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:We have kind of like a blueprint for agreement. Interesting. I will move it mostly, instead of agreement we have agreement for Careerprise coordinator. We will just use here the kind of the subject matters, so we'll take kind of a subject matter out of here and because the subject matter will be kind of exhibit A for the agreement, appendix sorry. So we will move, so let's say instead of this appendix A will be the subject matters and in this way we don't need to reprint the contract all the time. But the contract will be kind of the same but the subject matters, rates, methods of payment, and communication will be different. Appendix A should be like subject matters. Yes it is we how we will kind of move it. Anyway, the point is that we need to have well-defined CNMCyber event, kind of standing operating procedure, those things which are clear. For now let's say we have a good experience with using Meetup let's say. We don't use it fully because we don't use like comment sections well but at least like as a scheduling tool it's okay. But we need to create a good standing operating procedure and work it out. Anyway that's it guys, and talk to you later.  
:We have kind of like a blueprint for agreement. Interesting. I will move it mostly, instead of agreement we have agreement for Careerprise coordinator. We will just use here the kind of the subject matters, so we'll take kind of a subject matter out of here and because the subject matter will be kind of exhibit A for the agreement, appendix sorry. So we will move, so let's say instead of this appendix A will be the subject matters and in this way we don't need to reprint the contract all the time. But the contract will be kind of the same but the subject matters, rates, methods of payment, and communication will be different. Appendix A should be like subject matters. Yes it is we how we will kind of move it. Anyway, the point is that we need to have well-defined CNMCyber event, kind of standing operating procedure, those things which are clear. For now let's say we have a good experience with using Meetup let's say. We don't use it fully because we don't use like comment sections well but at least like as a scheduling tool it's okay. But we need to create a good standing operating procedure and work it out. Anyway that's it guys, and talk to you later.  
:Thanks so much and see you around what you think and and we will go from there we'll improve. Bye-bye.
:Thanks so much and see you around what you think and and we will go from there we'll improve. Bye-bye.
==CNMCyber Office Hours requirements (part 1; office hour, 07-15-2023)==
:CNMCyber Office Hours requirements (part 1; office hour, 07-15-2023) is the office hour event held on July, 15th about Office Hours events.
===Preview video===
:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcc4f_4qg5A (25:44)
:Hello everyone. I'm Gary from CNMCyber and I would like to talk about office hours. So, what it is, why it emerged, and how we got to this world, right? So if we go to the current Channel which is CNMCyber Channel. You can find there is a boot-camp devs Springs right. So it was several events where in which we tried to build website developer boot-camp and initially I wanted people to come and to ask questions and I planned that we will build the boot-camp based on the questions. The problem was that the questions was not meaningful enough and we didn't get any results, got nothing out of it. That is why I put like sprint one right. So, it was basically just trying, attempts, trials so then we stop this development and we introduced office hours. I expected and it happened that people will ask and if I have these questions and we will discuss these questions specifically. So instead of like one general or ask me anything sessions we moved towards more specified questions. So for instance, if we see like in the last office hour which I initiated. No one asked me but I decided that I need to speak about it. So I put only on CNMCyber event requirements and I recorded this video talking specifically for CNMCyber events and others. We can see some other which I called office hour. So here with Kevin we talked about social, CNM social User Group requirements. I talked about from hours to contracts on CNM cyber development, Gracie asked about website information architecture Sprints. So we discussed that and Erastus and Kevin asked about information architecture generally. So it was a separate, tech board requirements. We had several parts, initially it was at by Kevin then Rita asked so we recorded these sessions.
So with this regard, office hours became more concentrated. You can see like some specific kind of topics but it didn't serve the goal/the purpose in full. Why I sayed that; because office hours from the very beginning was designed to help, like to be an instrument for collecting requirements and I expected that those requirements will be transferred on the wiki, emerge on the wiki. At least on the wiki. Which we call, yeah wiki. So, for instance if we take a look at the events for instance, not events -- events it was kind of I initiated. Let's take technology board. I see Kevin did a lot Sonya did before. So let's take a look at what Kevin did, but anyway it was like June 20th so whatever we did like in the first technology board meeting maybe Kevin moved something to the requirements right but not too much now it's only one sentence the board is responsible for overseeing the current stage of Technology initiative addressing, yeah I don't know whether it was taken from the office hour or not but this is not a lot and they're meeting which we had with Rita it generated to no requirements at all. So the goal for office hours is to, for developers or event organizers or coordinators or learners to collect requirements but those quirements should emerge or be developed or appear on the wiki and since they don't emerge, so something is not working. So that is why I put since we are right now moving from from hours to contracts deliverablesthat is why I created these deliverables. So, and my proposal was; okay you are done with the hours. We no longer can pay you just because you atend to read or record or speak but now we would like to pay you for instance the description of what CNMCyber event should be, right on this very wiki page. But at the same time and I am asking people, okay give me a price right. Give me kind of how much money do you want to have, I want to have a general description so this is a job deliverable EE01, and I'm asking how much money do you need.  Well today we had a discussion with Kevin and Kevin said I want to work on EB01 and let's talk about the price and I say okay price doesn't matter. I agree on any price if you tell me
two million dollars I will agree. I will agree, I don't have this money but I don't I know that you will not finish this job because the scope is not defined. Whatever you do, I will ask you for more and you will be working till I retire and I say okay no longer commitments. We had a similar discussion with Erastus before, and Erustus talked, I want to do this. I said okay give me a prize and said like what the scope is I said oh here's the question what the scope is because technically this description doesn't have any scope and to have the scope you actually need office hours. So like when you have requirements then requirements by themselves they constitute the scope because if we have technically description like statement of work for instance what should be on the Wiki page then the statement of work can suggest the scope. So again with office hours for now I'm open for in-person events on Wednesdays and Thursdays like for two days but again I just decided to dedicate those days for now at the very beginning if they are very successful we can increase them. We can make more of them but for now let's start with kind of let's say two days. But I want this office hours right, what is missing here. it's nothing here at all -- nothing on this page. So it's a series of CNMCyber events customer organizes
