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[[What CNM Cert Is]] (hereinafter, the ''Lectio'') is the primary lecture that introduces its participants to [[CNM Cert. The ''Lectio'' is the first part (also known as [[lectio]]) of the second [[learning activity]] of the [[CNM Cyber Welcome Course]].
[[What CNM Cert Is]] (hereinafter, the ''Lectio'') is the primary lecture that introduces its participants to [[CNM Cert]]. The ''Lectio'' is the first part (also known as [[lectio]]) of the second [[learning activity]] of the [[CNM Cyber Welcome Course]].

Revision as of 00:04, 10 March 2020

What CNM Cert Is (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the primary lecture that introduces its participants to CNM Cert. The Lectio is the first part (also known as lectio) of the second learning activity of the CNM Cyber Welcome Course.

Lectio 1 content

Official texts of this entrance exam preparation lesson, as well as its preview, are published at CNM Cert. CNM Cert is the learning management system that is brought to you as a service. Learning management systems commonly transfer knowledge from the instructor to the learners, as well as support assessments whether the knowledge has been transferred.
The target knowledge is ordinarily embedded into learning content. Because knowledge is in its focus, this type of training is called knowledge-focused training.
Learning content delivery usually occurs through lessons like this one, instructor-led lecturing, and other narrated instruction. As long as you can read/hear these words, you can see/hear that CNM Cert delivers some content as well. However, the content delivery is not the primary purpose of CNM Cert.
A special feature of CNM Cert is that this service interacts with other services that deliver learning content as well. However, among all those services, only CNM Cert can accommodate assessments. The word, Cert, in the service's name stands for certification.
CNM Cert's assessments are further used to track your progress and plan your learning path. Thus, one single most important purpose of CNM Cert is its monitoring of your development and planning of your further learning.
-- 203 words, 12 sentences

Lectio 1 review

The word, CERT, in the name, CNM CERT, stands for:
  1. computer education recruitment training
  2. Computers for Education, Recruitment and Training
  3. Council of Education, Recruitment and Training
  4. certification
  5. None of the other answers is correct
-- (wlcm-cert-00001-prvw)