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(Lists of Regulated Products (9.3.3))
(Lists of Regulated Products (9.3.3))
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#''Note'': '''Columns 9 and 10''' do not apply to transportation by highway.<table class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align:center;"><caption>49 CFR 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table (excerpt)</caption><tr><td rowspan="2">Symbols</td><td rowspan="2">Hazardous Materials Description & Proper Shipping Names</td><td rowspan="2">Hazard Class or Division</td><td rowspan="2">Identification Numbers</td><td rowspan="2">PG</td><td rowspan="2">Label Codes</td><td rowspan="2">Special Provisions (172.102)</td><td colspan="3">Packaging (173. ***)</td></tr><tr><td>Exceptions</td><td>Non&#8209;Bulk</td><td>Bulk</td></tr><tr><th>(1)</th><th>(2) </th><th>(3)</th><th>(4)</th><th>(5)</th><th>(6)</th><th>(7)</th><th>(8A)</th><th>(8B)</th><th>(8C)</th></tr><tr><td>A</td><td>Acetaldehyde ammonia </td><td>9</td><td>UN1841</td><td>III</td><td>9 </td><td>IB8, IP3, IP7, T1, TP33</td><td>155</td><td>204 </td><td>240</td></tr></table>
#''Note'': '''Columns 9 and 10''' do not apply to transportation by highway.<table class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align:center;"><caption>49 CFR 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table (excerpt)</caption><tr><td rowspan="2">Symbols</td><td rowspan="2">Hazardous Materials Description & Proper Shipping Names</td><td rowspan="2">Hazard Class or Division</td><td rowspan="2">Identification Numbers</td><td rowspan="2">PG</td><td rowspan="2">Label Codes</td><td rowspan="2">Special Provisions (172.102)</td><td colspan="3">Packaging (173. ***)</td></tr><tr><td>Exceptions</td><td>Non&#8209;Bulk</td><td>Bulk</td></tr><tr><th>(1)</th><th>(2) </th><th>(3)</th><th>(4)</th><th>(5)</th><th>(6)</th><th>(7)</th><th>(8A)</th><th>(8B)</th><th>(8C)</th></tr><tr><td>A</td><td>Acetaldehyde ammonia </td><td>9</td><td>UN1841</td><td>III</td><td>9 </td><td>IB8, IP3, IP7, T1, TP33</td><td>155</td><td>204 </td><td>240</td></tr></table>
'''Appendix A to 49 CFR 172.101''' - The List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities. The DOT and the EPA want to know about spills of hazardous substances. They are named in the List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities. See Figure 9.5. Column 2 of the list shows each product's reportable quantity (RQ). When these materials are being transported in a reportable quantity or greater in one package, the shipper displays the letters RQ on the shipping paper and package. The letters RQ may appear before or after the basic description. You or your employer must report any spill of these materials, which occurs in a reportable quantity.
'''Appendix A to 49 CFR 172.101''' - The List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities. The DOT and the EPA want to know about spills of hazardous substances. They are named in the List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities. See Figure 9.5. Column 2 of the list shows each product's reportable quantity (RQ). When these materials are being transported in a reportable quantity or greater in one package, the shipper displays the letters RQ on the shipping paper and package. The letters RQ may appear before or after the basic description. You or your employer must report any spill of these materials, which occurs in a reportable quantity.<table class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align:center;"><caption>Appendix A to 49 CFR 172.101 List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities (excerpt)</caption><tr><th>Hazardous Substances</th><th>Reportable Quantity (RQ) Pounds (Kilograms)</th></tr><tr><td>Phenyl mercaptan</td><td>100 (45.4)</td></tr></table>
If the words INHALATION HAZARD appear on the shipping paper or package, the rules require display of the POISON INHALATION HAZARD or POISON GAS placards, as appropriate. These placards must be used in addition to other placards, which may be required by the product's hazard class. Always display the hazard class placard and the POISON INHALATION HAZARD placard, even for small amounts.<table class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align:center;"><caption>Appendix A to 49 CFR 172.101 List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities (excerpt)</caption><tr><th>Hazardous Substances</th><th>Reportable Quantity (RQ) Pounds (Kilograms)</th></tr><tr><td>Phenyl mercaptan</td><td>100 (45.4)</td></tr></table>
If the words INHALATION HAZARD appear on the shipping paper or package, the rules require display of the POISON INHALATION HAZARD or POISON GAS placards, as appropriate. These placards must be used in addition to other placards, which may be required by the product's hazard class. Always display the hazard class placard and the POISON INHALATION HAZARD placard, even for small amounts.