twice a week to support career price contractors. So like first of all it should be CNMCyber events -- correct. I don't want to be the only person who organize and I don't want to organize it at all. Like the the learner or whomever contractor should organize them. Definitely twice a week is not a requirement, it could be twice a day, it could be twice an hour. It depends on the needs, on the requests and the reason why I want not to call it not CNMCyber customer hours but Office hours is because I feel like this should be the major instrument to collect requirements and technically the organizer like event organizer whomever it is; Kevin, Erastus any basically event organizer he can request he or she can request not only me but for instance Natalia or maybe Kevin or maybe someone else. The goal is that, this official event which must be recorded which must be scheduled first. Most likely we will use CNM social but we need to work better on this tool. It's not available as of now but we can use something like CNMCyber meetup group for now because CNMCyber meetup group is available and the organizer should contact someone from whom this person will get requirements and this is what we will call office hours and the event should be recorded and script must be created not all the scripts for instance it doesn't matter -- oh I'm I'm Gary I'm from CNMCyber blah blah blah blah blah blah -- but the hard meat stuff. Kind of the red meat stuff, like hot topics. It must be scripted and moved to the requirements. That is pretty much it on what I want to talk about office hours. Again and every, like how envision; so how I envision people will be moving. So we had this discussion again today with Kevin, and again our talk with Kevin it prompted me to record this video. So let's imagine, like what we are working on right now. Like we are working on the topic that for instance; a lady whose name will be let's say Mary, who lives in Eldoret, Kenyan. 18 year old -- recent gradguate from High School. 18 year old why not like 16. I am just not aware of the legal requirements, whether any legal requirements exist. Why not older, usually people like have better -- I would say drive -- It can be older it doesn't matter for generally matter. But I would say the younger people, they tend to have better aspirations and I have it from my experience. Let's say like ladies before they have kids before, they get married like have kids they are more open for I would say professional activity versus when the kids are already grown up it's more like economic necessity. So and we are not proposing people (inaudible) jobs right so this is why I as a target audience right, now I would like to concentrate on let's say this like recent high school graduates right. Recent high school graduate, let's put in this way, who is interested in a professional work maybe professional activities, she needs to, like this Mary from Eldoret, Kenya like what we want, what we kind of plan, what we envision, what we target, what we assume that she will see like see or notice. Let's say put first -- noted the commercial. Like CNMCyber commercial that ladies who lived there they can try commercial CNMCyber introductory job promotion. So, there is a opportunity for people to get like introductory job and to try themselves like temporary. Let's say like 100 hours and she needs to get registered with CNMCyber, right? Then what else -- get prepared, get trained to organize events, meetings we call it not events, meetings. So now let's take a look what I feel -- what meetings we have, right. So, we have common hours which is not real meetings. It's not organized meetings, it's more like open mic. The only thing some learner maybe, no customer not me no recording no official recording someone comes there and like another person like from the same team can answer questions informally. So this is not a really, like it's not event which must be like really organized right? Technology board, no it's not for learners it's not for Mary. Mary will not be able to kind of to do it, she doesn't know what the servers or her availability or whatever. It's too tough right. This week, I don't feel like it's a good event for a learner too, it might be possibly but I would probably prefer this week and Technology board just to have a contractor and the contractor will have kind of we will know that let's say for one month or for six months we have a contract and someone organizes this so I don't plan kind of that everyone from the street will go and do it. Welcome session can be at least like a portion of it like a but again it's not like the first event right? So from those events which are available; office hours, looks like the primary event for pretty much everyone, like for Mary. Especially where since we're talking about Mary. For Mary like because she can have this like one-on-one meeting with me or maybe I don't know maybe some like religious problems with meeting a man she probably can meet with a woman
again I don't know. I don't know anything about that requirement, it doesn't matter for now but their meeting must be recorded and script should be made up and their Wiki page description must be updated. It sounds like a reasonable job as for the first person like Mary. So here, not start organizing meetings, start organizing office hours. So she can request like may I have like your office hour she may request me, she may request Natalia, she may request Kevin or whomever will be like in charge of the program or it will be like a list of of potentials for someone to talk to but it must be a topic, like what the topic will be and again it must be scripted and he topic should move like every office hour she'll contribute to the wiki requirements if no Wiki requirements exist or kind of created office hour is absolute it doesn't it's not an office hour just talk it's a common hour. Just talk nothing comes out of that, so and furthermore after she organized maybe like two three four events she can start learning or trained or start getting trained to develop websites which we already kind of touched. So initially we thought maybe website developer will be the first job but for now I feel like no it's like event organizer, this is the first job because of our experience. We tried to develop websites but without organizing meetings it didn't work. So I put it here for now as a kind of as their editor like extended like let's call it user epic and I will put in discussion just to have it right so this is pretty much it. So let's say office hours should be the primary kind of event to collect requirements and pretty much everyone in the program must have this agreement to organize office hour. Is a must be the first contract for everyone, the first thing which everyone in the program must do that is pretty much it about officer how. I envisioned them and what I want from them and probably it will be kind of a good boost for someone to to work on it. Thank you so much and see you around. bye-bye

