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==Meeting Script==(Unedited)

Gary : joined us hello. what's up kid we're starting no you're you're trying to welcome everybody to this week's uh Meeting Kevin: I hope you guys haven't had a great week um yeah so we're officially starting when the meeting is being recorded at the moment um I'd like us to start with um introductions uh we'll talk about what we've done the challenges we've faced this week um what you're planning to do and also what you've been able to accomplish so let's let's uh let's begin so who wants to volunteer at this time I I don't want to pick me to pinpoint someone Rita: so what I worked on this week was uh the scripts which were posted on uh for 22nd March this and I post them on CNN cyber this week for that 5th of March 22nd and then we teamed up with uh Sonia who worked on the welcome video Welcome webinar and we're supposed to happen the website developer and website project page so we had some challenges and uh we passed the questions onto Gary I don't know if you saw that yes so the challenge I have is navigating to the different pages sometimes I forget so the solution I had in mind was to I don't know if this will work for everyone to come up with uh maybe a page that's lists all the sites that we need like CNM service in the wiki and then you just click it leads you to that page yeah so that's it for me. Kevin: okay okay so um I'd like to ask you this one to maybe speak about that the solution that it is offering is it um something that will we would want to do to navigate the pages foreign Gary: basically it is good that you have challenges and that is why we are kind of working on it uh uh let's say I'm trying to see right now like how many scripts I see like three scripts right and all the scripts which you posted all like full Scripts um Kevin I know that you will be kind of later but like you said it it took like five hours to one script to kind of to clean it but did you post like any script just directly oh no yes it's posted on that kind of with no any editing with no any editing but yeah because I kind of because I want to kind of to compare both yeah because I I want to I want to yeah I want to compare because like five hours it's a lot yeah it's a little bit more than kind of what like I would well I I would expect um with the reader it's a good you have questions we need to kind of clean it up and um basically the wiki right now we're using Wiki it's not kind of it's not our final destination uh it's kind of the place to develop things not to like introduce sir I understand again it will be like some questions and that is why oh I'm offering this like website developer Series so we can go and kind of learn it's what you wanted it's what you wanted to hear from me Kevin or Rita or what what's your thing and the solution can okay can you can you get a little bit kind of more for the navigation what solution we are talking about a problem is that part yeah so Rita says that uh can you raise that point again oh okay so you see okay when I go through the differences coordinators page um excited towards is it okay to have one page webpage that has all these links I said like you said one page with the pitch kind of just separate page for the pitch and you've got yeah we need to develop we need to develop it so it's again like Wiki is not our final pages people who will be kind of joining us we shouldn't send them to the wiki at all Wiki is like a temporary solution Wiki 7:50 just like for like right now we don't have anything else it's kind of it's the place where 7:58 we are developing the texts it's not the final solution we shouldn't send people like normal 8:04 people like newcomers who shouldn't send them to the wiki at all 8:11 the pitch should be like a video right we need to develop better kind of the speech what we offer 8:19 so let's say someone like Morgan last time or someone else can join and we 8:25 send them to the speech and it should be kind of in full explain people what we 8:31 are offering right I right now I finished kind of my Sprint 8:38 on the pitch I don't know I'm looking for your feedback Rita said like it's okay but I 8:46 I'm not sure it's not what it's not a response which I am looking for 8:51 it's it must be kind of improved what is what what I missed or what is not 8:58 important for people we also can create kind of teachers separately for website 9:05 developers and for event organizers it's possible 9:11 so they will be kind of a little bit easier it will be kind of a little bit kind of shorter 9:19 again it should be our welcome space from the well welcome station right now 9:25 is like since we don't have a website at the moment welcome space should be our like 9:32 will serve as a as the single like place to start with 9:40 and there we can post like videos with what we offer 9:46 and wikis for us basically people take like courses got what Wiki is