Emphasis on Experience

I am 60 years old and over half my life was dedicated to recruitment and training. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of working with various organizations, observing that employers typically focus on three key areas when evaluating candidates:

  • Job Performance: Can the candidate perform the job requirements?
  • Cultural Fit: Does the candidate align with the organization's culture and team dynamics?
  • Motivation: Is the candidate motivated by the compensation package offered?

When it comes to competencies, experience in the relevant field is the most critical factor. Many job descriptions highlight this, stating "Experience may be substituted for education." Practical experience often trumps formal education in many cases.

If a recruiter argues against the importance of experience, ask about their own educational background. I've yet to meet a recruiter with a degree in Recruiting or Human Resources. If you do find one, ask if their degree alone landed them a recruiter job. I doubt it.

This emphasis on experience contributes to the struggle many recent college graduates face in landing their first job. On the other hand, I know someone with a Bachelor of Arts degree who started a recruiting business, which failed, but they leveraged that experience to secure a recruiter job.

In conclusion, my journey from entry-level jobs to academic roles across multiple countries has provided me with a unique perspective on the educational system's approach to career preparation. The systemic challenges in equipping students with the necessary competencies—knowledge, skills, and abilities—are exacerbated by financial constraints.

To better prepare students for successful careers, there must be a concerted effort to balance these three competencies despite budgetary limitations. By addressing these challenges, we can create a more robust and effective educational system that truly prepares students for the demands of the workforce.

From Problems To Solutions

Gary's reflections highlight the inefficiencies of traditional education compared to practical, hands-on training, emphasizing the superior performance and motivation of students with real-world experience and the challenges of balancing such opportunities with financial stability.

To fill this gap, I got involved in various projects, both profit and non-profit, providing hands-on training and career opportunities to both young people and adults. Among the currently postponed projects, I'd like to highlight "WorldOpp", a promising endeavor aimed at empowering entrepreneurs and financing their ventures in underserved regions. Among the completed projects, we've seen greater success with young people. Nevertheless, I clearly see potential for impact among specific categories of adults as well.

Recently, we launched a new initiative, currently under the working title "Educaship," aimed at enhancing formal education through the development of real-world simulations, internships, and apprenticeships. We believe that theory and practice should be integrated simultaneously, not years later. While traditional schools might see hands-on experience as a supplement, we believe it's the key to unlocking learner dreams.

Some might ask, "Wait, you said 'revolutionizing'. What's revolutionary about replicating job situations? Isn't that just more of the same?" We believe that our another initiative, currently under the working title "WiseNxt", is game-changing. Our learners may discover their passions and talents through fun, interactive experiences that will set them up for a lifetime of purpose and happiness.

Our in-house introductory practice offers a range of roles for new students to explore. In our work sandbox, learners can analyze products, build websites, plan events, manage our cloud infrastructure, and lead projects, gaining hands-on experience across various professions to discover their vocations and strengths.

When our WiseNxt graduates are asked, "What do you want to do when you grow up?", we want them to better know what their choices are.

And, back to Educaship, when our scholars identify their target specialty, we aim to collaborate with educational institutions to secure internships or apprenticeships. This way, our graduates can enter the job market with not only formal training, but also practical work experience and a range of career opportunities.

This dream is my greatest passion and motivation. It took some time to reach this point. Initially, I started developing it with my daughter in mind, and later, I considered my son's career. They have now grown, but the journey has been worth it. I am so committed to it that I would willingly dedicate my life to making it a reality. You are welcome to benefit from our efforts as a participant, parent, supporter and/or advocate. Will you join us? Are you in?

      1. Reflection Three: Teaching Experience and the Superiority of Practical Knowledge

With over half his life dedicated to recruitment and training, and a quarter to teaching at various international colleges, Gary observed that students with practical experience consistently outperform their peers. These students can apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios, enhancing their learning and motivation. Gary’s extensive teaching experience supports his belief in the value of practice-based education, demonstrating its effectiveness across diverse educational contexts and student demographics.