Revision as of 00:14, 23 May 2021

This HAZMAT CDL Manual represents the July 2017 version of the Section 9 "Hazardous Materials" of the Commercial Driver's License Manual adopted by the state of Virginia. The manual was developed for the 2005 CDL Testing System.

Section 9 introduction

Hazardous materials are products that pose a risk to health, safety, and property during transportation. The term often is shortened to HAZMAT, which you may see on road signs, or to HM in government regulations. Hazardous materials include explosives, various types of gas, solids, flammable and combustible liquid, and other materials. Because of the risks involved and the potential consequences these risks impose, all levels of government regulate the handling of hazardous materials.

The Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) is found in parts 171 - 180 of title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The common reference for these regulations is 49 CFR 171 - 180

The Hazardous Materials Table in the regulations contains a list of these items. However, this list is not all-inclusive. Whether or not a material is considered hazardous is based on its characteristics and the shipper's decision on whether or not the material meets a definition of a hazardous material in the regulations.

The regulations require vehicles transporting certain types or quantities of hazardous materials to display diamond-shaped, square on point, warning signs called placards.


This section is designed to assist you in understanding your role and responsibilities in hauling hazardous materials. Due to the constantly changing nature of government regulations, it is impossible to guarantee absolute accuracy of the materials in this section. An up-to-date copy of the complete regulations is essential for you to have. Included in these regulations is a complete glossary of terms.

You must have a commercial driver license (CDL) with a hazardous materials endorsement before you drive any size vehicle that is used to transport hazardous material as defined in 49 CFR 383.5. You must pass a written test about the regulations and requirements to get this endorsement.

Everything you need to know to pass the written test is in this section. However, this is only a beginning. Most drivers need to know much more on the job. You can learn more by reading and understanding the federal and state rules applicable to hazardous materials, as well as, attending hazardous materials training courses. Your employer, colleges and universities, and various associations usually offer these courses. You can get copies of the Federal Regulations (49 CFR) through your local Government Printing Office bookstore and various industry publishers. Union or company offices often have copies of the rules for driver use. Find out where you can get your own copy to use on the job.

Training and testing

The regulations require training and testing for all drivers involved in transporting hazardous materials. Your employer or a designated representative is required to provide this training and testing. Hazardous materials employers are required to keep a record of training for each employee as long as that employee is working with hazardous materials, and for 90 days thereafter. The regulations require that hazardous materials employees be trained and tested at least once every three years.

All drivers must be trained in the security risks of hazardous materials transportation. This training must include how to recognize and respond to possible security threats.

The regulations also require that drivers have special training before driving a vehicle transporting certain flammable gas materials or highway route controlled quantities of radioactive materials. In addition, drivers transporting cargo tanks and portable tanks must receive specialized training. Each driver’s employer or his or her designated representative must provide such training.

Some locations require permits to transport certain explosives or bulk hazardous wastes. States and counties also may require drivers to follow special hazardous materials routes. The federal government may require permits or exemptions for special hazardous materials cargo such as rocket fuel. Find out about permits, exemptions, and special routes for the places you drive.

The Intent of the Regulations (9.1)

Contain the Material (9.1.1)

Transporting hazardous materials can be risky. The regulations are intended to protect you, those around you, and the environment. They tell shippers how to package the materials safely and drivers how to load, transport, and unload the material. These are called "containment rules."

Communicate the Risk (9.1.2)

To communicate the risk, shippers must warn drivers and others about the material's hazards. The regulations require shippers to put hazard warning labels on packages, provide proper shipping papers, emergency response information, and placards. These steps communicate the hazard to the shipper, the carrier, and the driver.

Assure Safe Drivers and Equipment (9.1.3)

In order to get a hazardous materials endorsement on a CDL, you must pass a written test about transporting hazardous materials. To pass the test, you must know how to:

  1. Identify what are hazardous materials.
  2. Safely load shipments.
  3. Properly placard your vehicle in accordance with the rules.
  4. Safely transport shipments.
  5. Learn the rules and follow them. Following the rules reduces the risk of injury from hazardous materials. Taking shortcuts by breaking rules is unsafe. Non-compliance with regulations can result in fines and jail.
  6. Inspect your vehicle before and during each trip. Law enforcement officers may stop and inspect your vehicle. When stopped, they may check your shipping papers, vehicle placards, and the hazardous materials endorsement on your driver license, and your knowledge of hazardous materials.

Who Does What (9.2)

The Shipper (9.2.1)

  1. Sends products from one place to another by truck, rail, vessel, or airplane.
  2. Uses the hazardous materials regulations to determine the product’s:
    • Identification number
    • Proper shipping name.
    • Hazard class.
    • Packing group.
    • Correct packaging.
    • Correct label and markings.
    • Correct placards.
  3. Must package, mark, and label the materials; prepare shipping papers; provide emergency response information; and supply placards.
  4. Certifies on the shipping paper that the shipment has been prepared according to the rules (unless you are pulling cargo tanks supplied by you or your employer).