and then 9:55 we will send them to the weekend okay I think so I think so I'm not sure 10:01 but I think so it's what what you what you looked from 10:06 me Kevin yeah yeah okay you can you can offer your solution 10:15 I don't know kind of I'm trying to to think what what we can do what can be 10:22 done like right now immediately and it's okay it's what I proceed 10:31 okay so um all right we'll we'll definitely need to talk about that more 10:37 um for now uh let's proceed with the meeting 10:44 are you done thank you yes yes I'm done 10:51 what will you do like next week 10:57 you missed that part what what are you going to do next week 11:02 okay um we are supposed to work with uh Sonia 11:08 regarding the assignment for uh 11:16 the events and uh practice jobs 11:22 okay good proceed 11:29 Sonia do you want to go next 11:35 okay this week I worked on CNM Gypsy page 11:43 um I wrote not so much so I'm playing in to find out more about customization 11:51 from Natalia and a more other information from today's meeting 11:58 uh I started working with Rita and as she said we worked on CNM cyber welcome 12:05 video I created a page where we wrote down a script 12:14 we also reviewed a CNM website developers and website project Wiki 12:22 Pages ask question and made suggestion for our this week series 12:30 and I worked on a new guided tour of CNM Gypsy with nothing 12:36 next week I'm planning to continue documenting CNM cheats 12:43 and work on welcome video and other tasks with Rita 12:49 as a task I mean um Gary said sent response 12:58 for another question and our work so we will work on this on this response 13:07 uh also I think we will start um website development Basics events 13:14 events sorry uh with Rita and Gary um 13:20 and uh I have idea um maybe we will have a meeting with 13:30 tagari and I for for discuss our questions and our work 13:36 they think it can be difficult for me because I have some problem problems 13:42 with English but but it can be 13:49 thank you thank you 13:55 do you feel like we can find like an under like Sonia do you feel like we can find 14:01 an interpreter like to kind of human maybe someone wants to join our project so kind of we will have 14:08 some translation too because we kind of we we had this 14:15 discussion before but it could kind of eliminate the problem like uh like 14:20 speaking problem so when I see your 14:25 yeah kind of go go I uh I interrupted you what did 14:31 you say I'm seeing kind of it 14:36 but but I'm not sure 14:42 fair enough so I'm looking right now at UFC M Gypsy page and I I wrote a couple of times 14:49 right now you put like so much stuff about Jitsu generally so like most of 14:55 the stuff like like this database system it's not 15:01 database system by the way I'm not sure that Jitsu generally has a 15:07 new database but it should be like a gypsy it's not nothing specific to USI 15:16 we need to talk about synergies and on the page called jitsi we call should 15:23 call about jitsen so like most of your staff 15:29 should go there it's kind of what 15:35 we discussed with you and with Natalia's structure or objects when I asked about 15:43 database so I decided to put it on our 15:48 page again it should be a girl like to the dissipation just it's not nothing about 15:55 CNN like because what you wrote right now I 16:00 I moved the whole section right now to the Gypsy page because again this is 16:06 about Gypsy it's not about it's nothing about cnmg 16:13 CNM Gypsy is our installation of the Gypsy 16:19 it's kind of something which we 16:25 what we do what we kind of use right 16:33 and kind of the pictures should go under 16:41 [Music] Institute 16:46 does it make sense I don't know yeah okay because again kind of cnmgc is our 16:55 it's what we do with Gypsy and explanation generally about the Gypsy 17:01 generally what is like Gypsy meat what is Gator wave and you missed by the way 17:06 and you miss gibbery right so like for recording we use gibri 17:14 should be kind of here too 17:22 some pages 17:30 talk is basically it should be no like talk should be based on a video oh say sorry 17:38 talk yes correct wait a second is a software synonym talk is kind of our 17:45 application correct so again synabjits is kind of our what 17:50 we do with gypsy like on Sanam it should be 17:57 how we connected with ldap uh how we 18:03 um restored 18:08 where we keep it how we basically install it 18:15 how we checked for the updates uh 18:20 um like our checklist what like what should 18:26 we do and with this and send them GTC kind of 18:31 software instances which is there it's good 18:37 uh it shouldn't be right now it I see it is 18:46 on um jitsu.biscoll.com like URL it shouldn't be that way it 18:54 should be San and cyber we are getting read right now from 19:00 from this call generally 19:06 it's my perception okay 19:12 okay let's proceed Gary yes are you done 19:20 and I see also Sonia this week's