Revision as of 16:39, 1 August 2023

The CNMCyber persona:

  1. Noted CNMC introductory job commercial
  2. Registered with CNMC
  3. Got trained to organize meetings, capture video records, and transform those records into documents
  4. Organized a learning session and conference.
  5. Organized an Office Hours meeting, captured video records, and developed wiki-based requirements
  6. Started getting trained to develop websites
  7. Discussed with the customer on the requirements of the project
  8. Analyzed the SOPs of a given project with the client
  9. Presented on the progress of the project to the client

Erastus: CNMCyber Office Hours, in my opinion, are meetings where cordinators meet with the customer to discuss project deliverables, goals, and objectives. They should define a clear project road map from start to finish, including the requirements, expected results, and how long it should take to deliver expected results.

Rita: In addition, the contractor should be in position to discuss the challenges and come up with solutions to navigate them.

Draft to discuss-- as frequently as necessary, depending on the specific needs and requests for coordinators to submit their challenges and progress of what projects they have taken on. In addition to this questions about CNMCyber are also welcome in this session. Anyone is welcome to this event.

Event host-- Is it correct to state that the CNMCyber Office Hours host is the interviewer for events that the interviewee and the interviewer are both present while in events the interviewer is not present (specifically, those events the interviewee records on their own), the interviewee assumes the role of the host for those events?


To the customer
1. What are your thoughts on utilizing a standardized agenda template for organizing the initial two or three office hour events? For instance, considering that all projects share common prerequisites, would it be beneficial to leverage these shared requirements to structure the agenda for the initial office hours of any project?

