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[[CNMCyber Office Hours]] (hereinafter, the ''Series'') is the series of [[CNMCyber office hour]]s (hereinafter, the ''Events''), which are [[CNMCyber event]]s that those members of [[CNMCyber Team]] who seek for data (hereinafter, the ''Interviewers'') initiate to gather data from those members of [[CNMCyber Team]] who hold the sought data and make decisions about that (hereinafter, the ''Interviewees'').
[[CNMCyber Office Hours]] (hereinafter, the ''Series'') is the series of [[CNMCyber office hour]]s (hereinafter, the ''Events''), which are [[CNMCyber event]]s that those members of [[CNMCyber Team]] who seek (hereinafter, the ''Interviewers'') for data, information, opinions, and requirements initiate and process in order to gather data from those members of [[CNMCyber Team]] who hold the sought data, information, opinions, and requirements and/or make decisions about that (hereinafter, the ''Interviewees'').
Using the ''Series'', incumbents of [[CNMCyber job]]s collect requirements from staffers of [[CNMCyber Office]] and/or [[CNMCyber Customer]]. The requirements gathered during office hours should lead to the creation and development of relevant wiki pages.
Using the ''Series'', incumbents of [[CNMCyber job]]s collect requirements from staffers of [[CNMCyber Office]] and/or [[CNMCyber Customer]]. The requirements gathered during office hours should lead to the creation and development of relevant wiki pages.

Revision as of 16:14, 26 July 2023

CNMCyber Office Hours (hereinafter, the Series) is the series of CNMCyber office hours (hereinafter, the Events), which are CNMCyber events that those members of CNMCyber Team who seek (hereinafter, the Interviewers) for data, information, opinions, and requirements initiate and process in order to gather data from those members of CNMCyber Team who hold the sought data, information, opinions, and requirements and/or make decisions about that (hereinafter, the Interviewees).

Using the Series, incumbents of CNMCyber jobs collect requirements from staffers of CNMCyber Office and/or CNMCyber Customer. The requirements gathered during office hours should lead to the creation and development of relevant wiki pages.


The purpose of the Event is to:

  1. provide a platform for CNMCyber members to ask questions related to CNMCyber jobs
  2. collect requirements from CNMCyber Team and/or CNMCyber Customer
  3. result in development of wiki product pages through the information gathered during the event.



The Events are scheduled per request. When the Interviewer requests the Interviewee to respond to the questions, the Interviewer indicates his or her preferred timing, if any. The Interviewee chooses to answer those questions with or without the Interviewer.
Potential interviewees are required to indicate their availability in advance. For instance the customer (Gary) is available on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am EDT to 2pm EDT.
If an interviewer has pressing inquiries, they should forward those questions to the interviewee, who will then record a video response in their own available time.


The CNMCyber Office Hours host is the interviewer for events that the interviewee and the interviewer are both present while in events the interviewer is not present (specifically, those events the interviewee records on their own), the interviewee assumes the role of the host for those events


The Interviewee organizes the Event. He or she may or may not invite the Interviewer or anyone else to join the Event as another speaker and/or host the Event. The other guests have opportunities to ask questions and provide the speakers with their comments via chat of the Event's stream.

Outreach channels

Regarding the announcement and communication Channels,
    • When it is launched, CNM Social Office hours channel;
    • The CNMCyber Meetup group; Participants who join through the meetup group will receive prior notification that they will participate in the event via live streaming. If they wish to participate as members, they must attend the CNMCyber Welcome session as a prerequisite.

Standing operating procedures

To organize the event, you need to follow SOP at CNMCyber event and:

Prior to the event, you need to:
  1. Generate relevant question that needs to be addresses in the CNMCyber Office Hours event. The questions need to assist the interviewer in understanding;
    1. What the product is;
    2. Why the product needs to be developed;
    3. Goal of the product;
    4. Deliverables of the product;
    5. Expectations of the customers;
  2. Contact CNMCyber Customer or a member of CNMCyber Team from whom you wish to collect requirements from.
  3. Share the questions with the CNMCyber Customer and/or CNMCyber Team member to be interviewed.
  4. Agree with the interviewee i.e. the CNMCyber Customer or CNMCyber Team member whether the event will be live or the CNMCyber Customer or CNMCyber Team member will host the CNMCyber Office Hours event alone in response to the questions shared and publish the recording on CNM Cyber YouTube channel
  5. Agree on the time and date when the event will take place when both parties mutually agree to attend the event.

During the event (for live events);
  1. Be not only a participant but also the host of the event, it include:
    1. connect to the meeting at least 5 minutes before it begins;
    2. switch on the recording of the meeting in CNM Jitsi and in a second another program (more about how to record meetings);
    3. welcome the interviewee and any other participants;
    4. let participants know that the meeting is being recorded;
    5. state the topic of discussion and allow the interviewee explain more about the topic
    6. Ask the previously generated questions one by one allowing the interviewee time to answer as well as asking any follow-up questions.
    7. Conclude the event
After the meeting, you need to:
  1. Publish the recording on our CNM Cyber YouTube channel and on CNM AVideo https://tube.cnmcyber.com/. You also should write a description of the video: when you write a description for YouTube, you shouldn't add links to Wiki and to Meetup, but you can add it on AVideo;
  2. Transfer the requirements generated from the office hours to the relevant wiki product page.
  3. Create a script stating the key points that were discussed in the office hours event.

Description of the event

Join us for the "CNMCyber office Hours" Technology board, sprint 1 (where Technology board is the subject, sprint 1 is the number of event being held on the subject) event on Wednesday at 13:00 pm EST/EDT to get firsthand information on CNMCyber Technology board developments.
CNMCyber is an endeavor to build tech-powered career services, primarily, hands-on training and entry-level jobs.
To learn about the topics we will discuss, please visit: (paste the project wiki page here)
To stay in touch and be the first to know about new events, follow us on: CNM social https://social.cnmcyber.com/s/cnmcyber-users/.
Previous events: : Category: CNMCyber Office Hours
Please note the event shall be recorded and the recording shall be published on CNM Cyber YouTube channel
The event will be streamed live. Incase you have questions during the live event, you are required to post in the live chat section. To participate in the event as a member, you are welcome to attend the CNMCyber Welcome session as a prerequisite.
12:00 -- Welcome and introduction;
12:05 -- Q&A session on Technology board endeavor
12:45 -- Comments and clarifications
12:55 -- Closing announcements

Time details

The event shall not exceed one hour. The interviewer and the interviewee shall both agree on a specific time and date for the event. In the scenario where the interviewee will host the event alone, he/she will decide on the date and time host the event.

Practical exercises

Every CNMCyber member is required to organize at least one CNMCyber office hour event before starting any jobs best describes at CNMCyber jobs.


After office hours event, the developments made in the product wiki page will be reported during the preceding This week event. Additionally, during this same This week event, the deliverables before the next This week event will be set. These deliverables play a crucial role as they will determine the questions to be addressed in the subsequent office hours event.

Previous events

Category: CNMCyber Office Hours

See also