series 19:26 again with the two guys we will go back but kind of with the guided tours 19:32 we need to remove it like right now we did a prototype but we 19:39 cannot move to English and I'm not sure that we basically will 19:45 be able to do it like fast 19:50 and you didn't put like we discussed it we should be like separate so let's say these guided tours should be let's say 19:58 Sanam jitsi for uh users for admins and for system 20:04 admins and you didn't put it to 20:09 at least at least I don't see whether you put this kind of it should be a 20:14 completely different events for like Gypsy for users Gypsy for 20:20 admins NGC for systems 20:29 Natalia agreed with me but we needed kind of to put it we'll talk generally but if there 20:37 is a chance to move uh from there is a chance to move to English 20:45 and to make it like marketable we can we should pursue within let's say three 20:50 weeks if we cannot do it within three weeks 20:57 we'll probably just stop the Endeavor and move on 21:03 to something else 21:08 okay what else I'm I'm done 21:14 [Music] so talking talking about me I work on 21:20 the event organizer page um I'm doing this similarly to website 21:27 developer but for the website developer again I'm doing my Sprint 21:33 so right now we invited Sonia and Rita oh in 21:38 alphabetically it should be written and Sony RS yeah Rita and Sonia to check it and to polish 21:47 it and to make it better but this is kind of their work I I 21:54 finished my and now I work on event organizer it doesn't it depends it goes I took it 22:02 from Kevin it's it's kind of right now I believe it's cleaner 22:08 but I run I run to the problem of this like of several 22:14 of several parts modern parts because 22:19 we need to find kind of this balance between obvious video and Jitsu and we 22:27 may use a video probably for these events and I see like someone is joining us or 22:34 it is kind of Sony is recording or I see like our Twitter 22:41 someone someone put kind of the name so we may do like kind of four coordinators 22:48 such this stream and then kind of 22:53 just take questions for from the audience and for welcome uh events 23:00 then we will do like this chat Maybe but I still like struggle to find their 23:07 kind of the solution of recording I want to pursue with this like like create a 23:13 meeting room so like event host will go there and 23:20 like start recording from the same place so again I'm I'm trying to find kind of 23:28 the balance there I clarified the pitch on the like CNN 23:34 welcome and my goal is to explain people like 23:39 very briefly like in the short way what we offer and I believe that we shouldn't offer 23:47 Career Services we don't have a career services we have just pre-introductory 23:53 pre -entry level jobs and we need to explain these jobs 24:00 and I believe this is kind of what we we should use 24:06 to pitch people in Kenya or maybe Uganda or maybe someone else 24:12 say we have this pre-entry level jobs joint or join us 24:18 go to the welcome space ask questions or attempt the event to ask questions or if 24:24 you don't have questions register and go with the courses 24:32 and that is why I offered like Kevin to go through the search whether it's what 24:38 should we do and I see Kevin gave some suggestions so we can possibly try to find our 24:49 contractor who will kind of use us with the with the model since probably right now to switch to 24:56 another software it will take a long time so we should go with the model right now 25:04 so and I prepare and I propose to separate so let's say CNN cyber is jobs 25:11 synonym cyber jobs it's about jobs pre-entry level jobs 25:17 and Career Services will go under career prize brand name 25:23 and we will basically offer okay you they want to work this is CNN cyber you 25:30 don't want to work you want to kind of you want to pay for career service 25:35 career price go to Career price so in this case career price will 25:41 advertise career services and CNM cyber will advertise jobs 25:47 in this case we can separate different different names right 25:54 and I will continue I will be here on event organizer page for a while today I plan 26:01 to talk to Natalia and Sonia and maybe we'll find a solution with the balance 26:07 maybe you can create kind of some virtual machines so 26:12 event organizers can go there and check and possibly 26:18 um when we have a solution for event organizer page I will get back 26:28 okay okay 26:39 so is that is that it here 26:48 um and one question to to the to us to for a solution or recording 26:56 uh is there what's the problem with uh 27:06 um initially it was a problem like Sonia reported some problems and I believe again kind of my my idea 27:14 which I'm promoting is to have this virtual machine 27:19 because right now let's say I don't remember whether I kind of 27:25 expressed my idea but for now I express at least like in written