The Carrier (9.2.2)

  1. Takes the shipment from the shipper to its destination.
  2. Prior to transportation, checks that the shipper correctly described, marked, labeled, and otherwise prepared the shipment for transportation.
  3. Refuses improper shipments.
  4. Reports accidents and incidents involving hazardous materials to the proper government agency.

The Driver (9.2.3)

  1. Makes sure the shipper has identified, marked, and labeled the hazardous materials properly.
  2. Refuses leaking packages and shipments.
  3. Placards vehicle when loading, if required.
  4. Safely transports the shipment without delay.
  5. Follows all special rules about transporting hazardous materials.
  6. Keeps hazardous materials shipping papers and emergency response information in the properplace.

Communication Rules (9.3)

Definitions (9.3.1)

Some words and phrases have special meanings when talking about hazardous materials. Some of these may differ from meanings you are used to. The words and phrases in this section may be on your test. The meanings of other important words are in the glossary at the end of Section 9.

A material's hazard class reflects the risks associated with it. There are nine different hazard classes. The types of materials included in these nine classes are in Figure 9.1.

Hazardous Materials Class (Figure 9.1)
Class Division Name of Class or Division Examples
1 1.1 Mass Explosion Dynamite
1.2 Projection Hazard Flares
1.3 Fire Hazard Display Fireworks
1.4 Minor Explosion Ammunition
1.5 Very Insensitive Blasting Agents
1.6 Extremely Insensitive Explosive Devices
2 2.1 Flammable Gases Propane
2.2 Non-Flammable Gases Helium
2.3 Poisonous/Toxic Gases Fluorine, Compressed
3   Flammable Liquids Gasoline
4 4.1 Flammable Solids Ammonium Picrate, Wetted
4.2 Spontaneously Combustible White Phosphorus
4.3 Dangerous When Wet Sodium
5 5.1 Oxidizers Ammonium Nitrate
5.2 Organic Peroxides Methyl, Ethyl, Ketone, Peroxide
6 6.1 Poison (Toxic Material) Potassium Cyanide
6.2 Infectious Substances Anthrax Virus
7   Radioactive Uranium
8   Corrosives Battery Fluid
9   Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)
None   ORM-D (Other Regulated Material; Domestic) Food Flavorings, Medicines
    Combustible Liquids Fuel Oil

A shipping paper describes the hazardous materials being transported. Shipping orders, bills of lading, and manifests are all shipping papers. Figure 9.6 shows an example shipping paper.

After an accident or hazardous materials spill or leak, you may be injured and unable to communicate the hazards of the materials you are transporting. Firefighters and police can prevent or reduce the amount of damage or injury at the scene if they know what hazardous materials are being carried. Your life, and the lives of others, may depend on quickly locating the hazardous materials shipping papers. For that reason the rules require:

  1. Shippers to describe hazardous materials correctly and include an emergency response telephone number on shipping papers.
  2. Carriers and drivers to quickly identify hazardous materials shipping papers, or keep them on top of other shipping papers and keep the required emergency response information with the shipping papers.
  3. Drivers to keep hazardous materials shipping papers:
    • In a pouch on the driver's door, or
    • In clear view within immediate reach while the seat belt is fastened while driving, or
    • On the driver's seat when out of the vehicle.

Package Labels (9.3.2)

Shippers put diamond-shaped hazard warning labels on most hazardous materials packages. These labels inform others of the hazard. If the diamond label won't fit on the package, shippers may put the label on a tag securely attached to the package. For example, compressed gas cylinders that will not hold a label will have tags or decals. Labels look like the examples in Figure 9.2.

Lists of Regulated Products (9.3.3)

Placards. Placards are used to warn others of hazardous materials. Placards are signs put on the outside of a vehicle and on bulk packages, which identify the hazard class of the cargo. A placarded vehicle must have at least four identical placards.

They are put on the front, rear, and both sides of the vehicle. Placards must be readable from all four directions. They are at least 250mm 9.84 inches square, square-on-point, in a diamond shape. Cargo tanks and other bulk packaging display the identification number of their contents on placards or orange panels or white square-on-point displays that are the same size as placards.

Identification numbers are a four-digit code used by first responders to identify hazardous materials. An identification number may be used to identify more than one chemical. The letters “NA or “UN” will precede the identification number. The United States Department of Transportation’s Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) lists the chemicals and the identification numbers assigned to them.

