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:Other ideas for titles are sought.
:Other ideas for titles are sought.
:*[[CNM Talk]] shall be used as presentation platform. Test sessions shall be conducted before every official launch.
:*[[Videoconferencing]]: [[CNM Talk]].
:*For initial webinars, separate software shall be used to record the sessions. It shall also contain video-editing functions. However, record plugin may be added to jitsi [[CNM Talk]] in future. This way, [[CNM Talk]] will itself serve multiple video-conferencing purposes without any need of using external softwares.
:*Recording: to be identified.
:*The announcements shall be published on [[Meetup group]].
:*Marketing: [[CNM Cyber Open]] [[meetup group]], [[WorldOpp fb-page]].
:*In addition to announcements, [[Meetup group]] shall be used for communications before and after the webinar as well as , the followups.
:*Streaming/publishing: [[CNM Tube]].
:*Document collaboration: [[CNM Wiki]].

Revision as of 16:28, 4 October 2020

The CNM Cyber Welcome Webinar (hereinafter, the Webinar) is the CNM Cyber seminar that is conducted online to welcome its attendees to the CNM Cyber Welcome Session. The Webinar is open to the general public.


Target audiences

  1. Primary audience: Those who are on the job market, are going to be, or would like to be.
  2. Secondary audience: Those who would like to volunteer and/or get work experience in the industry of their choice.


  • The target audiences (those who are on the job market, are going to be, or would like to be, as well as those who would like to volunteer for the Team and/or get work experience in the industry of their choice) shall get an opportunity to:
    1. Review offers of the Team; and
    2. If they are interested in, get started with CNM Cyber Welcome Session.
  • The CNM Cyber Team shall get another opportunity to:
    1. Serve the (a) primary audience (those who are on the job market, are going to be, or would like to be) and (b) secondary audience (those who would like to volunteer and/or get work experience in the industry of their choice);
    2. Recruit new members of the Team.

Elevator pitch

The elevator pitch shall be developed and incorporated in all of the contents to reflect interests of the target audiences.


Depending on the target customers, any of the following titles and subtitles can be used:
  • Cyber as your side project. Stay competitive on tomorrow's market.
  • Get experience in any industry. Start with CNM Cyber and go anywhere.
  • Start your IT job easy. No experience? Will train!
Other ideas for titles are sought.



The Webinar shall address all the requirements for any CNM Cyber seminar.


During the Webinar

  • Whole webinar session shall be of 30-35 minutes altogether.
  • Around 2-5 minutes will be for greetings and speaker introduction and any settings if needed.
  • Around 15-20 minutes will be given to the formal content as per the decided lectio format.
  • As the webinar is intended to be interactive, 10 minutes shall be reserved for a Q&A session where only participants' questions will be answered.
  • Apart from Q&A session, participants shall be encouraged to ask questions or communicate on chat anytime during the session.
  • Webinar sessions shall be recorded and videos shall be made available at CNM Tube publicly. Recorded videos shall help in improving quality and quantity of resources of on-boarding courses.


  • Follow-up communications - Important links of CNM Cert, CNM Wiki and CNM Tube shall be published on Meetup group. Here, webinar summary and replay link will also be published (optional). The platform shall be used for all types of communications and addressing participant's concerns about CNM Cyber, CNM Cyber events and webinars.
  • Recorded video of the session will be edited (if needed) and posted on CNM Tube.
  • Webinar sessions shall be recorded and videos shall be made available at CNM Tube publicly. Recorded videos shall help in improving quality and quantity of resources of on-boarding courses.



  • Webinar announcement shall be published about two to three weeks prior to the actual event date. If CNM Talk link verification takes time on the meetup group, announcement shall be broad-casted in form of a message to all members in the meetup group. The announcement shall contain:
  1. The webinar title
  2. Date, time and duration
  3. Speaker introduction
  4. Webinar Link.
  5. A brief outline of webinar, focusing on what attendees will learn.

Continual reminder messages will be sent after announcement is broadcasted. Pre-event communication will also be entertained on Meetup group and audience will be encouraged to communicate in case of any concern.

  • From the wiki pages of lectios (both in CNM Cyber Welcome Session and CNM Cyber Orientation), delivered information will primarily consist of lectio scripts. The script portion will be the formal content delivered and focused on.
  • This content or any additional explanations will be supported with content highlights such as flows, diagrams , slides etc which will be developed and displayed according to the content type. This , primarily, will be for better experience of the audience and variety in learning content.

  • From the first webinar, participants shall be directed to / provided links for CNM Cert version of the courses (to register and start attempting) as well as CNM Wiki versions.
  • Speaker should deliver the content in simplest way, encouraging participants' interaction as well as demonstrate the content where needed, on CNM Cyber Apps.


The webinar events shall be sequenced as:

  • An opening/welcome slide - This shall include CNM Cyber Logo, the webinar title, a short slogan, message or motivational sentence, presenter details and overall session duration. It won't be too much loaded as successor slide will be of agenda. The opening slide will be on the screen for welcome and greetings, letting participants gather and to focus their attention before moving to the next content. Meanwhile audience will be encouraged to drop comments about any issues related to connectivity, sound clarity, display or similar technical considerations. Host shall instruct audience to mute or adjust settings where all participants shall be muted before the session begins.
  • Webinar agenda - This will be the second slide stating the overall agenda of webinar and giving the audience the idea of what to expect. Agenda shall include:
  1. An introductory slide about CNM Cyber, CNM Cyber Team and on-boarding courses (optional).
  2. Formal / lectio content topics and duration. It shall include overall duration of the text portion (lectios), demonstration and supportive content delivery.
  3. Summary of the content or "What we learnt". This slide shall include important links for CNM Cert for courses registration, CNM Wiki for wiki versions of all courses and CNM Tube for videos of webinars.
  4. Q&A session - The session will be of around 10 minutes where audience will be encouraged to ask questions, answered for the questions along with demonstrations where needed. To cover the breaks in this session , or in the case where there are not many questions, a wiki page or slide of frequently asked questions will be shown. This wiki-page or slide will be designed considering possible concerns of the audience and highlighted information about CNM Cyber.
  5. Closing slide - Thank you notes and short forecast of the next webinar .
  • Formal Content
  • Summary
  • Q&A session
  • Closing

Follow-up message

Acceptance criteria