several times 27:31 so for now for instance let's say you came and recording right now right but 27:36 you are recording your laptop using your bandwidth it's kind of it goes there 27:43 right and when you finish you need to upload it to somewhere it will be uploaded to your machine right so 27:51 and if you disconnect the recording will stop right yeah 27:57 and then you need to kind of to join together different pieces or and you 28:03 will be missing something right so my suggestion is to have like virtual 28:08 machine the event host will get there call themselves as their record bot or I 28:18 don't know whatever even causes bought husband or record board and 28:25 like uh event organizer or event host get to 28:31 this virtual machine start the conference click record and left 28:37 leave nothing there no any disruption no any work on there 28:44 and this is recording like their event costs of the meeting 28:51 um coordinated everything like facilitated everything 28:57 the meeting ended the event horse left 29:03 got a virtual machine click stop recording and the conference that's it 29:14 so then this recording will move technically 29:19 from one part of our server to another part of our server it's not any 29:26 bandwidth going back and forth right so again 29:32 no disruption no kind of uh Norm conference will not will never be 29:39 interrupted it will be recorded fully we don't need to say oh Kevin did you start 29:44 recording like on time starts recording right 29:52 I like I like this idea I don't know what the kind of what the drawbacks I 29:57 don't know what the problem with this so we will kind of it's what we will talk with Natalia and on the same virtual 30:04 machine we can put some like recording software we can put like some software to work 30:10 with the videos to cut them beginning and end if we need it and so on so forth 30:16 we can possibly put like OBS studio somewhere 30:23 again I want to play with the streaming too right now we use Gypsy but 30:30 like I like to try like this streaming option 30:36 the coordinators will be kind of a participants of the events like that and 30:42 there are others can join as their like stream viewers right yeah 30:51 maybe I don't know we need to try different things and find what will work 31:00 okay I believe you don't 31:12 so okay so um can I continue yeah yeah I'm done 31:18 so this week um steps that you need to take to the 31:25 record on OBS Studio I prepared a script for the CNM cyber 31:31 week that we had on Ninth uh last month 31:36 and uh yeah this script was were like um to to see how long it would take to 31:44 develop a script uh from from scratch so that we can compare 31:49 compare um the scripts that can be developed by Ai 31:55 and uh the scripts that are cleaned by some cortex that I'm talking about 32:02 and then I started my Sprint on CNM SATs and 32:07 I was able to create a new account and I was able to register successfully to see 32:13 them sites so though I encountered some challenges I realized that locating for 32:20 a new person um it will be difficult to locate the welcome course so these are some things 32:28 that like us to do to make it simpler 32:34 not only you I remember we use our model in in China and every student there had 32:42 this kind of the problem because you need to click on their like home and 32:47 then to see all the courses because by default it shows here just like the courses you are enrolled in but if you 32:54 don't enroll in any course we should we yeah we we should change 33:02 kind of the start page yeah uh all to work out kind of some other solution so 33:09 I feel like we need just to find an expert on model but to do this we need to develop this 33:15 like page from like Center model explain what we have what what we have by the 33:21 way if I type right now I've seen in the middle what we'll have we have nothing 33:28 we have nothing there we even cannot show anyone anything 33:38 but with with this like you said five hours it took like her yeah to develop 33:43 the the scripts for like for a 35 one scripts let's let's see let's simplify 33:50 kind of show me kind of post me just a raw script with no kind of any polish 33:55 and we will compare and maybe we'll go with this okay 34:01 at least at least it's like as long as searchable yeah we probably can go with this okay 34:10 but but show me five hours we we cannot Outsource it we can like find someone 34:16 who will do this script yeah possibly yeah but 34:22 at least like we get someone number it's good I like it yeah so uh for this coming week I plan to 34:29 continue with my cnms at Sprint and then I'll move on to the CNN cyber marketing 34:36 campaign 34:42 we need to restart 34:53 I'd like to to invite you to introduce yourself and tell us something about you 35:00 is it you invited or they came from from them oh okay yeah good good 35:18 to speak up I guess I'll begin hi 35:25 um my name