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Latest revision as of 21:42, 11 June 2024

00:00 Mostafa Salah:

Gen X. I think engine X machine for some other connection. 00:00 Gary Ihar:

Yeah, you mentioned it yeah you you mentioned it we didn't capture less time because the last time Natalia sent me a script but I couldn't capture one of the talk so let's say 00:11 Mostafa Salah:

some connections and we are using a machine. 00:13 Gary Ihar:

Natalia see like you added this like notetaker, right? It is working right now. 00:18 Natalia Shapoval:

Yes, we can start if you can start. 00:22 Gary Ihar:

Yeah, so go back to the discussion about like several web servers like because some of them goes through the PF sense. Some of them goes directly to to engine X. Maybe some of them go to our patch. Maybe we don't know. We used to we used to use the patch to so is this like a streamlined? Like what what prevents us from moving everything like to the PF sense. Do you have a do you have right now the Enough like competency or expertise to do this. Or you need or you need to Mostafa or what is what is going on? 01:18 Natalia Shapoval:

ah, we want to do this most Mostafa a 01:19 Gary Ihar:

hmm 01:22 Natalia Shapoval:

mustapha might make SSA with Standalone website. Where all of our site in in this class in this prop smokes class, there are also was the first sense? Not not not through engines. 01:50 Gary Ihar:

Yeah. Okay, so as far as understand we have like two different instances right problems one on cluster it like pragmox and it has pure sense. And another goes to unclusted which use engine X. It's what we are saying. 02:18 Natalia Shapoval:

and in instance wolves in brooksmax that have two 02:28 Gary Ihar:

customers 02:28 Natalia Shapoval:

three nodes in proxmox class. There are all of our sides use persons. 02:39 Gary Ihar:

Yes, so what I'm saying, so we use pfn from class straight, right? We're kind of the three like notes together and for unclusted we use for now just nginx because we cannot put like behind PF sense. We have senses available only on the cluster right? It's what you're saying. 03:00 Natalia Shapoval:

Yes, right, right. 03:03 Gary Ihar:

So as soon as we start moving this like like cluster in this VMS one on cluster it like a prox and we will be put in Asia proxy on the clustered products. So this kind of this problem will be resolved. Right only if you will have kind of direct engine X. Correct. 03:29 Mostafa Salah:

But I have a question here. But yeah, what what regarding the 03:33 Gary Ihar:

e 03:35 Mostafa Salah:

uncluster and clustered box. What's the proven preventing us to use the beer since I think it's okay and 03:47 Gary Ihar:

um Good question, Natalia. What do you think? I will I will probably I'm honestly I will use kind of another wall because of our like learn nature like if we want to give to give our students a variety of like experiences so they will kind of you know practice with your sense and they will practice with something else. Maybe it makes sense kind of to put like another firewall and you mentioned that you are good with firewalls, right? 04:28 Mostafa Salah:

Yeah, I'm just asking I I just asking to know the reasons. Oh, so as long as that technically there is nothing preventing us 04:36 Gary Ihar:

No, no, no. 04:38 Mostafa Salah:

towards it. But as long as there is a use case 04:39 Gary Ihar:

coconut 04:40 Mostafa Salah:

for that. It's totally I'm totally agree. 04:44 Gary Ihar:

Yeah, it's it's not know any specific reason just like historically because we had initially. 04:53 Natalia Shapoval:

Museum 04:54 Gary Ihar:

Kind of yeah, we had like a contractor. Whose name was Muhammad? 05:01 Mostafa Salah:

Mm-hmm. 05:01 Gary Ihar:

To do this like cluster? 05:04 Mostafa Salah:

Uh-huh. 05:05 Gary Ihar:

And probably we didn't discuss about this like standalone. like server But yet make it makes kind of some sense. But my right now my kind of my push my goal. We will need to do it the problem like pure sense or something else. It's a good question. But yes, we will need to do it at the same time the major applications. We will set up this this clusters of 3 VMS on Standalone prankmix and but let's say asaproxine on cluster. because Natalia is present in something cool. because our Kind of this like cluster. This has kind of a high availability High availability capacity. So it makes sense to put it there is a proxies kind of is the most secure. so let's say like one or two games will fall on our stand alone practice. So kind of cluster. This is just more stable. But this is a good question. We'll probably need to put it kind of as a note right. So we need to put some firewall on Standalone server to agreeing 06:35 Natalia Shapoval:

But proxmox has all no viral firewall. 06:42 Gary Ihar:

Oh, yeah. 06:44 Mostafa Salah:

yeah, but every operating system has its own firewall, but actually it's not working like like native firewood the features and the blocking and the the traffic management capabilities. Will not give you the same features and sincability just like normal firewall our native. 07:12 Natalia Shapoval:

mmm Okay. 07:20 Gary Ihar:

Yeah. 07:21 Natalia Shapoval:

And maybe we can we can try and now another firework or no not persons. How do you recommend? 07:36 Mostafa Salah:

Okay, I think we did a lot of firewalls in the world. for 07:43 Gary Ihar:

Yeah, I I open I opened right now. Sorry for Interruption open right now 07:48 Mostafa Salah:

yeah. 07:49 Gary Ihar:

like in meta AI I asked like what the open source source alternatives to give sense it gave me like opinion 07:55 Natalia Shapoval:

For 07:58 Gary Ihar:

opinions open their key. 07:58 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. Thanks. 08:02 Gary Ihar:

Yeah, okay OPM sense. Yes. 08:03 Natalia Shapoval:

Do you? 08:08 Gary Ihar:

clear OS IP fire untangle NG firewall so we can pick like something from this, right? But I I interrupted. 08:22 Mostafa Salah:

Yeah, I think there is. 08:24 Gary Ihar:

hmm 08:25 Mostafa Salah:

There is the open sense. It's just almost. Same like Pearsons. I think it's they are built on the same engine. 08:35 Gary Ihar:

Yeah. they say this is they say this is the 08:36 Mostafa Salah:

Yeah. 08:39 Gary Ihar:

fork of sense. Yes. 08:41 Mostafa Salah:

Yeah, well. 08:42 Gary Ihar:

And they kind of and the name they use this sense kind of in their name. Which suggests this is the fork. Yes. 08:49 Mostafa Salah:

Yeah, yeah. That's correct. 08:59 Gary Ihar:

What do you like more? 09:00 Mostafa Salah:

Also think yeah, I think for for an Open Source Products. I think it's it is a lot of money 48. It is following to the this is the most common fireworks in 148 or 48. Follow to there is a Chinese product called so first there's a lot and all of them supporting supporters for firewall so we can debate but I think it will require license. 09:39 Gary Ihar:

I've I will probably go with open source just like to be consistent and not to depend on any licenses or payments or whatever unless kind of unless there is a reason to use like a private my perception is I don't I would say. I am not like against using proprietary software at all. But I feel like if we use it, it's better. to put them kind of on board. So for instance. when we have our program, we'll reach out to the company and say we want to use like we need the instance to launch a train on your software. Can you give her like instance maybe support some like kind of desk helps support if you're interested in us promoting your product. So I would say by default. I will probably go with open source. 10:45 Mostafa Salah:

Okay, I think so far 10:45 Natalia Shapoval:

I 10:46 Gary Ihar:

preferably 10:47 Mostafa Salah:

with was open since 10:49 Gary Ihar:

Yeah. 10:51 Natalia Shapoval:

yeah, yeah because but I I persons because some glued bleaches. I've heard that open sense works better. 11:01 Gary Ihar:

Oh, yeah. Wow. 11:06 Natalia Shapoval:

What do you think most of about it? 11:07 Mostafa Salah:

I'm not sure. I'm not sure about that. But I think in for my point of view places as much famous and let's say it's more usable on. And offensive I never any I didn't try over just that much so I cannot judge about it. 11:30 Natalia Shapoval:

now 11:30 Gary Ihar:

Okay, so what is what is beside this so we will kind of this is not an urgent project. It's kind of it's a really good suggestion. What else what we kind of what big projects we can work with Mostafa right now. Because I remember he he said like he's an expert. especially he liked the idea of using ansible and and the rest for for our VM automation if we need it. But we still have problems with the PF sense or what Natalia. What what do you feel how we can use Mostafa in the best way? 12:19 Natalia Shapoval:

mmm, Mostafa mentioned about about sex storage for files and you can try. 12:28 Gary Ihar:

Yeah. By the way, Mostafa just checked on trans google.com. And it shows me that. like this hope OPM sense it is not like that. Like of course pure senses like number one. But I would say maybe 1/3 of Senses this opium sense. and if I go to Let's say five years. Since five years I can kind of I can. I don't know how to send kind of there but I would say. OPM sense sketching up So like pure sense is going a little bit down. over the five years and OPM sense is kind of is going up. so opinion same system of growing in the world 13:41 Mostafa Salah:

I I start with this this point and I started see. A lot of tutorials about open Samsung YouTube. I think it's the you are correct and start growing. 13:56 Gary Ihar:

yeah, and especially as I see 13:56 Natalia Shapoval:

mmm 14:00 Gary Ihar:

especially Is growing interest in Germany, Austria, Japan? Switzerland Luxembourg. Wow China 14:17 Mostafa Salah:

Of course. 14:20 Gary Ihar:

that's that's interesting. Yeah, and the rest of the world will pretty much give sense. Advantage for us to use like two different firewalls into different instances and if they are similar, it's okay. They are similar to use the same engine, but then of the same right so it looks 14:56 Mostafa Salah:

I think there are consumers but I 14:56 Gary Ihar:

like 14:58 Mostafa Salah:

think maybe the difference in the GI. the user interface only I need to dig more about it, but I'm 15:05 Gary Ihar:

Oh, I see. 15:06 Mostafa Salah:

not sure any I'm not sure about. What I'm saying, but I think it will be something like that. 15:15 Gary Ihar:

Okay back Natalia back to my question about how we what kind of a big project we can work with Mostafa next. with their sense have your result all the issues or still work and or do you need more stuff or we can put this like VM automation or or what? 15:39 Natalia Shapoval:

The as a mentioned before the we can we can we can make make SSL service Standalone Etc. If you want Mostafa. 15:54 Mostafa Salah:

Yeah, of course. 16:01 Gary Ihar:

I want to kind of I will I will say 16:01 Mostafa Salah:

You can. 16:04 Gary Ihar:

yes. Also, I will say what kind of what I Envision what we'll do we will take kind of some peace and we will do what we wanted to do with the event. So it will be like something like let's say You have sense certificate as a cell certificate through PF sense with m dot, right? We must Mostafa and we will put kind of. iharm invitation on Meetup 16:37 Natalia Shapoval:

Oh. 16:39 Gary Ihar:

Yeah. 16:40 Natalia Shapoval:

Of course. It's a good idea. 16:43 Mostafa Salah:

Yeah moving totally. 16:43 Natalia Shapoval:

We can you do it. 16:44 Gary Ihar:

hmm Yeah, and we will take kind of like small pieces not like not General like small pieces. We in the best case scenery. There is all something we did this event. We resolved something we did the event. We resolve something we organize the event. So it's kind of in this way. It will be kind of some clear pattern that we work with this we ended this project. We work this we ended this project, right? And in the same way, we will be kind of creating documentation. 17:20 Mostafa Salah:

No, totally agree. 17:25 Gary Ihar:

I like this idea. Okay. Okay. I have I have no no no question so issues so Mostafa, you will share like basically again about the kind of the money money kind of talks. You kind of put like a manually for this hour whatever we talk charge for an hour, right? It's you're right. 17:48 Mostafa Salah:

Okay. 17:48 Gary Ihar:

It's not your phone that you waited for. Hopefully the next next week. We will be organ. We will be organizing more kind of we will be more organized. Let's say in this way and and 18:00 Mostafa Salah:

Yeah. 18:01 Gary Ihar:

whatever you do with Natalia like extra. Civil report me or you will tell me and I will send this money as a bonus. It's it's my perception as we kind of we discuss if we have more. 18:14 Mostafa Salah:

Yeah. 18:16 Gary Ihar:

Kind of more traction more work. We can kind of increase their kind of like the limits on the project. 18:25 Mostafa Salah:

Yeah. 18:28 Gary Ihar:

Of course so nataliah. I will probably go until unless you want to stay with Mustafa. And and my last question is how you sound. How's the how's it going? You sound tired? You sound like really? 18:44 Mostafa Salah:

Okay. Yeah, I've been traveling right now. That's why. 18:53 Natalia Shapoval:

Oh. 18:54 Gary Ihar:

Okay. Okay, I will no longer told you. 18:55 Mostafa Salah:

last week 18:58 Gary Ihar:

I will no longer told you. Okay. Thank you guys. 18:58 Mostafa Salah:

no. 18:59 Gary Ihar:

Thank Like next time just send me link in in apron because I kind of it's mostly and I went to the calendar in the calendar. It was still interviewing. I tried to go there then I try to go 19:13 Mostafa Salah:

Yeah. 19:14 Gary Ihar:

to yeah and Okay. Thank you Mustafa. I was happy to hear to see you how to say goodbye. By the way in Arabic. 19:26 Mostafa Salah:

Salah 19:29 Natalia Shapoval:

Salah 19:29 Gary Ihar:

ah 19:31 Natalia Shapoval:

Salah 19:32 Gary Ihar:

Salam salaam 19:33 Mostafa Salah:

yeah. 19:34 Natalia Shapoval:

No. 19:36 Gary Ihar:

Bye. 19:37 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay, sit down.