For instance the agenda of the first office hour may include;

i). Determine what the goal of the project is.
ii). Define the deliverables of the project
iii). Understand the customer's expectations.
iv). Determine documentation of the meeting outcome. i.e., Action items and requirement documentation.
iv). Determine the duration of the entire project.
v). The project plan (breaking down the task into smaller tasks, i.e. phases)
vi). Determine communication channels, i.e., email, Viber, Social etc.
vii). Determine the expectations before the next office hour meeting.

To test it's practicality, kindly assist with your responses for each of the above agendas in regards to the CNMCyber Office Hours event development project.

2. Should the customer receive a draft agenda for review beforehand? The agenda should be specific to the project. If so, how long before the meeting should the agenda be shared with the customer?

3. What is your take on implementing a phased approach to project management, strategically scheduling office hours to focus on specific phases of the project, with each office hour dedicated to addressing the corresponding phase?

The primary goal of this approach is to enable effective follow-up and progress tracking by ensuring that the objectives and milestones set for each phase are met before proceeding to the next office hour/the next phase of the project. This ensures a systematic and structured project progression, facilitating comprehensive tracking and evaluation of project advancements.

4. Do we need a moderator for office hours?

In situations such as;
i). Where the contractor, a.k.a. Mary (18-year-old girl from Eldoret), does not have any meeting moderation skills
ii). To ensure the agendas are addressed and that time is managed well by both parties.

5. What is your take on the Office Hours space on CNM Social?

CNMCyber event requirements (office hour, 07-10-2023)

CNMCyber event requirements (office hour, 07-10-2023) is the office hour event on July, 10th about CNMCyber events.

Preview video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgYursiLRoI (21:45)



Hello guys, I'm Gary and decided to make like office hour with no attendees, it’s only me to record and to use further. So we'll be talking about CNMCyber events and they are part of, like target deliverables. First of all, I would like to take a look at generally all the deliverables. So it will be like CNMCyber event wiki page which we will go over. We also need to have a very workable recording standing operating procedure. They may exist may not. The team just recently started or is starting using virtual machines, so maybe it will kind of be a separate deliverable. Also we need really workable event scheduling tool. They may be combined with the scheduling tool of social we may use kind of the same. For now they're different deliverables but they might be kind of the same thing. We also plan to have some activity coordinating contract with someone. Someone who will oversee or supervise all events and work on the events and work on standing operating procedures or their updates. I decided also that script development is a separate thing because for every event which we have, I'm sure that we will have to have like Scripts. At least with the major points maybe not like complete scripts of everything that was said but made points it must be. And technically it could be a separate contract. So and we will have like someone will do scripts and post them for instance on their talk pages and we'll go from there.

Out-reach event

So for now, let's take a look back to CNMCyber events. First of all, all the events and this is different, like all CNMCyber events are outreach events by default. So only maybe common hour, we will move for like team event. CNMCyber team events. Maybe we will call it this way. So all CNMCyber events they are outreach. They must be public, they must be published on Meetup, and Facebook. For now, we're not using Facebook page but we probably, we need to. I hope it exists. WorldOpp, it looks like it's still there. But we don't update it -- 100 likes. We didn't update it for years. For a long, long time. The pictures are taken from like an old website. I see someone did career price conference. I don't know who did this page. I don't recall. In the first place, but anyway we probably need to kind of, to plug it too and it must be a part of our standing operating procedure. So, on this page basically initially it was like closed events or outreach events. Like for now I intend to make all CNMCyber events as outreach events. So we have 'this week', we have 'office hours', we have 'technology board', 'guided tours' it's not real right now and we may move it to Career prize. Guided tours, initially from the very beginning, guided tours was supposed to be paid. So kind of the idea that the first tour will be like free to test it and then we will go to paid versions. Welcome session, Sonya and Rita worked on it. They did some like dry around but it was a little bit out of touch in my view because the pitch was not available. I'm not sure abut the round table and stand up and seminars. I would say this week is technically a stand up. I would say, it's like it's a weekly stand up. I will combine two pages, 'this week' and 'stand up'. So we don't have like a 'stand up'. Round Table, it's interesting like 'Round Table' we're missing like one part of the events which we need to have. This will be like 'User Group' events and then this like 'Round Table' will come in. All operations must be unified and I would say here create event on Meetup Group.