is rito Eda um I was invited over by Kevin 35:34 um I'm so glad to learn about the program still in the progress of learning about 35:40 it so I look forward to working with you guys you're such a great team I've been 35:46 listening to what you've been doing so I'm I'm looking forward to catching up on what you've been doing and 35:53 I look forward to being of help to the team yeah thank you 35:59 very good thank you welcome welcome let's get to we will 36:07 laugh we love new people just love new people because the more 36:12 the more the merrier right and um 36:17 how to kind of how to plug them in kind of should we should we connect them like 36:23 can you connect Kevin how do you feel like we can plug 36:30 them in uh I'm thinking um like um 36:38 what they can go through the courses that you have right now and then maybe 36:43 start with simple projects uh show some sort of initiative 36:50 and then we can see um where where we can plug them in 36:59 like the current projects that uh are ongoing um 37:05 the courses do you feel like courses can be helpful like they're they're kind of 37:10 their the first the first course is outdated for sure 37:16 it's kind of just you know it cannot be anything different 37:26 how black like a written just like to this web develop website development 37:33 in my view yeah but if she goes right now to kind of to 37:40 to our our space welcome space what what would 37:47 you see there 37:55 do we have any like a good even good 38:00 um [Music] good link 38:07 just share 38:20 where where should we send people so I'm trying to get kind of their the 38:29 link I remember Sonia can you Essentials 38:36 no you should be like uh on the welcome space kind of a link 38:42 um 38:53 Sonia do you remember it was like social CNM cyber 38:59 dot com slash S for spaces and then welcome welcome just to welcome you 39:12 it's kind of open and all 39:20 when I get when I locked in yeah when I locked in it shows me where when I don't 39:28 locked in chose me nothing so it's also said like 39:33 you are not a member of this space and there is no public content 39:39 so what how people can basically find and if I am not 39:47 if I'm not um logged in right 39:54 it shows me nothing at all is it the same one it says yeah 40:01 it says like you need to log in and if I am login it says you're not a 40:08 member what what people should what people should be able to see how people 40:14 should be able to look at foreign 40:20 makes this group public but I don't know 40:26 maybe maybe it is it is not it says like directly there is no public content yeah 40:33 okay it should be public and here it should be like somehow welcome like 40:39 video it should be like linked to like website 40:45 developer like page so people can people should come here as a single point of 40:52 entry right and here it should be explanation how to 40:57 log in how to navigate Moodle for now until we are working on it 41:03 uh like probably even video kind of when you get to the Moodle you need to click 41:10 here you need to click like on the home you need to find like a welcome core like whatever we call it orientation or 41:18 whatever it's called right now I forgot it and kind of Click there and it should be like a video because 41:25 people get used to videos how to right how to video so it's kind of and 41:31 everything should be on that page this page probably should have kind of a simple 41:37 explanation so people can like not simple as simple as possible 41:44 explanations which people can be should be able to use to use right yeah 41:54 so who will work on it Kevin or take this like this social and why it's 42:01 called by the way I see on the tab it's called like satka on the on the 42:07 kind of page title it's called setka which is most likely is not translated 42:13 said okay means net net in in Ukraine and right 42:26 do you see what I'm talking about kind of from the tab like on the top of the page it's still set 42:34 yeah again it should be kind of a good nice space so people like 42:39 Rita can can go there and and get started yeah 42:48 Kevin what you said it's kind of it's their wiki page it's 42:56 not the same we Wikipedia is the place where we need to 43:03 develop um what we want 43:09 and what I'm talking about is we can we should do like a public page 43:16 on the space and we can do by the way so people can 43:21 join there and ask question there without anything at any time 43:30 talking about this kind of this page was created but 43:37 there's no no public content there but the idea is like someone who is about to 43:44 join our project right now right this person can and our events right as questions like 43:53 Rita just did right but she's saying oh I'm interested she's saying kind of just 43:59 general words like every person I will do I I don't understand anything but I 44:04 need to say that you're a great team you look like a great team I want to be a