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Latest revision as of 21:51, 11 June 2024

00:02 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Look at the button, right? Allow, oh, I see this step allow. Okay, I started recording. Right recording started. All right, welcome everyone. My name is Kevin. We have Gary and Natalia on this call and we are checkpoint meeting today's date. Of me, so I'll show my screen. right So these are the topics that we are going to discuss today. We are collaboration with the expense work is AI. Um, same cyber.com to MVP curriculum to build proxmox to rework and connects marketing to build and I'll talk about this. So this week and had an interesting week we've had several meetings one with Gary and another one right on Monday. So like we discussed and came to a conclusion with Gary our from the meetings that we've had with No videos, so we just kind of restart Let's restart. I started recording the second time. this team is that they cannot help us to they're not fit for have been us acquiring the students that we want to onboard or not on this program. So we decided to partner with them on a different program, which is future work is AI. So and also excited that really move forward with the social media marketing agency because we are closer to the school kids and those those are target audience for this program. So after they get this publication, let's assume like a student they land on this website. The future of work is AI inside. Will read more about us what we are offering. What they should expect. and you can get How we get kind of to this website? It's okay. Oh, yes. Yes. Well advertise these website the publication. We have the link to to this website. Oh with the social media this like El direct, Leo, Leo but today. Yeah. Correct. So from there get started it will lead to. this to our CNM cyber.com like the community So and also like this right here, it came up with a brilliant idea that I thoughts would would really walk to what people to this side. So he suggested that we should have like a custom page where people which will act like a landing page. So this is just Something I was trying out. So this is what I drafted where people will learn Sports. And then from here they are able to be directed to the various places that we have. So the next will be welcome space and then the proceed from there. And also like we we can we don't really need this website right now, right this future work there why we kind of basically have this website. It's confusing to people we will probably better to send people to our like whom have right our social and like someone who types CMS cyber.com should get to this welcome space, right and on your welcome space will say welcome to Sanam cyber. And comma you too to be engaged. with like synonym cyber team Correct. or synonym cyber topics Yeah, you can join like you can join different spaces or you can start your practice and you need to create your account. If you are not ready to create your account, you can go to our YouTube channel to watch more or to the website or to something else, right? So if I'm getting you correctly, we do not need like the castle page where people will learn fast. They should just land directly to to a welcome to the welcome space. Like welcome space we will have this custom page on the welcome space. Yes will create this custom page for the welcome space for the world. The question is how yeah because right now when you open you see on the top it's about what is about we don't need about about something else right here. It should be welcome space. This custom page should be on the for the for the for the introduction correctly. Okay. Oh, okay without without the second page. Like if someone wants to read about them, they will create about and read about and should be about is about normally How my friend said like don't make me think in kind of in the user interfaces the main idea don't make your customer think about generally for me and for anyone else. It's about something it is not the stuff. So I'm I'm trying to get rid of this word about that is why I kind of the custom Pages needed someone who I've seen him cyber.com. They need to go to the welcome space custom page. Mm-hmm, okay. Okay sports, right? Yeah. We need we we have to do. We have to do yeah. All right, so that is very are so so even like it's knowing if the space if you cannot link a custom page to welcome space. We will delete welcome, please we'll keep just like a custom page nothing else. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Yeah, so the best case the best case scenario. It should be like welcome space should have kind of by default into open like this custom page, okay. All right. Thank you. We'll do that because we have this custom page here. So we need to figure out how we can have it in the welcome space or or just forget about the welcome space and have basically just the custom page. Kind of in the best case scenario you put like a put custom page on the welcome space and you can use like ask jgp key whether it's possible. I'm sure it's possible. But if it's not possible, then we will use just custom page. as a welcome space and Natalia and Natalia and Natalia will need to adjust config file. So instead of default page right now if you type synonym.com in a separate the top say name several.com So right now tops opens. something Doesn't open at all. It doesn't open the process. Anyway, it opens kind of some space and said like no public content, but it should be the default page. either Natalia can use a can change it in the conflict that HP file or this site can be reached you probably You misspelled something. Or maybe it's like https news. Yeah, you type. I don't see well. synonyms CNM cyber.com now she's opened something. 08:44 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. 08:44 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Anyway, maybe but we need to kind of maybe didn't put like https could be. But we need to work on this so someone who types and I'm cyber.com. Yes. Should be able to get to this like welcome page. And your connection is not. Natalia do you see this? 09:16 Natalia Shapoval:

No, of course. 09:19 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Yes, it's kind of it's what we need to resolve. 09:22 Natalia Shapoval:

I think I think this in an side, but 09:22 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Yeah. 09:24 Natalia Shapoval:

that come a point point on our papers a person's instance and we need to change change because for it. 09:38 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Okay, here we go so that we need to change the record. 09:41 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. 09:43 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

All right. Okay. Thank you to floating something. No, it's not loading anything. So yeah loaded everything with people what let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Okay. So that's our position with this project. So we believe like if we have this publication today, we'll be able to share it tomorrow with their social media marketing. And we'll have it published by let's see next week. We can expect to have some visitors on our sites. Yes. Again, kind of we let's put this way. We will not be Russian right now. Let's say in a week from now. I want your report that you did like Alpha Testing. Have you read the announcement you try to register like go to this page? You try to understand what you want to do. like you try to register because on this page it should be Like explanation how to register link to Restoration. Yeah and after registration you got to where so if you you basically need after registration you need to get back. To their to the home hub maybe in front of family so somewhere. Or at least like you need to think where the customer should go, right? Yeah, correct. It's called like my my mind map mind map for the customer care to go. Yeah. All right, okay. Yeah. So let's change to kind of maybe 25% or 20 or whatever. and go all right. So, okay. Yeah, I believe that's all I was to share today a little bit. So Gary yeah, I want to talk a little bit about matter most. I know it's touches kind of the presentation the topic which Natalia will touch which is kind of collaboration with a experts. But yeah, if you click on on there on the channels, can you click on the channels? Right. Now you're on the board. Can you click on the channels? You see how many shells we have? Yeah, and all of them are useless. It's knowing activity like the last two weeks. It was no activity and any of those channels. Right. Yeah. So in my view, this channels are useless. It's my assessment. What we really use we use direct messages and I see some activity right indirect messages. All right. Yeah, we direct messages and nothing else. And we use focal boards for the project manager. But in terms of like in terms of matter most we use direct messages. We don't use channels at all and with the red direct messages. We just need to figure out how to make calls because right now it's kind of unstable. I got a call from Natalia Yesterday, by the way. But it is kind of like I don't. Yeah through the matter most. I didn't pick the call because I was in the talk with Sergey, but is it just like quick update on this topic? It is not started. But I would say if we want to move matter most to MVP. I will just shut down. All the channels not channel is working. I don't see any channel which we really use. And people don't like channels to I see no one like Mustafa doesn't use channels. Fabian doesn't use Channel Natalia doesn't need Channel. I tried you tried Natalia tried, but we kind of channels. useless like would you agree with my statement or no? Yeah, I live like associate a 14:33 Natalia Shapoval:

Yes. 14:34 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

solution for this will be. To find a way how to delete this channel. I would say I will shut down them at all. We don't need channels. Well, we're discussing about we're discussing about deleting channels for a couple of months and you haven't succeeded to lead them yet. And I don't see any neat and channels at all. So let's say the one who is interested in let's say proxmox of gypsy. They can just use whom have like Gypsy space over or who like fragment space because right now we are kind of repeating like everything in the channel what we may have in hung up. if we use home happen whom have looks like It is kind of it's It's a normal idea. Someone happy basically gives like something like a threat but we again don't need. We don't need Metro most channels. Natalia what do you think? Do you see any usage of channels? 15:49 Natalia Shapoval:

no. 15:49 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Because you you are creating this Channels with Mustafa and with their Fabian and nothing is working, right? 16:00 Natalia Shapoval:

matter they did. They don't want to write me Me a Channel and right. 16:10 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Yes, so kind of you use the direct messages kind of for everything right like direct messages are working direct messages. Okay, kind of Kevin writes to me. I respond like Mustafa and fed in the connect with Natalia. So direct messages are working. It's good but channels are useless. Okay, let's go. Let's go like when we do this like MVP, I will just shut down the channels at all not to kind of Not to bother with them. So with them. Okay. So we had the discussion. We had a meeting with Sergey which was kind of like a brief and expectant unexpected he missed the time but I should our calendar which Natalia did and we Sergey and hopefully it will know kind of this double schedule and no longer a hopefully. So what we discussed with Sergey is kind of for you Kevin to put like announcement and they meet up and we will make to announcements one for lunch time and another after work time and we will see how many people register for one or two. Second one. I will also share the folder. oh basic USA folder, which has all the presentations with you and So like your your call right now is to create this announcement on the Meetup so we can show to Sergey and if he approves we will we will start kind of start looking for something. This is kind of everything. What I wanted to say about work is yeah, it's no not much progress. It's no any movement. But but Kevin like create this announcement on the Meetup announcement and share with Sergey. Okay. All right. Any other topic here to discuss? Senator server.com to MVPs what we just touched. Okay, Natalia will either kind of throw administrator so we can make this default page default lending page can be changed either through the conflict PHP file that PHP file all through the admin panel. Anyway, it will be okay. So with this what else? 19:09 Natalia Shapoval:

Can you send me for example, for 19:09 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

show me 19:15 Natalia Shapoval:

example some some file? You need to upload on our senior cyber.com? social 19:25 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

say it again. how to change this Legend phase default 19:31 Natalia Shapoval:

No, no. The the top right now about about the issues and then when the airport in the social, right? 19:45 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Now no. We're talking about like two different page we're talking about. We're talking about two different things one. Like when we go to this like space right now, which is kind of when we go to welcome space. It is like what it shows To Us by default. You like I don't like about it shows right now about page and about page is not correct page about patients about something about so let's say someone reads something and they want to see all who's saying this and they click about so about page should be about page but we need to have kind of another page which will show by default because whatever we have like Wiki or stream or whatever. Not kind of it's not good to welcome people to us. That is why I have shared GPT 3.5 I said Can we create another page and they say oh, we have a plugin which is called custom pages. So I want to put like a custom page in this welcome space. It is Step number one. step number two Is we want this? Custom page in welcome space to be shown by default as a landing page. We want someone who will type send them cyber.com to go directly to this custom page which we about to create. So the people who go to cinema.com, we'll see this custom page. cyber.com. We'll see this custom Instead of the one which Kevin right now showed. This makes sense. Yeah, yeah to you but not Natalia now. We're not talking about files right now. We are kind of we want to we want to 21:49 Natalia Shapoval:

What's the difficult? I I don't understand. What's the difficulty we have this PHP config? 21:59 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Because right now we need to change we don't have any difficulties we want to. someone who type synonym to go to a welcome page of the welcome space 22:12 Natalia Shapoval:

I I tried I I tried and now 22:14 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

nothing 22:19 Natalia Shapoval:

if you have certificate the Give you this page you put on a social synonym cyber.com. 22:35 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Okay, but it needs to be point to this custom page, which you are about to create. Like default age should be different default landing page should be different. Yeah. 22:50 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay good. 22:52 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Okay. Got it. Okay. 22:53 Natalia Shapoval:

Some got it. So 22:58 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Okay, I I asked me I asked meta AI. And matter I said, there are two different ways how to change this default landing page. Either through conflict PHP that PHP file or through admin panel. So I will prefer to make it in Conflict PHP so someone Like who want to who type synonymsybert.com should get to welcome page of Welcome space preferably. 23:38 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. 23:40 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

okay. 23:41 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. 23:45 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Let's go further. Okay. So curriculum to build I can talk a little bit about this. So we have particularly, I want to emphasize like we have Kevin mention it discussion with the recruitment website bright on Monday about the posting that we are looking for curriculum project manager. But their prices are not sustainable. They charge like a hundred seventy dollars per like a listing. with nine years old I would say if if I knew that we will hire someone. I will probably pay. Let's say like three or four hundred dollars but to put just a listing. and with no any precise results with what we will get it is kind of I don't I don't believe that they will find someone. I wanted just like to show so for now, I believe that the our best bet will be trying to find someone try to bring people on the board. And those who will come the students will try to offer this position to some of them. Maybe it will be working. It is on the one side on another side we had discussion with Mustafa today. We had discussion with Mustafa. about how to Kind of make our technical curriculum better how to describe our technology because this is the part of the curriculum. And I get to the with the idea so our conversation with them. We will introduce some like events. So we're Natalia Mustafa me or someone else will come and we will discuss let's say our approx. And Natalia did a good job. Of finding notetaker. And today's meeting scene took like a notes. And they are good Natalia. Do you like them? 26:08 Natalia Shapoval:

No, yes. Yes. 26:12 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Yes, so and 26:12 Natalia Shapoval:

I like them because some mistakes in in the scription, but but that's okay. 26:19 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

but it is something to work to start at least like this is a greater like great tools develop our curriculum because was Mustafa said oh you need to this. Oh, I will explain you how you will approach your certificate challenge, right? This is the stuff which we want to tell to our Who pull out the curator trainees? And to just capture it and we don't do it yet, right. 26:53 Natalia Shapoval:

right 26:53 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

so put like a curriculum curriculum to build put like maybe 10% right, okay. Yeah, what else? Show me what what I can talk about. We're going to build approx to work. Natalia will report on this skinniest you talk about this. Okay? Yeah, I'm done. Okay. Welcome, Natalia. 27:32 Natalia Shapoval:

As this week we continue walking with our candidates and schedule it several meetings for next week. So we have quite a busy schedule at. and that's all we don't we don't make any announcements and yeah looking this our existing credits. 28:11 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Did you finish? Okay, so I like you didn't say why we why didn't we post any new announcement? I wanted to post announcement, but Natalia was kind of against because she said like let's finish with the existing ones, right? We still have three with whom we are still communicating and what we found that for Natalia it is difficult to like to manage communication with kind of with the candidates and handle the candidates and we didn't use new invites because we cannot process the ones which will we have? And we found that we need someone. Like basically Kevin did this job before and it was good, but we need Kevin to do something else, right? We cannot use Kevin for everything. So And we came to the conclusion probably when we can hire someone. Then like to help with the recruitment then if we want to and I open like upwork and I put like Kenya as a location. Was like maybe. Maybe like 20 people more more or less for the world. Some of them had like they put like a rate like $5 per hour which means with zero dollar earned which means that they will agree on three that most likely so I would say at least like we can start with someone. and to bring someone maybe not only recruiter but many of them put like recruiter or virtual assistant. Maybe we can kind of find someone as a virtual assistant to Natalia. kind of to move this technology project and she or he Will be involved in this in this curriculum development also. And kind of feel like a guinea pig for our upcoming students. Like to do something before they will arrive. So I'm ready to make this announcement. But again whom we will look for and who will do initially recruitment how we will do it will we give kind of some initial like a assignment or how we will recruit you have any ideas? recruit Natalia Kevin 31:18 Natalia Shapoval:

Hmm. No. 31:22 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

I will learn my own right? Okay. Here and also back to this brighter Monday. I don't understand why kind of their process. That's so high again in Ukraine for two or three announcements. Yeah On two different websites number one in Ukraine and number two. I paid my budget was like 10 15 dollars. For three announcements, right? And so and Ukraine is a bigger country than Kenya. And their average like income like salaries higher than in Kenya, maybe double hair. and here for two announcements She said like we need to pay $340. footy dollars. It doesn't make any sense to me you. I believe they are working. What I understood. Is that companies reach out for them to feel their top most positions? Yeah managing. They do the same. They do the same like in Ukraine work, UA or Roboto, UA. Is kind of two major websites, which does kind of they look the same like bright or Monday. They kind of do the same job. They just kind of I don't understand why they cost. 20 times more 24 more it's not quite small it 20 times more. This is like kind of I I don't understand. It should be something else. It should be some like recruitment agencies or they don't have any competitors. That is why they charge so much. There are so many other. Like why would you? Yeah, why don't we start with someone else? Okay. Well start with someone else try someone else. All right. All right. So what way I deciding about this virtual assistant / recruiter Natalia, do you like this idea even do you like this idea? Yeah. Yeah, but I feel like we can get someone from the students that register with us. so again kind of we it could be it could be it could be it could be I agree. So just to concentrate on the students how far we are from the students we At least like two weeks like if you try everything this week and we will decide and it will take like a week at least like to get some students the first students right here. Yeah. And we don't know how many of the students will come. Why don't we start some interviewing right now? and to see if the students arrive so we'll say okay we found something else, right? Okay, we found how how American employers say. We have someone who did better our requirements, right? Okay. because what I afraid what I'm afraid of that if we kind of if our student project will be delayed here. but we need to have someone at least like kind of in the pipeline the more people we have in the pipelines better. Correct. I don't believe that we will hire a project manager that is kind of because I I have years of experience but virtual assistant. It shouldn't be difficult shouldn't be difficult. It was always many people who are looking and today with AI we need and virtual assistance going goes down many kind of many move like copyright or job and call centers. So even more people are joining kind of this upwork virtual assistants. So we should have kind of feeling better candidates. All right. All right here. Anything else or what? We have we're done. Yeah, really? I believe this this week would just had updates. No, no decisions to make. Or the ones we have we already made them cry. Slightly if you're done. Oh, okay. The answer done anything else before I turn? No. Natalia know any 36:56 Natalia Shapoval:

packing and I click on 36:56 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

we didn't miss anything. So, okay. I'm clicking on stop recording. and so Okay, I have to