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Latest revision as of 21:52, 11 June 2024

00:00 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Natalia did hear me. Well, no. 00:02 Natalia Shapoval:

right 00:05 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

This is my connection or yours. I'm not a problem. I because nothing Natalia doesn't hear me, too. He answered and I will try to switch the network Natalia. You can hear me right? Well, right. 00:20 Natalia Shapoval:

All right, I hear you. 00:25 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

You know. Natalia kind of doesn't respond neither to me to not to you. 00:36 Natalia Shapoval:

Why? Oh, excuse me. I I don't know my microphone and I I 00:41 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

he 00:43 Natalia Shapoval:

hear oh of you. 00:54 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

so I I think there is out. How about now? Yeah, I can hear now. Okay. Natalia Edition. Well, no. 01:19 Natalia Shapoval:

I have a 01:21 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Okay, let's go with kind of with this plan. So back to this hour like Financial like issues. I I think we have like two different options we can. Either do what we have done like this week. So let's say my time is my time and Natalia kind of will whatever you work with Natalia. She said, okay, we work and I send us a bonus. Or we can kind of we can do this way if Natalia doesn't use you. Let's say before Wednesday, so it's kind of my time. Otherwise we can skip This is basically kind of it's two options which we have. But thank you for for your help. And hopefully you are resolving the issues. Our issues, which is good. Back to our events. I consider it now to move our events to the public events, but right now I hear like a back noise. Is it nice here? So there's no I think it might be my most I'm trying to switch off the islands. So because now because if we Yeah, because if we do like this public events. They're kind of the connection should be much better. We need to work on their on their on the connection kind of better and I will be in the stable location then yeah, of course if we if we manage Is your planning to do the events now or just planning out? Hello. I'm I was asking we will plan for for the events now not seven selfie. Any if we plan it, I think it will. To be more managed and I can yeah Hook when I'm me an office or the home. Yeah. But you know, you know, I'm this week is very busy for me. So I spent all of the week driving I think. Yeah, you're like me, right? no, especially this week, you know the new baby and a lot of things to do Yeah, I can imagine it is like by the way, it's a boy baby or girl, baby. Oh boy, maybe. 04:09 Natalia Shapoval:

Wow. 04:10 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

You want boy or? Irony or whatever. I'm not I don't want to Okay. Yeah, because some people like energy just some especially men. They're crazy. Oh, I don't want a boy and and some women actually crazy about girls. I remember when my yeah, my second child was born my own. My my wife asked like are you sure like a doctor? She's so like on there? Oh this kind of she said, oh, it's a boy and she are you sure are you really? Yeah. And and the doctors showing kind of this this is rounds. the Box yeah, okay, so So again kind of if you like with my kind of concern about my kind of documentation thing. I prefer to have this kind of our meetings as events. I plan to post them on the Meetup invite maybe other people if they if those are interested in and make it kind of like I will ask questions you'll answer if we need to go to actual software. Natalia will kind of help to show and you explain to me what you have done last week for instance. And in this way and kind of and the plan is that Natalia will record everything and make a script so we will use the script to update our documentation. How do you like this plan? That sounds good, but about the krakram and the event itself what we will present or as a plan for it or you need me to prepare something. Or there is something already prepared. but it is kind of the goal is to kind of to create the commentation because right now let's say let's say this week you have done something with natalia; Natalia said that it was kind of Natalia mentioned something which you worked on but I don't see it details and more and more. And my biggest concern is it's not any. Like edition to our documentation on the weekend. So this is kind of it is when I feel like snow we can updated no clarified. I felt like bad and I'm trying to to resolve this issue because if I push you, all right documentation, it is probably not what you like to do in oh and if I ask but Natalia to do in the communication, she will do like many details but not on their on the level it will be clustered and not at the level for like normal folks and I'll be asking questions just general question and if we go to the det To go to the jail. So don't plan any kind of special presentation. It's not a presentation. It's more like a Q&A Q&A myqs and uas. Okay, so you will prepare for for questions and we I will answer it. And yeah, let's try this. I will take kind of the description on the wiki which we have right now. and I will try to clarify those like issues which I still are not cleared or are not clear. Let's say we haven't been cleared or not clear and and we will kind of try to resolve. So let's say Natalia and you and you will try to kind of to answer the questions and in this way, we will kind of build in some documentation. And also someone may join who is interested in let's say proxmox of dfsense. Someone may join kind of and use it. Maybe not to do it like every week maybe let's try to do it like once a month maybe for instance. Maybe it will kind of make sense. Yeah, it's okay, and it's makes sense for me. But back again to the documentation part. So let's say for example the configuration or the fixes with that. We have done last week. Me and Natalia. So you are expecting from me documentation for for the fixes. We have done right or not. No, it's a little bit confusing for me. So. I don't plan to kind of documentation from you. I want documentation in general, but I want you to be a contributor to this kind of what what was what what happened. Maybe you will explain better than Natalia or You will kind of respond so basically so it will be both of you. Let's say if Natalia will create the documentation and I will review it. For example. In the best scenario when we have when we have someone I want to hire this like a new students. Hopefully yeah coming. In the best in the best of the world in the best case scenario. in the ideal world We will use kind of this students. As they're kind of notetaker's and kind of and documentation creators. Let's say in this way. But I don't want to wait. I want to start prototyping now. It will be not like the final I want to start prototyping now or kind of earlier maybe this month. So when the students will arrive will have something to show them and say, okay. If you are interested in being our cloud iterators. kind of this is the meetings which you will participate and this is your documentation, which we will work on and It will help them to kind of to. Get the idea how it can look like. Oh to prepare for for this me and Natalia will work with on the documentation for to prepare something for the students when they come. Oh my God. We have something for the students to come. Oh, it's kind of it's right. We already have cancer Wiki and evenly applied for a job. You can review what with her. Yeah. I see. I see something. Yes. I have seen something for the commentation. But so basically kind of I have a question to be clarified based on on their on the wikis, which we have. And I want to capture I don't want to ask this questions right now because I want to capture the results because I will ask and you will respond, but we don't have kind of a script right now. And Natalia, are you recording this meeting or no? 12:09 Natalia Shapoval:

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm recording. 12:11 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Okay. 12:11 Natalia Shapoval:

Oh always excellent and my baby 12:15 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

you all 12:16 Natalia Shapoval:

watches this video. 12:18 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

I 12:18 Natalia Shapoval:

the 12:21 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

are you trying to record with this with this with this like like a 12:25 Natalia Shapoval:

yes, yes. 12:27 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

scripting description tool? 12:27 Natalia Shapoval:

Yes. Yes, I I 12:29 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Yeah must have started. They seen something. 12:36 Natalia Shapoval:

know I'm on the on to conference and one of them I am recording. I 12:47 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Okay, Mustafa started saying something and I cut his email. I'm sorry. Would you say sorry? You started saying something and I cut you off. No. No, he's good. No. Yes, so right now we're kind of we're trying to find a good scripting solution. Kind of to have a script of kind of there of the conversations and when we have this solution, there are like a few AI tools. When we have this solution, then we will kind of we will. Move with this so we will have kind of some way to generate their the records. Okay when you're planning to to start with this event. I cannot blend some I'm discussing with you as with the consultant. I don't know. I have no plan. No, I'm not gonna talk about the timing. I'm just ask about the timing not the content when we can do like next week. Let's say start the same time. Okay next week, so you need me to prepare some questions, for example, or or you have already some questions you need to prepare to answers or you have some and you need to add some questions. I just need to clarify what exactly you are expecting for me, so I don't expect you to show up and I don't feel like I don't think that any preparation is needed. I would say we're prototype and it is not kind of. not the final solution, of course, but I want to get kind of I will open kind of I will open their Wikipedia which you know, which is called like education proxmox. And I will try to go over. And when it's not clear for me. I will ask questions. specifically what you are doing right now with PF sense. This is kind of my biggest interest and what stage you are. And what the challenges are? and how you're resolve in the I don't see any anything which you need to kind of spend time to to get prepared now. No. Okay, so the second thing about the about the theaters and certificates and things we we was doing are you I was doing was Natalia. So I have mainly just asking me about Standalone certificates. so the the main issue with the Standalone certificates that it's not it's not the perfect solution for for a production environment, you know. Yeah, also not the best solution when you when you try to in after the expiration of the certificate you will face an issue with with the renewals. So it's again it's full of issues, especially when you when you are working with or working on a production environment. the alternative possessed of the solution for this Solution for this okay yet DNS the challenge certificate. Yeah. He was was API key or with a manual. It's okay. It's okay, but it's it's highly recommended to use this one because it's more available more more stable more efficient, especially was renewals and all this stuff. But this is will require a DNS management access to the domain. Just let's encrypt me to verify that you are owning the domain. Yeah. So we we can do it on the spot any solutions any kind of or we can do it like in a real life event on the spot Natalia. Did we kind of did we have this recording of what Mustafa said right now? Can we kind of create a script and 17:59 Natalia Shapoval:

Yes. 18:01 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

and put on the website? 18:03 Natalia Shapoval:

Yes. Yes. I see. The script is actually I see is a 18:06 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

It is. 18:09 Natalia Shapoval:

script of our conversation right now. 18:13 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

A okay cool cool because this is exactly kind of what like his answers. It's exactly what kind of what will be like a base of our documentation because we don't have kind of this I understand right now what he's saying because let's say Muhammad when he set up he sent me this augment challenge right kind of a text DNS, but I was not sure whether it's a good for security concerns or whoa and Mustafa right now like explain way better than I have ever heard from Muhammad or from someone else. Yeah. This is kind of this is cool. This is good. This is kind of it is exactly what Okay, sounds good. Would you be right back? So just Say it again. Just this allow me a second our moments. I would be right back then just Okay. Oh, it's raining here. criminal going Okay, I'm back. Sorry. No problem. Okay, so it's good to me. I'm basically I'm I'm happy like for next week. We will do this kind of event. We'll check the recording from this one. Natalia will send me a script so I will put it for the next week then. I just expected better connection with no noise kind of. Better connection and who will put it on the knit app most likely and maybe someone will join maybe we will do it like dry around with no one and then kind of to go from there. And then that's the recording. We will upload to kind of to. to YouTube and we can put your name if you want to. Um, let's say approx kind of Q&A with Both, I don't know approximus was my stuff. Well, I'm not I'm not interesting about YouTube channel. It's okay if you need to put my limit. Okay, what you Well, whatever. It's okay. I'm asking. I'm kind of it's it's up to you. It's not like whatever you like. Yeah, I'm not I'm not interested about interesting about YouTube actually, but Yanni a few you interested or you are not interested. No, no not I'm not interesting. Yeah. Yeah, so kind of okay got it. So we will put Justin instead of Mustafa will just put like M right with M expert. Yeah. That's okay. Even if you need to add some stuff, I'm okay. I don't I don't care either. My goal is not like my goal is to you know, you can put me I'm I I see you have a lot of domains. I'm not sure about which domain you are living for for like your personal terms, but you can add. I want to keep kind of some something like on the record something going so people will see that there are some movements. So like my goal right now is for instance when I put announcement. Which you reply to right kind of I put oh you can see us on this like on this YouTube channel, right and at least like some people I don't know about you, but some may go click and and see how it will look like. So the same I would like to have like a record. as I mentioned so like for the students who will be coming. We'll say by the way are interested in like Cloud authorization. If you are this, this is the Meetup which we have. Let's say once a month. And this is kind of a sample of the video if you want to participate. come and join and we will give you let's say like 10 minutes to leave like 10 minutes for your questions. If you want to if you have your question your questions, you will have access to our documentation as it is you will hear kind of updates what have done we have done like last week or less mom. So last year, whatever and And you will have a chance to ask a question. Like we live like 10 minutes for Q&A. So it will be better than we just say. Oh, come join us join us now. Kind of it is like when we give people. some data what to expect they can go like which leader and and see what they can expect and this is good kind of for our marketing because when we advertise how initiative in Ukraine we had many people who who worried that we are kind of fraught some like fraudulent organization. So if we have this videos people will see oh it's not about fraud. It's kind of some people try to build something right see this also kind of I want to be like more visible. It is not because I want to sell your name whatever but because just it is kind of normally so I can normal like business environment. Okay, I'm happy. I'm happy. Is there anything else or no, Natalia? Oh Mustafa, I have another point. So regarding the payment so I think you can keep it for one hour and we can listen with as we go and my hours was Natalia it will be recorded and just model is okay for me, you know, so you will kind of like this one hour for our meetings and whatever you do with Natalia. Like he will just say to Natalia. Okay, kind of like two hours. So one hour, whatever, right? Yeah. I kind of my goal is I don't want to cut you off. I I want some let's say predictability, but at the same time. I don't have I don't have any particular plan. I'm I let's say this way. I like working with you. I want to continue working with you. I like you approach like to do that to be done approach. And right now we are starting our collaboration hopefully in a year from now it will be better and Allah yes, Natalia didn't know what in Salah is. 27:00 Natalia Shapoval:

No, no. 27:02 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

that Natalia you know no. Why I'm not asking inshallah means kind of it's the God willing like you're Allah is like a god, right? Yeah, you say it's kind of is there a while will and then it will succeed and this is a common common expression my mom knows. Oh, really? Yeah, my mom liked that so and and it is kind of we have a good marker. So let's pay cocollaborations started five days earlier than your son was born, right? Yeah. So say this is easy. Okay, okay. Natalia do you want to say something must ever do want to say something or we are a journal? Yeah, I have my last think I forgot so I can see regarding the existing environment we have right now. I can see we are using. Let's say two two different Technologies for almost I think same purpose. For example. We you have nginx for to manage or for certain websites with ages and you are using approximity of sense for some other websites. but from operational prospective it's recommended to to use only a single one for okay. Yeah, I I like I like your ideas. I like this idea and we will be discussing and implementing this too. It's a good idea. I I was not sure I was not aware kind of I kind of this. This is the question which I wanted to ask what web server do we're using so you you kind of you predicted predicted one of my questions. Oh my God, I'm not sure about the Observer you are using but I know the let's say balancing you but outside so far. I'm not sure but yeah sense has kind of hit song like web server inside. It's as far then as far as I know as far as they learn kind of documentation, it's not so Observer itself. It's actually the a military the handling of the connection I don't know. They are forwarding the requests to use backend web server. You know. So the essence houses one. 29:59 Natalia Shapoval:

not all not only that server, but 29:59 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Okay. 30:02 Natalia Shapoval:

only a point on our internal defense. Yeah. Yes. 30:09 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Yeah, of course, whatever you need and it's normal firewall. If you need only for our web service you can use for example, it's shapoval because it's to provide you listen options. But for example, if you have your file server and you it's shapoval will not be used you will use normal normal for it to be for example. 30:37 Natalia Shapoval:

okay. 30:38 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Also, very regarding the storage you he was talking about last week. I did have done some researchers all of the results depends on the budget you have. So how much budget you have or our how much of budget you need to you assign to invest in this for this field or this you you know, you're talking for about paid Solutions like Synology or you're talking about open source Solutions. Members of the day the hardware itself will be a cost. Yeah. So it's a common thing between us he knows or qnap or or open source software the common things that the hardware shelf itself is the hardware itself will be common for you. We have to pushes Hardware. So, all right. So you just to define the budget for the assigned budget for this for this topic? So we can calculate the optimum for let's say your you have X of dollars assigned for the full storage topic So based on that. We I can move forward to search about if you know will be at this solution and the problems or cons for each for each solution. There's the after that we can decide which way we move forward. What what how much dollars do you recommend to assign to this project the storage? Not always much aware about pricing. I need to go and check the pricing again. But yeah, maybe check it. he eventually we want to have like our things so let's say We're talking about the storage this object storage right kind of file an object kind of for common repository, right? It's just at the end of the storage and you can use it. Whatever technology you need to use. But yeah at the end of the day so we have we have yeah, we have different like storages. We have like a backup and Recovery storage, right? We wish we will be kind of let's say proximal backup server. So we will have kind of everything here right now. We're talking about the storage for media files for like files for images videos kind of sound files which Should be available for different applications. Right and let's say media stream server. For example, you need for videos and people are students can access the videos from something like any YouTube for example. Yes. I don't know you because you're saying oh decide on the budget and I normally say like what are my options? Right? So let's say if I come let's imagine. I want to buy a new car right since I'm in the car. I want to buy a new car right? I'm coming to like a dealership and I'm saying I'm looking for a car and they say oh what budget do you have and they say oh, it depends. So let's say I'm looking for either economical car and I'm looking for your winning numbers or like this is my most confused. Yeah, this is my question, you know the storage offering. A lot. I I actually I I work in I I working with For example Bell students. It's NFS which called Iceberg? So for example, this one is the scale starting from I think. One hundred thousand dollars. No. Yeah. I know. I know it's something like a Supercar and economical car or SUV car, you know. So for example, the young girl Massa area for example iPhone from Bell. It's let's say starting of Supercar. It's very efficient with iops and I have an ability and all of your needs and ability all of you. So but of course it will be costly I know I know it's it's a all these are huge and large Enterprises the students. That's why I'm asking about the budget because I need to know which area I would search for my I normally like a delicious dealership right now. I'm saying I'm looking for a car which kind of should have like a flat the seats in the back should fall flat. It is my core requirement. If they don't fall flat, I'm not interested in this car. Whatever it has. He should have no more than 30,000 miles. He should be should have ideally hybrid hybrid plugin. because I want to use kind of electricity and hybrid and a good gas mileage and then and it must be let's say at least like 2019 like kind of the minimum year and I say like show me what you have show me what you have. Okay, I I start with something smaller maybe and kind of and build up when we kind of when our needs will build up because right now it's difficult to estimate how much we will fall through her. because we're not on the market yet. We are not in the production. Yeah, just preparing to get kind of to the students when the students arrive and then they will generate their files. Oh. Also have another question about the space. That's the difference of you because the hardware you will deploy it and comes Data Center. We supposed to practice so I know some Cloud providers that just give you. a row storage against tourism service for something. So just give you our storage and it's terrible one. You just don't care about the hardware don't care about yourself making systems don't care about everything you just pay for monthly based on is a capacity you are in. This is also an option. Do you mean Damian collocation? No, not qualification. It's finally inspirational service. For example you need right now. You need only a 100 gigs. So and you're concern is I have definitely under the stuff. So I'm scalability. So right now you need only 100 games so you don't have to proceed the student unit and deploy, of course you are getting about I am ability. So you minimum speed storage units to achieve their ability because one of the hardware film failed for any reason you can feel over to the other because So this will be a cost and a cost of the hardware question. Yeah, even as possible the best kind of what I would prefer to go with we're happy with her. We will buy let's say if we can connect like three customer storages. It will be kind of the first step. Right? We will buy like three has no storages and their pricing is attractive. At least like we moved our storage from cantaba to Hefner and instead of like and we saved like maybe like this stuff. Of expenses when we move there. So if we can use let's say three storages search boxes on castner and connect them. It will be kind of like check mark if we need something more. We will probably try kind of to. to expand or to book our storage but I don't have right now. Okay, let me Let me do some searches. Yeah. And I will give you almost about an estimate posts for for every solution and you can design decide based on the budget and stuff. I will appreciate it. It will be cool. Okay. Let's stop here. Right Natalia. Do you have any questions? 40:49 Natalia Shapoval:

No, no questions for me. 40:52 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

I I had difficulties in here in everything. So I was missing many words. So I'm looking for like a script to see how it goes. 41:02 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay. 41:02 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Okay. 41:04 Natalia Shapoval:

Okay, of course. 41:09 Natalia Shapoval's Presentation:

Okay. Thanks so much. Thank you my staff and thank you Natalia and and happy that we're moving to somewhere. And okay in a week around. Okay, hi still. 41:26 Natalia Shapoval:

Bye. Bye-bye.