part and it's just general but we need 44:11 to direct this person to somewhere and so let's say 44:16 Eve between the events we this person also should be able to 44:24 ask questions so it could be kind of questions under our like CNN Cube on the 44:31 video we should allow the comments or on the Meetup or 44:37 on this page technically we can say everyone can join at any time right 44:45 yeah what kind of even guests can write any comments could be I don't know we need 44:52 to explore and develop it 44:57 Kevin you will do it yes so kind of so can you take over kind of this 45:04 project too like the like to create this to create this um 45:13 the space for people to join since you and again it should be our welcome video 45:21 it should be linked to explanation how to get a like account 45:27 uh link to Moodle 45:34 yeah it's pretty much it yeah but uh as of now like since since 45:42 we don't have this I might be able to onboard them just like I did with uh 45:53 okay and kind of anyway right now our main kind of work is what like Sony and 46:00 Rita is doing right so you do like more on their marketing side yeah and they 46:05 are doing more on the user side right so right now we work right now our goal is 46:13 to get prepared to people who will be hopefully join in 46:19 Us in May and they are starting joining us right now so we need to 46:26 create kind of a smooth process as possible so people can get there and 46:33 again like the separation like you work on the marketing side and everyone else they should work on 46:40 the user side because if like Rita even like said oh I 46:47 don't know what where to go or I don't understand this link or I get to the 46:52 wiki and I don't understand anything there it's it's what we need right it's what 46:59 we kind of find oh we have a link to Wiki somewhere we need to delete it we 47:05 need to cut it off yeah so oh yeah 47:10 oh yeah we have two other people 47:16 who have asked Can you kindly speak up 47:26 but we are right now like we're at 49 minutes of our meeting we need to kind 47:31 of to make it faster Kevin we need to limit like people for 15 minutes including me 47:39 especially you yeah but we kind of we cannot go more 47:45 than one hour right yeah 47:58 they kind of they listen to everything right so it's between 48:06 you can plug them in together right and I and I feel we will we need to move 48:15 anyone to like to this web develop website developer because technically like the only place 48:22 where they can start working right now is website developers and we need to 48:29 plug them in give the explanations record the videos because it's not it's 48:35 not easy I understand like Sunny is not asking questions 48:41 asking some questions but Sonia said well I don't understand okay it cannot 48:47 be understood from the beginning we need to publish it we need to work on it we 48:52 need to you know to make it better right 49:00 Okay Kevin five minutes more and we are where we will be finished 49:07 yeah and we need to talk together Kevin Sony and me we need to resolve this like 49:13 this um this kind of page thing 49:21 who made this separate or maybe to do it separately I don't know 49:28 Twitter in one minute together if Sony is available I am available but 49:36 Sony Google or not I don't know all right so um 49:43 I think our guests are not ready to create us at the moment 49:48 yes okay 49:56 and I'm also a guest and uh okay this is very a fairly new 50:03 Concepts to me but I'm liking what I'm hearing and seeing so thank you for the opportunity to come on board 50:10 thank you thank you for your interest thank you for the interest 50:15 thank you for the interest it's good we need people especially especially the latest like 50:22 it's good it's good it's good because our kind of the the the the main kind of 50:29 the main pitch which we'll be making is kind of it's related to ladies I wanted 50:35 to put it separately in our welcome Beach because they can do like their 50:42 like family stuff or be at home and and like from my perspective what we 50:48 offer it should be working well for ladies especially 50:55 kind of my prediction but we don't have any restrictions we take everyone right 51:05 okay anything else 51:13 no we're we're done right yeah oh no 51:24 yeah we are done 51:34 [Music] can be um male or meat to 51:42 to give me access to YouTube channel 51:48 it's what we kind of we discussed that we can we can we can probably right now leave are you available Sony right now 51:55 no no yeah yeah so we probably like need to 52:01 we need to kind of to get to another medium or and this meeting 52:07 what what how we will do um 52:21 we can continue working on that any any way I need to switch to another 52:28 laptop so I will get out and I will soon send you and and Sonia a link to another 52:36 link okay it will be easier right now okay okay 52:42 thank you thank you [Music] 52:48 oh 52:56 foreign