There are three main lists used by shippers, carriers, and drivers when trying to identify hazardous materials. Before transporting a material, look for its name on three lists. Some materials are on all lists, others on only one. Always check the following lists:

  1. Section 172.101, the Hazardous Materials Table.
  2. Appendix A to Section 172.101, the List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities.
  3. Appendix B to Section 172.101, the List of Marine Pollutants.

The Hazardous Materials Table. Figure 9.4 shows part of the Hazardous Materials Table:

  1. Column 1 tells which shipping mode(s) the entry affects and other information concerning the shipping description. The next five columns show each material's shipping name, hazard class or division, identification number, packaging group, and required labels. Six different symbols may appear in Column 1 of the table.
    • (+) Shows the proper shipping name, hazard class, and packing group to use, even if the material doesn't meet the hazard class definition.
    • (A) Means the hazardous material described in Column 2 is subject to the HMR only when offered or intended for transport by air unless it is a hazardous substance or hazardous waste.
    • (W) Means the hazardous material described in Column 2 is subject to the HMR only when offered or intended for transportation by water unless it is a hazardous substance, hazardous waste, or marine pollutant.
    • (D) Means the proper shipping name is appropriate for describing materials for domestic transportation, but may not be proper for international transportation.
    • (I) Identifies a proper shipping name that is used to describe materials in international transportation. A different shipping name may be used when only domestic transportation is involved.
    • (G) Means this hazardous material described in Column 2 is a generic shipping name. A generic shipping name must be accompanied by a technical name on the shipping paper. A technical name is a specific chemical that makes the product hazardous
  2. Column 2 lists the proper shipping names and descriptions of regulated materials. Entries are in alphabetical order so you can more quickly find the right entry. The table shows proper shipping names in regular type. The shipping paper must show proper shipping names. Names shown in italics are not proper shipping names.
  3. Column 3 shows a material's hazard class or division, or the entry "Forbidden." Never transport a "Forbidden" material. Placard hazardous materials shipments based on the quantity and hazard class. You can decide which placards to use if you know these three things:
    • Material's hazard class.
    • Amount being shipped.
    • Amount of all hazardous materials of all classes on your vehicle.
  4. Column 4 lists the identification number for each proper shipping name. Identification numbers are preceded by the letters “UN”, "NA." or “ID”. The letters "NA" are associated with proper shipping names that are only used within the United States and to and from Canada. The letters “ID” are associated with proper shipping names recognized by the International Civil Aviation Organization (IACO) Technical instructions for transportation by air. The identification number must appear on the shipping paper as part of the shipping description and also appear on the package. It also must appear on cargo tanks and other bulk packaging. Police and firefighters use this number to quickly identify the hazardous materials.
  5. Column 5 shows the packing group (in Roman numeral) assigned to a material.
  6. Column 6 shows the hazard warning label(s) shippers must put on packages of hazardous materials. Some products require use of more than one label due to a multiple hazards being present.
  7. Column 7 lists the additional (special) provisions that apply to this material. When there is an entry in this column, you must refer to the federal regulations for specific information. The numbers 1-6 in this column mean the hazardous material is a poison inhalation hazard (PIH). PIH materials have special requirements for shipping papers, marking, and placards.
  8. Column 8 is a three-part column showing the section numbers covering the packaging requirements for each hazardous material.
  9. Note: Columns 9 and 10 do not apply to transportation by highway.
    49 CFR 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table (excerpt)
    SymbolsHazardous Materials Description & Proper Shipping NamesHazard Class or DivisionIdentification NumbersPGLabel CodesSpecial Provisions (172.102)Packaging (173. ***)
    (1)(2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8A)(8B)(8C)
    AAcetaldehyde ammonia 9UN1841III9 IB8, IP3, IP7, T1, TP33155204 240

Appendix A to 49 CFR 172.101 - The List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities. The DOT and the EPA want to know about spills of hazardous substances. They are named in the List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities. See Figure 9.5. Column 2 of the list shows each product's reportable quantity (RQ). When these materials are being transported in a reportable quantity or greater in one package, the shipper displays the letters RQ on the shipping paper and package. The letters RQ may appear before or after the basic description. You or your employer must report any spill of these materials, which occurs in a reportable quantity.

Appendix A to 49 CFR 172.101 List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities (excerpt)
Hazardous SubstancesReportable Quantity (RQ) Pounds (Kilograms)
Phenyl mercaptan100 (45.4)

If the words INHALATION HAZARD appear on the shipping paper or package, the rules require display of the POISON INHALATION HAZARD or POISON GAS placards, as appropriate. These placards must be used in addition to other placards, which may be required by the product's hazard class. Always display the hazard class placard and the POISON INHALATION HAZARD placard, even for small amounts.