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(Created page with "00:00 Gary Ihar: Okay. So normal I go. Where should I go? I need to be reminded I go to. Gypsy yeah, right. Yeah, 00:12 Natalia Shapoval: I 00:12 Kevin Mwangi: Correct. 00:...")
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Revision as of 16:38, 8 June 2024

00:00 Gary Ihar:

Okay. So normal I go. Where should I go? I need to be reminded I go to. Gypsy yeah, right. Yeah, 00:12 Natalia Shapoval:

I 00:12 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. 00:33 Gary Ihar:

I am the host. Gary login Okay. I'm the only one right now in Dunedin and I want to put the same kind of in there. the same go to the Google meet, right? 01:02 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 01:05 Gary Ihar:

and Google meets Where will I get the link? 01:15 Kevin Mwangi:

It should be on the chat. Natalia shared 01:22 Gary Ihar:

I don't know Natalia shirt with I'm going right now. 01:26 Natalia Shapoval:

Oh. 01:26 Gary Ihar:

What's that? I go to my account. 01:33 Natalia Shapoval:

GTI one minute and Ensure Okay. 01:57 Gary Ihar:

Okay, what okay. Wow. What did you do or you plugged in there too? Cool? I like it. Okay, and I start and I'm starting recording, right? 02:18 Kevin Mwangi:

right 02:19 Natalia Shapoval:

that 02:21 Gary Ihar:

Okay start recording. Started wait a second alarm. started 02:30 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. So we we had to go over. The topics that you're going to discuss I'll share show me screen. 03:00 Gary Ihar:

Now turn Natalia left meeting. Natalia left meetings, so I cannot see your screen. 03:18 Kevin Mwangi:

but 03:27 Gary Ihar:

Natalia is back. 03:30 Kevin Mwangi:

alright Are you connecting by? Google meet agency. Or what? 03:41 Gary Ihar:

I guess Natalia plugged in as a participant to. this team and that is why. And that is why I can see here. 03:55 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 03:56 Gary Ihar:

So I will probably stop this recording. 04:01 Kevin Mwangi:

In the beginning, I mean, okay. 04:01 Gary Ihar:

And restart, okay. Yeah. Natalia are you back stable right now you can continue. I plan to restart. our good Natalia 04:26 Natalia Shapoval:

Yes. 04:28 Gary Ihar:

Okay, I'm restarting the recording. With the button allow. Okay recording started. 04:40 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. Are you able to see my screen? 04:43 Gary Ihar:

Yes. 04:44 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. All right. 04:47 Natalia Shapoval:

I 04:48 Kevin Mwangi:

So we'll go over like the topics that you'll discuss in our you know checkbook meeting and and yeah. That's about it. so I'll discuss Canon X marketing to build. 05:06 Gary Ihar:

Okay, cool. 05:07 Kevin Mwangi:

with some projects there as well as we haven't made any progress on what is AI? So probably I'll skip it for now. 05:17 Gary Ihar:

Maybe maybe more to on hold because I 05:22 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 05:22 Gary Ihar:

have no news to 05:24 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. 05:25 Gary Ihar:

so gave you an emerged this week support just like on hold. 05:34 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. Also your name cyber will come to MVP. You have made some development developments there, too. 05:47 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 05:49 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. Yeah, that's all talk about. What you talk about? 06:02 Gary Ihar:

I don't know what you want me to talk about. We have let's say I posted I we 06:08 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 06:10 Gary Ihar:

posted together. like a web WordPress expert 06:16 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. 06:16 Gary Ihar:

Announcement right it 06:17 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. Yeah. 06:18 Gary Ihar:

within our marketing, right? 06:23 Kevin Mwangi:

Yes. 06:24 Gary Ihar:

And I post a Feeling by the way. I posted the link in this project for that announcement. Then I posted today I posted. virtual assistant announcement 06:40 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. But not work. 06:42 Gary Ihar:

At I did not. Work. Yes. I use only I don't have anything 06:45 Kevin Mwangi:

Great. 06:47 Gary Ihar:

else. For now as of now. 06:49 Kevin Mwangi:

yeah and else. I also posted the job. We the job description I prepared on. on corporate this corporate Staffing But I'm not sure if there any application since I'm not able to access careers at kenyanx.com. Are you able to access this? 07:17 Gary Ihar:

mmm, possibly but I right now I don't want it to interrupt the recording. 07:28 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 07:28 Gary Ihar:

I don't want to check. 07:28 Kevin Mwangi:

Oh, maybe you you'll show me during the meeting and we can access and see. What we have there. 07:35 Gary Ihar:

I yeah, we can serve set up a separate meeting. 07:40 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 07:41 Gary Ihar:

Because right now I'm recording I don't want to do anything on the laptop. 07:46 Kevin Mwangi:

That's fine. Yeah, Natalia. What are you going to share today? 07:58 Natalia Shapoval:

I can tell about What? but things 08:15 Gary Ihar:

Until you broke up. 08:16 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 08:16 Gary Ihar:

was 08:21 Natalia Shapoval:

what do you set up with wheels and they will page or 08:31 Gary Ihar:

Yeah, so kind of two big developments which Natalia alert is first. It's kind of links on Cinema cyber.com like simplified links. 08:41 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 08:44 Gary Ihar:

and URLs and And secondly we have progress on prognics. Some progress not big problems, right? But some problems study progress. 08:56 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. Yeah, that's what okay, so and I also wanted to ask what is your take on the idea where I introduce the meeting and I invite each one of us to say to say hello, and then we'll proceed from here. 09:16 Gary Ihar:

I like it for now. It's more like kind of. like in the video You know like the preparation behind the scenes. so it's kind of 09:26 Kevin Mwangi:

yeah. 09:28 Gary Ihar:

but our official meeting will be kind of as far as I envision. Like we'll have a script. And the script transcript will be posted on the official meeting only. But for like YouTube video it's okay to have kind of everything. 09:47 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 09:48 Natalia Shapoval:

I noticed that the recording for subtitles available for three days. As this record can be and on our hit, but this issues to be resolved. 10:08 Gary Ihar:

Wow. What about what about what about transcript? Transcript is kind of Disappearing, 10:17 Natalia Shapoval:

right 10:18 Gary Ihar:

too. 10:23 Kevin Mwangi:

after 3 days 10:23 Gary Ihar:

Wow. So both video interests and transcript will disappear in three days. So we need to capture in this three days, right? 10:34 Natalia Shapoval:

alright, we can we can I see that it is that it became who can copy copy subtitles and maybe then then the can are hit. Oh this the video did you? 11:01 Gary Ihar:

Oh. 11:02 Natalia Shapoval:

and this this product take about it's about 11:06 Gary Ihar:

so 11:10 Natalia Shapoval:

one hour. 11:16 Gary Ihar:

So you broke up again. What is the one hour? 11:22 Natalia Shapoval:

an archive record 11:25 Gary Ihar:

Okay, I like record these archived in one hour or after one hour. 11:32 Natalia Shapoval:

You're right. 11:33 Gary Ihar:

Okay. Okay, so let's go. Let's let's start. 11:41 Kevin Mwangi:

alright Okay. So hello. Hello everyone. We are on our checkpoint. And today is on the 6th of June. I am here with Gary. And I'll invite you to say something say hello. 12:02 Gary Ihar:

Hello, everyone. 12:04 Kevin Mwangi:

And also we have yeah. yesterday 12:11 Natalia Shapoval:

More powerful. Oh 12:16 Kevin Mwangi:

all right, so 12:17 Gary Ihar:

I thought I decided Natalia decided that she doesn't need any introduction. 12:26 Kevin Mwangi:

Alright on the screen. These are the topics that you're going to talk about. Just to go over collaboration with experts. I will talk about CNN cyber.com to MVP, which is a 35% curriculum to build. Yeah, I don't think this has moved. Yeah proximox. We'll talk about that can a x marketing to build? And call collaboration to MVP. So like the first topic I'd like to begin with is. CNN cyber come to MVP. And we had some good developments where Natalia shed. Links prepared links that lead to our our main page. So when I type here social Synonyms, I was social social. Should lead to to the main page. 13:30 Gary Ihar:

Why you are typing social that 13:31 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah, I think you're Natalia for 13:32 Gary Ihar:

sentence ever shouldn't be just like synonym cyber.com. 13:35 Kevin Mwangi:

or yeah, or same cyber.com. 13:41 Gary Ihar:

Because we're kind of we decided to retire social. No longer social just send us 13:46 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 13:48 Gary Ihar:

over.com. 13:48 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. Correct. And here we are. 13:53 Gary Ihar:

cool 13:55 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah, so we have some. 13:56 Gary Ihar:

It is something. 13:58 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah, yeah. 13:59 Natalia Shapoval:

I 14:00 Kevin Mwangi:

So also on the spaces, we have some developments on the welcome space. We're two pages that we've been talking about recently. Are ready. This is the welcome. to welcome page and also like the careers Beach. Yeah. So, I believe like we are ready to start marketing this. 14:33 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 14:33 Kevin Mwangi:

Marketing synonyms. Yeah. 14:38 Gary Ihar:

So let's let's make kind of a plan what when I want to start and put in an announcement. 14:48 Kevin Mwangi:

Next week next week. 14:51 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 14:52 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. Because the only thing that's left 14:55 Gary Ihar:

So how great how how practically we 14:55 Kevin Mwangi:

right now. 14:58 Gary Ihar:

like we will talk to you on Wednesday and finally decide or we will be meeting or you will do it without me. 15:10 Kevin Mwangi:

No, we need to talk sooner and and decide and then begin if we can talk on Monday. It will be great. 15:21 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 15:22 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. Okay, so I believe we can put this. Because I'm about 50 or 60. 15:34 Gary Ihar:

I don't know 50 here. By the way, I posted the link in the comment. Could you click on this link? 15:43 Kevin Mwangi:

Mm-hmm. Yeah. 15:44 Gary Ihar:

instead of instead of asking you to go to wiki I posted links. 15:54 Kevin Mwangi:

Thank you. 15:54 Gary Ihar:

so yes, so basically we discussed that we have like One page will be invite page, right? 16:04 Kevin Mwangi:

alright 16:05 Gary Ihar:

the scroll down scroll down scroll down 16:10 Kevin Mwangi:

content, okay. 16:10 Gary Ihar:

scroll down content here one is kind of invite page which by the way is here by a mistake. It shouldn't be it shouldn't be long to To send them cyber. Welcome space, right? It should be separate. 16:27 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 16:28 Gary Ihar:

So invite, it's like welcome. 16:29 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. 16:30 Gary Ihar:

Please go to register go and register, right? 16:34 Kevin Mwangi:

yeah. 16:36 Gary Ihar:

And two pages you already set up, right? 16:39 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. 16:39 Gary Ihar:

I put a perspectively like a link which is preferred. So for instance for welcome page, it will be synonym server that comes 16:47 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 16:50 Gary Ihar:

less as for space slash. 16:51 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 16:52 Gary Ihar:

Welcome or welcome space slash welcome again. 16:54 Natalia Shapoval:

I 16:55 Gary Ihar:

So like two different welcomes. 16:58 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 16:58 Gary Ihar:

It is my proper. It is my proper. It's my kind of proposal. So people will go like will hear our advertisement about Sin and cyber. They will get to send him cyber. See this invite page. 17:12 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 17:13 Gary Ihar:

Which will invite them to register? 17:17 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 17:17 Gary Ihar:

And then they will go to register and after registration. They will get back to welcome page of Welcome space, right? If I check right now, will it be this way or no? 17:36 Kevin Mwangi:

once you register here when you get back you need to search for the welcome space. And when you get to the welcome. 17:45 Gary Ihar:

You don't need to serve you don't need to search for open space like 17:48 Kevin Mwangi:

after registration 17:49 Gary Ihar:

immediately after immediately after registration. People need to be sent to this. Welcome page. Welcome page. Welcome space. 18:01 Kevin Mwangi:

welcome space so that is from from 18:03 Gary Ihar:

Yeah, kind of. 18:06 Kevin Mwangi:

Outlet 18:06 Gary Ihar:

Say it again. 18:07 Kevin Mwangi:

from hopeless 18:08 Gary Ihar:

From here directed directly to this kind of page. So we have three pages one page is 18:12 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 18:15 Gary Ihar:

outside somewhere kind of careers. We have a copy career just like for the record here so I can somewhere outside. We post on the announcement like exciting opportunity. Do you want to start practicing the consider like a job chances go to cinema. A person type synonym cyber.com they go to invite page. From invite page they click register. 18:44 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 18:44 Gary Ihar:

Register without as soon as they click like register. They need to be sent to welcome page of Welcome space. 18:54 Kevin Mwangi:

But that is like after the register with the click sign in. 18:58 Gary Ihar:

immediately 18:59 Kevin Mwangi:

To lead them to alright. 19:00 Gary Ihar:

Correct. Sign up and not sending sign up. Sign up and immediately they need to 19:06 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 19:07 Gary Ihar:

get there. 19:09 Kevin Mwangi:

Nataliah I able to assist us in this. 19:14 Natalia Shapoval:

Of course. 19:16 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. Okay. All right. 19:23 Gary Ihar:

Okay, we when we when we have this like a preview we forgot about curriculum deals, right? 19:30 Kevin Mwangi:

Yes. 19:31 Gary Ihar:

We're done with this right or no. 19:33 Kevin Mwangi:

Area then it is should be 50% 19:38 Gary Ihar:

55 I don't know not six. Not 55. 19:42 Kevin Mwangi:

It's will be above half. 19:46 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 19:48 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. All right, so Okay, but I need that. 19:52 Gary Ihar:

about about Korea about curriculum to 19:53 Kevin Mwangi:

I'm 19:55 Gary Ihar:

build. Basically. This is in our case. This is our transcript. It's what Natalia just talked about. So we need to build a good system of creating transcripts move this transcript to the Wikia and using this transcripts in our as our Darkness. Basically, this is how curriculum And what Natalia just said that like their transcripts? from this dld credits code it disappears in 20:31 Kevin Mwangi:

And yeah. 20:31 Gary Ihar:

three days in this three days. We need to capture them, right? 20:36 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 20:36 Gary Ihar:

the problem is how And if yield DV doesn't allow it, so we need to look for another another solution. Natalia what? What ideas did you have? Could you repeat or share? How we can pick kind of how we can 20:56 Natalia Shapoval:

ah I can. 20:58 Gary Ihar:

capture capture? 21:03 Natalia Shapoval:

oh, I I look look for some application and and we should try them. maybe maybe I should now right now. I should I share my screen this this is the application and 21:30 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 21:31 Natalia Shapoval:

You can. 21:31 Kevin Mwangi:

Well, I'll stop sharing so that you 21:32 Natalia Shapoval:

Look at them. Okay, can you see? No. 21:41 Kevin Mwangi:

know 21:42 Gary Ihar:

No. 21:42 Natalia Shapoval:

one 21:43 Kevin Mwangi:

you need to share on on me Google meet. 21:47 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. Okay. we have some some recordings for example of credence this and this 21:59 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

if I 22:00 Natalia Shapoval:

record is unable and the system requirements recommend for over version. for us and but But I think we can on another if 22:17 Gary Ihar:

so 22:20 Natalia Shapoval:

this record. 22:25 Gary Ihar:

yeah, American say no turkey American say archive. 22:32 Natalia Shapoval:

something 22:34 Gary Ihar:

Archive, yeah. Because he and I sometimes it's 22:37 Kevin Mwangi:

I 22:39 Gary Ihar:

confusing in English. I sometimes I sometimes eat. So American say Erica, maybe British will say our chief. I don't know. Kevin probably knows better. 22:54 Natalia Shapoval:

And right now I did I don't see I don't I don't see another guy. 23:03 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 23:04 Natalia Shapoval:

but and I think we should we should find enough solution. 23:14 Gary Ihar:

But we can it's okay. How much how much does it cost if it's like a pro version? How much will 23:22 Natalia Shapoval:

ah 18 18 because 23:27 Gary Ihar:

That's kind of let's buy for now like to have something. Let's buy this kind of pro version right and then we will then we will look for another solution. because we need to have something but 23:42 Natalia Shapoval:

okay. 23:44 Gary Ihar:

if this like 18 dollars will give us transcripts or no. 23:50 Natalia Shapoval:

Oh, yes. Yes. 23:52 Gary Ihar:

Yes, I sure. 23:54 Natalia Shapoval:

No. I think he is. but but 24:02 Gary Ihar:

Did you do they give some trial? 24:08 Natalia Shapoval:

I I use free forever. Or but this is but but system 24:13 Gary Ihar:

hmm 24:16 Natalia Shapoval:

recommends all over version. 24:18 Gary Ihar:

Of course, then they need money. But we were they need money and we 24:22 Natalia Shapoval:

Of course. 24:24 Gary Ihar:

need transcripts if they give us transcripts. In kind of against our money. I feel like it's a good deal and we will look for another solution. 24:39 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. 24:41 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 24:43 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. 24:47 Gary Ihar:

so we kind of we we decided what we did we decide we decided that we'll kind of if we need like pro version we can buy Proverbs, but we need to have transcripts whatever it takes. We need transcripts. 25:09 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 25:10 Gary Ihar:

Because transcripts is kind of the best the best source for our curriculum. 25:18 Kevin Mwangi:

What if we use the method we use to 25:20 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. 25:21 Kevin Mwangi:

to use before like 25:21 Natalia Shapoval:

okay, and I 25:24 Gary Ihar:

Which one? 25:26 Kevin Mwangi:

on social we will have the meetings 25:26 Gary Ihar:

the beginning 25:30 Kevin Mwangi:

posted there and we can also have this text. I guess those meetings. 25:37 Gary Ihar:

you see the text with the meters what 25:38 Kevin Mwangi:

on social 25:40 Gary Ihar:

the problem with the text of the 25:41 Kevin Mwangi:

you're transcripts. 25:41 Gary Ihar:

meeting they kind of they take so much time to to developed. 25:47 Kevin Mwangi:

Mm-hmm. 25:49 Gary Ihar:

Like what is good with this deal DV? 25:49 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 25:53 Gary Ihar:

Kill deviant because it creates kind of a chat like because it takes kind of who's microphone. He's speaking. 26:01 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 26:03 Gary Ihar:

It will say Gary is the Kevin said this it's much kind of clear. And if you mean like we hired a person who had several times, right, even you you created transcripts like four years ago. if we hire someone will get the same 26:19 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. 26:22 Gary Ihar:

result, but kind of with their more money, right? 26:26 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. so in this solution 26:32 Gary Ihar:

In every meeting in every in every meeting there is some good portion which were discussing. Let's say Mustafa of kind of 26:39 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 26:42 Gary Ihar:

Like put like a new firewall on our Standalone proxmox, which is great, but we didn't capture it right now. 26:51 Kevin Mwangi:

mmm 26:52 Gary Ihar:

It's in my in my mind, but it is not interested. It's not on the weekend. 27:01 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 27:03 Gary Ihar:

If we can capture our conversations with the experts and move to the wiki. This will be kind of the best curriculum development kind of activity. 27:20 Kevin Mwangi:

All right, so we decided to the with what Natalia is doing at the moment. 27:22 Gary Ihar:

Right. Let's go. Yeah, we kind of Natalia will assess if she just said that we need to buy if we buy we will get transcript because right now we don't have transcripts. Yeah, put change instead of 10% change to 20% 27:44 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. All right. Okay, so here from previous meetings this this project hasn't moved that much. They have a development that we had this week was conversation with another marketing company that did say that they're not working. They know they they don't know they do not work with Tesco students who are on each for this program. So we'll still continue. working on this and also finding more partners. 28:29 Natalia Shapoval:

if I 28:31 Kevin Mwangi:

to join this problem 28:34 Gary Ihar:

Here so basically what we discussed with you, so we need basically two partners one partner to Target specifically school students, right? It's like in the school students we 28:43 Kevin Mwangi:

current 28:45 Gary Ihar:

We will post our normal announcement where current trainees if you won't go to Sanam cyber.com, right? and another Is what we use in parallel with upwork we will look for experts. And on the experts we will click. Can you can you see the link there? Can you click this clean link? 29:13 Kevin Mwangi:

yeah. 29:16 Gary Ihar:

So we will be posting announcement like that. We need like we are looking for expert slash mentor. Can you increase a little bit screen? Yes, so we're looking for. in this case WordPress Express a mentor for 4K X Project, right So and we will basically we will. Iterate about kennyx project that oh, it will be kind of for. Like something related to these so in the best case scenario, it is our use use case right someone. 30:11 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 30:12 Gary Ihar:

is looking for project manager position sign in with our normal expert hiring the vehicle of any They will get notification or we have this. kind of curriculum project manager 30:31 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 30:33 Gary Ihar:

position and the person click decided. 30:47 Natalia Shapoval:

if I 30:49 Gary Ihar:

Okay, I don't like it and then He's a herd daughter coming to him or her and saying Oh, Daddy. I I want to kind of to be a trainee, right? What do you think? So the person by the time when the 31:12 Kevin Mwangi:

yeah. 31:12 Gary Ihar:

child will get to him or her this person will already kind of aware. So this is how kind of main goal. and we need to find I don't know. Why why it takes so long. Let's say brighter Monday. They gave us kind of a better price. They started with a hundred seventy now, it's like 44. It's Okay, but Kevin I don't know why like it's in my view it's like three hour two hour 31:36 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 31:36 Gary Ihar:

research. Can you send like kind of? Them and what they will answer. And career X. Oh careers Yeah, we will kind of Google work on 31:45 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 31:46 Gary Ihar:

this mailbox. 31:59 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 32:00 Gary Ihar:

But why didn't you think before why 32:01 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. 32:02 Gary Ihar:

did you before? Okay. so it is good it is going it is going 32:03 Kevin Mwangi:

That's I think that's that's all I 32:04 Gary Ihar:

and I feel like going well, maybe 45% but 32:05 Kevin Mwangi:

had planned to share. 32:07 Gary Ihar:

that we need to expedite. 32:07 Kevin Mwangi:

Um, yeah, I'll invites someone else to proceed. 32:13 Gary Ihar:

So I posted in parallel. I posted the same WordPress announcement on upwork. I put Kevin as a recruiter Kevin. Have you seen this? Yeah, you saw this. 32:25 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah, yeah. 32:26 Gary Ihar:

So there are a couple of people who applied and we already kind of we can. start Like working with them, right? So the idea will 32:36 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 32:39 Gary Ihar:

ask them what they think about the page or what questions. And then we will go to the person see how it goes. basically, we will be offering everyone to try to to be a mentor based on what we already have and if they say oh give me a task. We'll say kind of let's figure out the test score or you have a task. I don't know whatever and and I believe we need to hire several people. 33:10 Kevin Mwangi:

It's it's my idea that they will 33:10 Gary Ihar:

and then 33:12 Kevin Mwangi:

start working on. I mean, it's like like can I ask free job work is AI? 33:17 Gary Ihar:

yeah, yeah. Yeah. 33:19 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 33:20 Gary Ihar:

So with 33:21 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. 33:22 Natalia Shapoval:

if I 33:25 Gary Ihar:

have this Arrangement and I believe like we we can have the same there. So let's say I want my time or general discussion. Like let's say once a week. And if you give them additional work, it can be either a separate project or pay them as a bonus as bonuses. 33:49 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 33:49 Gary Ihar:

But but I don't know if we find someone local it will be the best case scenario. So then I don't know it's going to 33:58 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. 33:59 Gary Ihar:

it's up to you the arrangement. 34:01 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. What if we also post this on brighter Monday? 34:07 Gary Ihar:

Or 45 dollars 44 dollars now. So much. I don't know. if we kind of if we what what is the point if we can find I you will not believe I go to off work. And I type like Elder it in only in other it. I can see maybe 10 people with WordPress experience. only in your city Why do we need like brighter Monday? for 45 dollars 34:49 Kevin Mwangi:

makes sense 34:51 Gary Ihar:

doesn't make sense. Any sense no sense. If they give us kind of a free trial. 34:59 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 34:59 Gary Ihar:

Just to try how it will work. Then maybe we'll have more data for now. I feel we will have the same experience with the corporate State and as with the Corporal staff and and I'm probably the result. Even social media will work besides 35:20 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 35:22 Gary Ihar:

social media. 35:22 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 35:23 Gary Ihar:

There are several you gave me like 20 or 25 different venues. 35:27 Kevin Mwangi:

mmm 35:28 Gary Ihar:

And we are using right now brighter Monday one elderly Leo to and that's it and Corpus Stephen three, right? So we have like way to go. 35:38 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 35:40 Gary Ihar:

I don't know why why it takes so long. 35:45 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. 35:56 Gary Ihar:

I also posted kind of another announcement for collaboration project. And we have a few people too and I put Natalia's recruiter Natalia. Did you see? 36:13 Natalia Shapoval:

Yes, of course. 36:15 Gary Ihar:

Yeah, so there are a couple of folks. I probably I'm I'm ready to hire someone in in Nairobi and I told her that you Natalia will. Sent her like a calendar. I don't have a link. If you give me a link I can send this link. So we need to start interviewing like next week. There are several people. There are several people all available I would say there are already kind of 36:43 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. 36:45 Gary Ihar:

like. Like five eight normally legitimate people and we didn't use invites too. right 36:58 Natalia Shapoval:

All right. I I don't send the link right now. 37:10 Gary Ihar:

he 37:11 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 37:15 Gary Ihar:

oh. What else nataliah Natalia can talk about proxmox? 37:24 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 37:25 Gary Ihar:

The I will kind of I will say what what is my kind of concerns my concerns that we have? Fed in who didn't show up this week. Natalia what we will do with fading. maybe just kind of postpone or 37:44 Natalia Shapoval:

spoon 37:46 Gary Ihar:

yeah, because he it looks like he dropped out. But he also have credentials right and proud smokes. 37:57 Natalia Shapoval:

alright 38:00 Gary Ihar:

You need to withdraw them right you'll do it right now. 38:05 Natalia Shapoval:

I mean, yes. Yes, I will today. 38:12 Gary Ihar:

Okay, and and then we Sergey we didn't have any internet at all. Sergey kind of new Sergey 38:27 Natalia Shapoval:

This is really the the meeting on Saturday. miss me. 38:38 Gary Ihar:

Oh. 38:39 Natalia Shapoval:

wrong 38:39 Gary Ihar:

But he didn't charge but he didn't charge me. He didn't send any deals. 38:45 Natalia Shapoval:

And yes, and he wrote that he will charge for two weeks. 38:54 Gary Ihar:

Okay, but we can basically we can send us a bonus or kind of I don't know. And we have kind of good meeting with more stuff for today. At least. I'm happy that at least like we talk to someone and Mustafa gave kind of a good suggestion suggestion to use like a firewall on our Standalone trucks. Anything else Natalia? 39:24 Natalia Shapoval:

know the some something very they continue to navigate through PF sense instead of a certificate for CNM cyber.com and the 39:42 Gary Ihar:

hmm 39:44 Natalia Shapoval:

still woken this Sergey he also has experienced this Urdu. So I think it would be beneficial for us to collaborate with him. 40:01 Gary Ihar:

yeah, we definitely need to do. Who do this kind of it's a great thing. 40:10 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 40:13 Gary Ihar:

They by the way did the deal DVD doesn't know all the same is 40:19 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. 40:19 Gary Ihar:

initially it's spelled like Urdu. then it's just like so I thought it just like missed it. 40:25 Natalia Shapoval:

Oh, yes. 40:29 Gary Ihar:

Okay, cool. 40:30 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. 40:32 Gary Ihar:

So we practice there are some progress. So let's put 30% right? Or how much Natalia? 40:39 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah, okay. 40:39 Natalia Shapoval:

but 40:41 Gary Ihar:

this project manager? 40:46 Natalia Shapoval:

your father's okay. 40:49 Gary Ihar:

45. Okay, that's good. 40:52 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah, there's also like another issue. I'd like to raise. Social is not at some point social is not available. How can we sort this out? 41:07 Gary Ihar:

Less time it was Natalia said it was 41:07 Natalia Shapoval:

Yes, the 41:08 Gary Ihar:

not available because kind of sheets. She cleaned this like a URLs, right? Or what? 41:17 Natalia Shapoval:

And no no he have some problems this hour so storage. It doesn't doesn't hurt enough space. because of 41:32 Gary Ihar:

mmm 41:34 Natalia Shapoval:

social was unable. 41:39 Gary Ihar:

so but this issue will go as soon as we have more people. We will have less and less space. And is we have less and less space? He we need to move social to our Standalone products right Natalia. 42:04 Natalia Shapoval:

Maybe Maybe 42:06 Gary Ihar:

Doesn't make sense. But we have no idea other option. 42:09 Natalia Shapoval:

yes. 42:12 Gary Ihar:

Because right now like it's no space when students didn't arrive imagine when the students will arrive. 42:22 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 42:22 Natalia Shapoval:

I I think we can they can move on another another DMS to our cluster approx. 42:35 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 42:36 Natalia Shapoval:

which we don't use 42:39 Gary Ihar:

Okay. Let me know. I will move soon. 42:44 Natalia Shapoval:

And and some some of them some of them I I made the cups and remove. 42:52 Gary Ihar:

But in Natalia, we will need to move it's good kind of I didn't realize this idea just I just I just realized it. Okay, what if we would like until we resolve this object storage issue, right? Let's say we have video. We want to upload like on social you see files in the files. I wanted to upload like video. Will upload to videos in our 1.5. Gig space is gone, right 1.2 1.2. right 43:32 Natalia Shapoval:

The also we can afford our video in our ftps storage and this storage have web interface and you can you use it. 43:49 Gary Ihar:

Okay. Okay, it's good kind of good Kevin raise the sea share forgot about it, but but it needs to be resolved. I don't know. Because we will what will what will 44:02 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 44:04 Gary Ihar:

happen what will happen if we invite students students will come and then it's some period of time. Whenever the that count will crash again. Can it happen? Because of the store because of the storage it cannot crash because of their software right software is really stable. 44:28 Kevin Mwangi:

mmm 44:28 Gary Ihar:

It cannot if we resolve the issue with P of sense and cannot crash because of their web server, but it can crash kind of storage sounds like the the weakest point. 44:42 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 44:45 Natalia Shapoval:

He shouldn't monitor this. this problems storage and other 44:54 Gary Ihar:

Sure, who is who is working on the on our monitoring problem? 45:00 Natalia Shapoval:

three one 45:01 Gary Ihar:

Sergey one Yes. Thank you. So why we so here we go. Let's go for it. Let's go for it. 45:11 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. 45:13 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. 45:16 Gary Ihar:

All right, guys. anything else 45:26 Kevin Mwangi:

No. 45:29 Gary Ihar:

So I'm I'm starting I'm starting recording, right? 45:34 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 45:42 Gary Ihar:

confirmed stop 45:56 Natalia Shapoval:

And I and I stopped. stop and say