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Latest revision as of 21:45, 11 June 2024

00:01 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 00:02 Kevin Mwangi:

alright, so hello everyone. 00:03 Gary Ihar:

Let's start. 00:04 Kevin Mwangi:

So hello everyone. We are on our local but today on Thursday. 5th 30th of me we are I'm here with Gary and Natalia. And you're going to talk about deploying topics that visible on my screen. Let me start with. Alright tool set with the CNM cyber.com to MVP this I think it's the same project that we've been working on for. Maybe last few months. And we have good progress. We've had some discussions with Gary this past week. Here is very romance. We decided to create like a landing page where? From the marketing that will do like on social media and other advertisements. All participants will land on this on this page the custom page that we created. decided to name it home so that it can it can have that feeling like oh, well, I mean page so from here people will register. And their directed to join the welcome space. after registration Yeah. The next step after learning in the homepage their register we land on this page. And also we also discussed that we need to have the careers state where we will post. The board what you're offering. and try to open this 01:53 Gary Ihar:

But I still see Ken I still see this about you didn't change this page, right? 02:00 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah, this is a default. It's a default setting that I that can be changed. So you want them to land on the where where exactly? 02:08 Gary Ihar:

It can be it can be it can be changed. You can't be changed. 02:13 Kevin Mwangi:

It's kind it can be changed it can. 02:16 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 02:18 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 02:19 Gary Ihar:

can't can't 02:24 Kevin Mwangi:

that's like can be changed. Yes. so from when you land on the welcome page where would Where do you envision them to to learn fast? Like in the welcome, welcome space. It's a question to you Gary. 03:00 Gary Ihar:

is it question? 03:02 Kevin Mwangi:

Yes. 03:04 Gary Ihar:

So again, I kind of I propose you and I see it's pretty clear. If you if you go to our the Wiki page which you opened which was called like welcome space, right? Can you open this like tab for 03:16 Kevin Mwangi:

Yes. 03:17 Gary Ihar:

weekend? Yes, welcome space go 03:18 Natalia Shapoval:

I 03:19 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 03:20 Gary Ihar:

So basically we need to have like Two pages to Major Pages, preferably 03:25 Kevin Mwangi:

all right. 03:27 Gary Ihar:

Preferably three right one. 03:29 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 03:30 Gary Ihar:

I call career stage. Generally. It will repeat their announcement which you will give in 30 part a third parties, right? It is kind of where current trainees 03:40 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. 03:42 Gary Ihar:

go to Sanam cyber.com right when 03:43 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 03:45 Gary Ihar:

people type in the browser CNM 03:46 Kevin Mwangi:

Yes. 03:50 Gary Ihar:

CNM cyber.com, they need to get to the page a global page before registration, which is the second one. So it will be welcome to the settings 04:00 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 04:01 Gary Ihar:

cyber. This is the place where you will be welcomed. 04:05 Kevin Mwangi:

And yeah. 04:05 Gary Ihar:

Like if you are ready to register. Go to registration if you are not ready to register. Kind of go to our YouTube channel to ask questions or research other other what and research other side, right? So 04:26 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 04:27 Gary Ihar:

this page is a global page should be open for unregistered when they types 04:33 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. 04:33 Gary Ihar:

and M cyber.com. 04:35 Kevin Mwangi:

Mm-hmm. 04:36 Gary Ihar:

Those who went to register immediately after registration. They need to be directed to the welcome page and welcome page where were glad that you have done it in third page. Welcome to synonym cyber.com like to be on the same page. We want you to take two courses right one is a World Cup orientation. 05:00 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay, so 05:02 Gary Ihar:

Another is employable you Concepts when people so this this two pages 05:08 Kevin Mwangi:

mmm 05:10 Gary Ihar:

careers and welcome should be on the menu of this. Welcome space. What was the question? 05:17 Kevin Mwangi:

Yes, I had a question like so and you answered it partly. So like the next page after the register should be in the welcome space. 05:28 Gary Ihar:

Welcome. Well, well, welcome. 05:29 Kevin Mwangi:

Welcome. 05:31 Gary Ihar:

Welcome page of Welcome space. Yes. Welcome page. Welcome to welcome. 05:35 Kevin Mwangi:

welcome space 05:37 Gary Ihar:

Welcome tab in welcome in welcome space, correct. 05:42 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay, so here looks to careers. 05:44 Gary Ihar:

It is. 05:47 Kevin Mwangi:

She'll be welcome. Welcome space. 05:50 Natalia Shapoval:

I 05:51 Gary Ihar:

You put the careers here and it will be like should be welcome separate. 05:54 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah, this is a custom page. 05:55 Gary Ihar:

Yes separate time. Yeah, kind of just custom page. Correct. 05:59 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 06:00 Gary Ihar:

All of those three pages should be custom Pages. Yes. 06:02 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay also can create it right now. 06:11 Gary Ihar:

And next time when people go when people already register when the second time they go they they don't not necessarily should see kind of this page by default. 06:22 Kevin Mwangi:

so 06:22 Gary Ihar:

They most likely they will see the screen the screen I guess stream 06:25 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 06:26 Gary Ihar:

probably will be kind of the best 06:26 Kevin Mwangi:

so 06:29 Gary Ihar:

option. 06:31 Kevin Mwangi:

You know. Like, oh wait screen after after they register they should land on the welcome. Welcome page in welcome space. 06:39 Gary Ihar:

Correct. Welcome page of Welcome space, 06:41 Kevin Mwangi:

or it 06:42 Gary Ihar:

correct, but when they got back we 06:43 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay, yeah. 06:45 Gary Ihar:

don't need to show them welcome page again. They can go by default in this welcome space. It can be a stream. 06:54 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. All right, I'll do that. When you have the contents. 07:01 Gary Ihar:

so again right now we're discuss and kind of these that prayerfully by July 1st because it's kind of 07:09 Natalia Shapoval:

I 07:10 Kevin Mwangi:

Yes. 07:11 Gary Ihar:

only we're all expanded kind of this. We need to start getting new customers there. So like customers So like customers Will be directed. It's an m cyber.com. 07:23 Kevin Mwangi:

yeah. 07:24 Gary Ihar:

They read what kind of would we want them to do and they join the welcome space and I will take them from 07:32 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 07:33 Gary Ihar:

for now and I will use those who will 07:35 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 07:37 Gary Ihar:

come. to do curriculum But you're kind of your goal right now is to create kind of this like at least two pages two default Pages. Welcome page. 07:49 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. 07:51 Gary Ihar:

in the welcome space and Global page, 07:51 Kevin Mwangi:

Mm-hmm. 07:53 Gary Ihar:

which will be available when people types in and cyber.com in the browser. 07:59 Kevin Mwangi:

Yes. so I've been yes, I believe this 08:00 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 08:03 Kevin Mwangi:

should be about 35% and also like another challenge on 08:09 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 08:11 Kevin Mwangi:

facing in this project at the links. Like how can we create links that will lead to this page? For example, this this Global thing. 08:20 Natalia Shapoval:

I 08:21 Kevin Mwangi:

link that can be a custom link. yeah, and maybe you 08:31 Gary Ihar:

So you you want you want to put to put we had the discussion and we will get to the discussion like when we 08:37 Kevin Mwangi:

yeah. 08:39 Gary Ihar:

get to their to our experts you we had a discussion to find an expert in whom Cup, right? Just to find the expert. 08:50 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. 08:52 Gary Ihar:

Or maybe Natalia will try to help 08:53 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 08:54 Gary Ihar:

you. 08:57 Kevin Mwangi:

and something Kenny assistant this like maybe basically 09:01 Natalia Shapoval:

I tried I tried today and I will try. 09:08 Gary Ihar:

So let's do this week kind of 09:09 Natalia Shapoval:

more 09:11 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 09:11 Gary Ihar:

Kevin if we wouldn't succeed with Natalia. We will post the same announcement which we did for Proxima cooker. We will put the same announcement on upwork for for umhap 09:31 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 09:31 Gary Ihar:

and we will start interviewing people like I will put you as a as a recruiter and we will start kind of 09:39 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 09:40 Gary Ihar:

trying to find experts on Chromecast specifically who can help us. 09:44 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. Okay, so we'll try with Natalia with this week and reports of developments 09:50 Gary Ihar:

Maybe not this week kind of let's 09:51 Kevin Mwangi:

in the next. 09:52 Gary Ihar:

let's do kind of a little bit kind of Natalia. How much time do you feel like you it will be enough for you to understand whether we can do it fast or not? Because if we can do it fast, it doesn't doesn't make sense to to try right? 10:08 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. All right. 10:12 Natalia Shapoval:

I will tell. 10:12 Gary Ihar:

Maybe one day. Huh? 10:15 Natalia Shapoval:

I think two three days and I and then I can say what he Do this. 10:29 Gary Ihar:

Okay. So basically it sounds to me like a Monday right on Monday. 10:34 Natalia Shapoval:

right 10:34 Gary Ihar:

We will either post like a new 10:35 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 10:38 Gary Ihar:

announcement on octopus. Okay, cool. 10:41 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. Okay, so yes, so the other projects have been working on these connects magazine to build. We've reached out to several marketing agencies. and we decided like for to partner with this social media marketing and took for targeting students that who would want to join the program as well as the web developer position to fill the web developer position. Yes, that's where we are at and we had a discussion today the social media marketing agencies open to trying trying this project. 11:28 Gary Ihar:

Yeah, yeah, you're talking you're talking about. 11:29 Kevin Mwangi:

Yes. 11:31 Gary Ihar:

you're talking about or it's not. 11:35 Kevin Mwangi:

No, it's not it's not. 11:37 Gary Ihar:

It's not so you're talking about 11:37 Kevin Mwangi:

so like 11:40 Gary Ihar:

elderly. All right. No. 11:42 Kevin Mwangi:

Right. Yes. Then yeah. 11:43 Gary Ihar:

How do you pronounce it in? How do you pronounce them? So I kill you Leo. Leo okay 11:52 Kevin Mwangi:

Yes. So yeah, so they're open to try this. It's something they have been done before and their main concern is how to track those who register on our platform. And as you had this discussion before according to your suggestion, is that to give them access to a platform so that they can also track the new participants as well 12:16 Gary Ihar:

Current the they can give let's say one two, three people who will be participants. So this like welcome space, right so they will see people who are coming 12:27 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. 12:29 Gary Ihar:

and 12:31 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 12:31 Gary Ihar:

whether it's kind of ghosts anywhere. At least like to to get started and then we can modify farther. 12:41 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 12:43 Gary Ihar:

Because it's kind of it's a risk on both sides. It's risk on our side that they will start pushing more people. Kind of I had this experience with their especially with one Pakistani guys when I paid for number of participants and they just sent me kind of some fake emails fake people and like just to charge me more and there is a risk on there side. So it's kind of mutual risk, but what do you what you can do? You need to try and to see how it goes. So let's say and If we kind of they will be sitting on this welcome space they will be seeing what is going on. They can ask questions directly. We can plug them in our like Channel and they can or not Channel maybe 13:36 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 13:39 Gary Ihar:

kind of the special space. We'll create a special place space 13:42 Natalia Shapoval:

I 13:43 Gary Ihar:

kind of for. let's say marketing all kind of Market Marketing in eldoret right or something like that and and it will 13:50 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah, yeah. 13:52 Gary Ihar:

be our mean of communication with them. They can ask questions saying oh like it is kind of these people or that people and I would say we can set up. Let's say like one dollar per participant. Will join kind of the welcome space and be active as kind of let's say at least like two questions. So kind of get back get to the kind of to the outer stage start doing something or get an offer of working and we can put like a cap of like 25 people a week, right which will make 14:32 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. 14:34 Gary Ihar:

Let's say which will make at least like a hundred dollars a month, right? 14:40 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 14:42 Gary Ihar:

And I'm I can I'm I'm very 14:42 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 14:44 Gary Ihar:

comfortable with this idea and and we will try like for two three months and we will see how it goes and then we will modify and see I kind of I 14:52 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 14:55 Gary Ihar:

want to be transparent with them because I understand their concerns because they're concerns with my concerns. I got the same issue with my some of my partners when I didn't see 15:06 Kevin Mwangi:

hmm 15:07 Gary Ihar:

transparency, so I I don't want So I To treat someone I was badly treated 15:16 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. 15:16 Gary Ihar:

but at the same time we need people. Yes sure. It's a good idea. 15:20 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. All right. So what they need, it's like a description of what we are trying to do so that they can also understand what we are offering and 15:30 Gary Ihar:

But but with so thorough description if you go to kind of to wise next. It is kind of so detailed transcription what we're doing to what we are going to do generally. This not too much description what will happen on this like welcome space. But we don't have too much activity. for now 15:54 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. 15:55 Natalia Shapoval:

I 15:55 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. So I'll share there was next description with them and we can ask questions. 16:03 Gary Ihar:

Yeah, we're gonna look at we can look 16:04 Kevin Mwangi:

And we'll move forward. 16:06 Gary Ihar:

at if they have if you if they want to ask questions directly. We can set up a conference with them the same like we did with the 16:13 Kevin Mwangi:

Mmm, correct? 16:15 Gary Ihar:

with kind of this. 16:16 Kevin Mwangi:

on Monday 16:17 Gary Ihar:

Yeah better Monday. 16:19 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. so right so 16:22 Gary Ihar:

But we but we need to have kind of another another source like Mark again. We need to have some recruitment 16:27 Kevin Mwangi:

yeah. 16:28 Gary Ihar:

agency, too. Let's say career career point let's say it is kind of the cheapest right 16:33 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. 16:34 Gary Ihar:

now and 16:36 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 16:37 Gary Ihar:

Because it's better to have like a two channels two different channels. 16:41 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. Okay, so this or not? 16:44 Gary Ihar:

Did you reach out to Career Point? No? 16:47 Kevin Mwangi:

not yet, not yet, but I got to the to their website. I think there are two two. 16:54 Gary Ihar:

Yeah. 16:56 Kevin Mwangi:

I think their partnering with a different company. 17:00 Gary Ihar:

Correct. 17:00 Kevin Mwangi:

Called. 17:01 Gary Ihar:

Yeah. 17:01 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah, this is Corporate stuff. 17:03 Gary Ihar:

recruitment 17:03 Kevin Mwangi:

It's these are the ones that I'll 17:05 Gary Ihar:

Yes, yes. 17:05 Kevin Mwangi:

reach out to. 17:05 Gary Ihar:

Yes incorporate staff and I like kind of they put like a video. 17:07 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 17:11 Gary Ihar:

I like this up there approach. Yeah. But they give kind of the advertise is like it's kind of even free we can ask this corporate like Stefan we can ask what they what their take on our kids project. Right? So we have basically two different venues. We are looking for experts like website like web developer or let's say this way WordPress expert we will look for curriculum project manager, but it is kind of more like for adults and we have a venue for kids. They may not be kind of best for the kids, but they they may suggest something. something. 17:54 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. So for them for career point they don't have any contacts posted here, but they have like this this form where you feel. And I believe they will reach out to you. This is for employers. 18:09 Gary Ihar:

Okay, can you feel this form and kind of and they will reach out to you? 18:12 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah, sure. 18:14 Gary Ihar:

How you want me to or you want me to 18:15 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. Yeah. 18:17 Gary Ihar:

kind of to? 18:18 Kevin Mwangi:

No, no. 18:20 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 18:21 Kevin Mwangi:

it and also reach us to to Career is 18:32 Gary Ihar:

But meta AI basically said this is 18:33 Kevin Mwangi:

right 18:34 Gary Ihar:

kind of the most affordable recruitment agency and 18:39 Kevin Mwangi:

It is. 18:41 Gary Ihar:

So we need to partner with them. 18:44 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 18:46 Gary Ihar:

And I will kind of later I will reach 18:46 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. 18:48 Gary Ihar:

out to others. They're kind of there's one more. 18:50 Kevin Mwangi:

Mm-hmm. Okay. Alright, so the other project would like to talk about his work is AI project. We have our our drafts for the image posted on. on Meetup, and I got some Some developments I need to make from 19:09 Gary Ihar:

Yeah. 19:11 Kevin Mwangi:

I need to make from Gary and also like to invite you to speak more about this. 19:19 Gary Ihar:

No, this is the good kind of food there the Meetup page which you shared with was good and I put like 19:25 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 19:25 Gary Ihar:

my new basically set everything just change from 35 to let's say 40, so we'll keep we'll feel like it's kind 19:32 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 19:35 Gary Ihar:

moving. Let's her game kind of Sergei passport our median this week. So it is not too much improvement. 19:47 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 19:48 Gary Ihar:

No, not too much progress. 19:50 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. Yeah, I believe that's all. That's all. Yeah. 20:05 Gary Ihar:

Natalia do you want to speak about since Kevin is not the moderated? I do want to speak about proximax our problems development. 20:15 Natalia Shapoval:

In in our bookmarks is a top valid request here after after the movie moving from punjaba. And and the set upstairs.com and Link it to our social. And make sisters certificate. 20:46 Gary Ihar:

Did you do have you done it? 20:46 Natalia Shapoval:

And we can try. 20:48 Gary Ihar:

We have that you have of course 20:48 Natalia Shapoval:

Of course. Of course. 20:51 Gary Ihar:

Kevin. Can you adoption he can can you type synonym cyber in your browser? cinema.com 21:07 Natalia Shapoval:

the 21:14 Kevin Mwangi:

And well, okay. Well, okay. 21:18 Gary Ihar:

okay. Yeah, so at least like it is 21:19 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 21:20 Gary Ihar:

linked. So social. Okay good. 21:22 Kevin Mwangi:

Mm-hmm. 21:24 Gary Ihar:

But I still by the way, I still see this like name setka. 21:30 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 21:31 Gary Ihar:

And I don't know how many times I asked about this world's second. Can we do like this instead of set casinum cyber.com? 21:44 Natalia Shapoval:

Said Casino cyber.com. 21:47 Gary Ihar:

Not not set kitchen and server.com 21:47 Natalia Shapoval:

No. I I 21:51 Gary Ihar:

No, no set not set at all set because the Russian word for our disco project. 21:59 Natalia Shapoval:

okay. Okay. He this is my 22:04 Gary Ihar:

It will. For you it will take less. Yeah, it's less it will for you. It will take less time than for me to talk about it. 22:14 Natalia Shapoval:

should of course. 22:19 Kevin Mwangi:

Is this the same home hub that so we were using? 22:25 Natalia Shapoval:

Of course. 22:26 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. All right. 22:34 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 22:35 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 22:37 Gary Ihar:

Yeah get get back to. So this is Improvement is good. So we so basically it means Natalia 22:42 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 22:44 Gary Ihar:

that you kind of resolve this issue with their with PF sense, like peer sense issues. Right? Are they kind of are they resolved? 22:57 Natalia Shapoval:

No, not all of them. I I want to obtain the certified 22:59 Gary Ihar:

nothing 23:05 Natalia Shapoval:

a wound up server. but but we didn't do it. Yet. And and really resistors quite this chick. this recommendation of or production seller 23:38 Gary Ihar:

I didn't get everything what you said, but kind of I will try to. kind of to summarize so like So this week? Yes, so you are working on PSS with both Sergey is our kind of new gentleman and with more stuffer, right Mustafa 23:58 Natalia Shapoval:

I 23:58 Gary Ihar:

was not available this week, so he gets some. recommendations He went through. He but and kind of Sergey helps you to. But it is something still something which is called in us with this acne. ethnic credential like whatever is kind of the third party for like DNS way of changing certificates, right? 24:34 Natalia Shapoval:

should we should talk is BF stands because our Christians instant have problem. The ring you Pearsons, but but these things see mistakes of each approxy server on in web sense. 24:58 Gary Ihar:

Should we just like reinstall it? 25:02 Natalia Shapoval:

the upgrade our instance yes, and and 25:04 Gary Ihar:

I'm ready. 25:13 Natalia Shapoval:

we should work this this person and correct. Correct of effects that we have 25:24 Gary Ihar:

Okay. So then it's like one more question if Kevin doesn't have questions select. So basically our approach to bring more people on board. is 25:36 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 25:37 Gary Ihar:

Successful, right so you have more people and you have more input and for now today I close their announcement. Because we are we hired like three people out of the first announcement. Natalia do you feel or maybe Kevin has kind of input too. Do you feel we can add one more announcement specifically for PF sense? 26:08 Natalia Shapoval:

Oh, no. 26:09 Gary Ihar:

And no he will work. 26:10 Natalia Shapoval:

No. No, you have a look and everyone What's the next step? asked. 26:18 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 26:19 Natalia Shapoval:

Oh. 26:19 Gary Ihar:

Okay. So you so we are close to resolving this issue, right? So we they kind of Of course, okay. So it is not like 15% It is kind of 26:30 Kevin Mwangi:

I 26:34 Gary Ihar:

probably more. How many percent Natalia? 26:42 Natalia Shapoval:

It's okay 25. 26:43 Gary Ihar:

25, okay. 26:47 Kevin Mwangi:

All right, good progress. 26:51 Gary Ihar:

Yeah. It's definitely more progress than we had in. for a while 27:02 Kevin Mwangi:

Yes, so that that means we can have 27:02 Natalia Shapoval:

No. 27:04 Kevin Mwangi:

CNM cyber.com for this custom Pages like this serum sidebar.com/home. or for this page 27:16 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. 27:18 Gary Ihar:

I like this home. 27:18 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. 27:19 Gary Ihar:

Yes. Can we assign just like to home this custom page Global page? Like whatever I put like. 27:24 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 27:25 Gary Ihar:

Yeah, it will be called like home. I will change on my kind of weekend 27:28 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. 27:30 Gary Ihar:

instead of like Global page for unregistered just home yet. 27:35 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah, yeah. All right, is that it Natalia or there's something else you'd like to add? 27:49 Natalia Shapoval:

this person 27:50 Gary Ihar:

Natalia did a good progress without with our recording and we will talk about this later, but she did like she tried and right now we're working with this like notetaker. Kind of so it is it is kind of a big 28:04 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. 28:06 Gary Ihar:

chunk of work to which is 28:09 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 28:10 Gary Ihar:

which is great. Okay, let's go further. 28:15 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. So yeah. 28:20 Gary Ihar:

I will talk about. I will talk about matter most so no, 28:23 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. Yeah. Get the most. 28:27 Gary Ihar:

let's not collaboration. Matrimost matter most to MVP. Yes, so kind of 28:33 Kevin Mwangi:

Should be progressed. 28:37 Gary Ihar:

either some progress. Yes, put some progress and put kind of maybe like 10% 28:40 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 28:44 Gary Ihar:

So, but we need to change instead of metals. Like can you type collaboration to anything? collaboration or Corporation 28:52 Kevin Mwangi:

collaboration 28:54 Gary Ihar:

collaboration so what is going on right now? Like we have matter most which Kevin used? With me and it was successful, but we have some issues. So let's say matter most for instance on I installed like in two ways. I installed on my laptop and on my cell phone on my cell phone matter 29:26 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 29:27 Gary Ihar:

stop sending notifications. So before I had immediately from Kevin. but now I have there is some delay and the challenges that with their direct messages only Kevin use it Natalia doesn't use it. I don't know why. She tried to kind of linear any other ways but not kind of there our channels on matter most I just functional completely. We don't use them. It just doesn't it doesn't work. So you prepared some Wikipedia which was be called like educational models. Can you open kind of this another tab on this wiki page? Yes education matter moves. So I did research. I asked like meta AI lama3 model. I asked like what what other collaboration tools did have which doesn't use doesn't use channels and they mentioned like record chat. and Zulu and both of them have some capacity for notetaker so they can be integrated and zuly by the way is fully integrated with Jitsu so we can use for instance our conferences on Gypsy. And use notetaker. We use notetaker. So my my ID is to To not retire to make like our metamos is a legacy. and try rocket chat and zulip to put it down and to try to use them for for communications because again, I don't see that matter most works. Well, it's kind of like historically because again, only like Kevin is kind of is a good advocate of matter most and I like kind of direct messaging but direct messaging assumes that kind of the messages go through so we and channels just like just a noise. 32:09 Kevin Mwangi:

You know. 32:10 Gary Ihar:

so I propose kind of when we have more time to try to use it again rocket chat and Zulu. Especially Zulu has a good kind of zulip has a good. Kind of good reviews. I see that recording will stop and 10 minutes right, Natalia. 32:34 Natalia Shapoval:

right 32:35 Gary Ihar:

Right, so I want to kind of to get a little bit faster. Can you go back? I just reported on this. What by the way do what do you feel is it correct? Did I State like did they describe the station correctly Kevin Natalia with with our matter moves? 32:53 Kevin Mwangi:

Yes. 32:56 Natalia Shapoval:

Yes. 32:56 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. Yeah. 32:57 Gary Ihar:

Yeah, we need to have something with like direct channels and matter most. 33:01 Kevin Mwangi:

Mm-hmm. 33:02 Gary Ihar:

We also have problems with phone calls because it doesn't go phone calls and it looks like again zulip and this rocket chat. They have kind of more advanced could be probabilities. But we can I like focal boards, but we can keep the focal boards with no matter most. we will keep this matter most for 33:22 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 33:24 Gary Ihar:

kids to try to see to put in their resumes that they tried it so I don't can consider to delete it completely. I want to kind of to make it a legacy like media Wiki is a legacy projector Okay, Kevin. Can we talk about kind of this 33:40 Kevin Mwangi:

okay. 33:44 Gary Ihar:

collaboration? So we are basically we're moving to collaboration project collaboration with experts. So right now we create kind of a good model. which Natalia likes and I like and I feel like Kevin like to when we have a WordPress expert or a kind of or Home Care expert so we are trying to find like experts and we create expert database with their kind of Race So for for now, we have like three people in proximals. We just carried the third one right Sergey. So and and this is great because let's say this week Mustafa was not available that was not available, but we still have progress because we kind of we had this Sergey how and 34:43 Kevin Mwangi:

And yeah. 34:44 Gary Ihar:

but it takes as we discuss like we could go it takes a like a while for Natalia to look to communicate and to do like interviews especially cold interviews. So for instance today, we've had one more to you which was not successful with progress because he was not 35:04 Natalia Shapoval:

I 35:05 Gary Ihar:

available and we try to do some some somebody else try to do it first before us and 35:14 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 35:15 Gary Ihar:

I feel we need to hire some virtual assistant and we We basically we decided that we will good with Natalia. And the question is kind of to put the announcement Natalia. Did you see the announcement? I were ready to post something on on upwork for now. And when we have this recruitment agency in other world posted there too, but I don't want to kind of to to wait because this is kind of urgent. Natalia did you take a look at the announcement? To do like it. No. 36:00 Natalia Shapoval:

No, I I 36:02 Gary Ihar:

but so we what what the next step when we talk next time on Wednesday, then we will post. 36:10 Natalia Shapoval:

okay. 36:14 Gary Ihar:

so and this person also will be responsible for keeping this database and on in order most likely because in the best case scenario, let's say we have issue for instance with Chromecast, right? We don't know how to change URL or 36:30 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 36:32 Gary Ihar:

whatever and in the best case scenario. We need to have a database of experts for whom have and when we have this 36:42 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 36:43 Gary Ihar:

issue we'll send them. Email say oh we have this this project. Are you available to take on it and people will say yes or no, right and from those who say yes will. someone who will kind of who will be 36:58 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 37:01 Gary Ihar:

better suited for us. It is the same way. How I am used like I have a company which I'm in their database and when they need Mike credentials, they reach out to me. They say we need your help. And if I say, yes, sometimes they say yes. This is your son and someone they say, oh you found some somebody close up to a client or whatever cheaper maybe I don't know. No they pay kind of a standard price, but we need to create the system. So and it is kind of created so we can change to 25% I will say what else and we when we have 37:43 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 37:45 Gary Ihar:

communication platform. It's also be kind of be a hell because right now 37:50 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 37:52 Gary Ihar:

communication normal communication doesn't work. We use like upwork right now to collaborate with those experts with that we have but when we have someone from upwork or also, it could be another one another way because they're the announcement the job. 38:10 Natalia Shapoval:

I 38:12 Gary Ihar:

He once again will accept it it will be closed. So I even don't know whether Natalia will have access to this apple chat. Yes or no. I I don't know because our work is changing too the kind of they used to not have access at all. Now, they have give some access. 38:30 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 38:31 Gary Ihar:

I don't know their policy. That there is what I wanted to say. 38:37 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. All right. So in the next meeting, we will know whether you're going to post the announcement. 38:47 Gary Ihar:

We will kind of by the next video 38:48 Kevin Mwangi:

or not 38:49 Gary Ihar:

meeting will already need to post the announcement. We will post the announcement like in kind of my plan to post the 38:55 Kevin Mwangi:

because 38:56 Gary Ihar:

announcement no later than Wednesday. 38:59 Kevin Mwangi:

okay. All right, okay. So from my last discussion. 39:05 Gary Ihar:

And we need and we need to pull to post the announcement for. for whomever we kind of discussed this like who happens we need to post again no later than Monday with. 39:21 Kevin Mwangi:

And Monday, correct? 39:23 Gary Ihar:

Yeah, we don't have too much time. We need to kind of to speed up to speed up to make it faster. 39:27 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. All right. So the last question we were to discuss in this in this meeting is what's stopping us from marketing. CNM cyber.com Yeah. so for such as I think we need like the YouTube video. 39:49 Gary Ihar:

the 39:51 Natalia Shapoval:

right 39:52 Gary Ihar:

yes, give us a second Natalia. How much time how much many how many 39:56 Natalia Shapoval:

I don't I don't know. 39:57 Gary Ihar:

do? 39:59 Natalia Shapoval:

How much time? 39:59 Gary Ihar:

Okay, so maybe it will stop it will stop whenever it will stop or and I have recorded on Jetson. It's not no no time and okay, so get 40:08 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah, okay. 40:11 Gary Ihar:

Okay, so get back. So YouTube video. Yes. Do you want me to record the YouTube video or we can use the same which we 40:18 Kevin Mwangi:

Yes. 40:19 Gary Ihar:

had before or? 40:21 Kevin Mwangi:

No, I think we need a new one since the previous one with we will be confusing for new participants. 40:30 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 40:31 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 40:33 Gary Ihar:

So you want me to record I will record just like what is what what do you envision? What should be there? 40:42 Kevin Mwangi:

Like introduction, um, what's the what's they need to expect what they expect from us? and their action what action they need to take from after watching the YouTube video 40:58 Gary Ihar:

Okay. 41:00 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. All right, unless there's something else I believe that's that's it. 41:17 Gary Ihar:

I have no idea. new information 41:21 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. 41:21 Gary Ihar:

Natalia 41:23 Kevin Mwangi:

So, yeah. 41:23 Gary Ihar:

Are we ready to adjourn? Okay, good week good week good week 41:31 Kevin Mwangi:

All right. 41:33 Gary Ihar:

good job. 41:34 Kevin Mwangi:

Yeah. 41:35 Gary Ihar:

We are moving to somewhere at least we're 41:39 Kevin Mwangi:

yeah. 41:39 Gary Ihar:

it's where we're kind of getting some some. guess 41:47 Kevin Mwangi:

Correct. All right, so that's it. 41:50 Gary Ihar:

okay. Thank you. Let's see if I'm stopping recording. 41:55 Kevin Mwangi:

Okay. 42:05 Gary Ihar:

Okay uploading. and it's an also