Scheduling and reminders

Again we need to kind of play and practice with the social. So this is kind of more concentrated on Meetup Group which is correct, but also it doesn't include -- I see also like information about the event should be added. We don't use zoom, we don't use Google meet, we then use Xbox game. Kind of, this information is really outdated. Also as we discussed with-- a few times recently, like 15 minutes before the meeting, in the chat or somewhere it should be posted like message 'thank you for your RSVPs, we are starting in 15 minutes, the agenda is, the meeting will be recorded and published if you miss this you can still review like a video link'. Because people are forgetting that they RSVP'd or they wanted to go, and then just to remind them. It's like a friendly reminder and what is also important, on the same chat and the same kind of scheduling tool, it must be always scheduled. It must be kind of the link to the video must be posted so someone who missed this, they can go and review on YouTube. Right now we use YouTube, hopefully we will use CNMTube at some point of time, maybe not now. Live event operations is different, but usually it should be meet and greet, yes. Then it should be a disclaimer that the session is recorded and recording will be posted somewhere.

Facilitating the event

Facilitating event means different things it depends on the event, but yes it must be like a very clear moderator. Also I want to get back with every event which is missed here, it must be a very clear organizing platform. It can be, right now we use Meetup. But let's say, in the last Thursday we had like technology board and it became clear that it didn't have any scheduling tool because neither me nor Natalia did know what the link of the event is and no one RSVP'd. It was not clear whether it will start, again where it will be conducted and how it will be conducted. So like to choose, let's say if the scheduling platform is not chosen, it must be chosen before the event starts. And for series, it must be predefined. I'm not sure about why, let's say for technology board meetings we didn't use like Meetup at all. I tried to find it's not ever, we didn't have any past event. We never had any technology board. We had it, yeah so we had it in June but it is not kind of the last time or Rita, again it's no video link and no reminder and someone again kind of someone tried to attend but we didn't help this person to go through. So and this was on June 29th right. and the last was June 29 but what about sixth. So we didn't have it on sixth, right. Yeah it doesn't look like we had it. Anyway, if I go to technology board it must be also like defined. So again, what the difference between like CNMCyber event page and all like other specifics. So every event, every let's say technology board or any other CNMCyber event must follow the standing operating procedure from the event. But it has differences, so let's say facilitating is different. Facilitating in let's say this week's series, facilitation is just meet and greet disclaim that it will be recorded and recording will be published give kind of a mic to a speaker, conclude and the rest is pretty much-- so only like this part to like allow asking questions. The rest should follow the same like events which every CNMCyber event should go.

Streaming and location

I'm building like, Sonya created kind of how to record meetings. I don't know whether it's kind of good or bad. We also need to decide about streaming. This is kind of the topic which also like concerns me a lot. So the locations, I prefer let's say like this week meetings or technology board, I prefer them to have in on-site locations. Especially in Washington DC Metro area where I am located. So some people can go and join, like kind of normal people. Someone who is interested in. We need volunteers, we need people and why not to try. We had some location-based events for a while, why not to continue. So and I mentioned many times I mentioned it to Sonya when she was available, Kevin at least like twice. I want to move to physical locations to make it hybrid. Those who want to attend in person should be able to get an attendant person and we never went through. No one asked me about how to do it, how to start. We never tried. I would say I like to keep it to 45 minutes. For like a strange reason, some of our meetings are more than one hour which is not correct and again this is kind of the problem of facilitator who didn't stop me well. This information is outdated so this page by itself is not owned by anyone. Again initially this page was kind of for both open to the public events and close to the public events but for now CNMCyber event by itself should be public, Facebook must be kind of notifications and so on and so forth. It must be better developed including the text before the event, during the event, and so on.


We have kind of like a blueprint for agreement. Interesting. I will move it mostly, instead of agreement we have agreement for Careerprise coordinator. We will just use here the kind of the subject matters, so we'll take kind of a subject matter out of here and because the subject matter will be kind of exhibit A for the agreement, appendix sorry. So we will move, so let's say instead of this appendix A will be the subject matters and in this way we don't need to reprint the contract all the time. But the contract will be kind of the same but the subject matters, rates, methods of payment, and communication will be different. Appendix A should be like subject matters. Yes it is we how we will kind of move it. Anyway, the point is that we need to have well-defined CNMCyber event, kind of standing operating procedure, those things which are clear. For now let's say we have a good experience with using Meetup let's say. We don't use it fully because we don't use like comment sections well but at least like as a scheduling tool it's okay. But we need to create a good standing operating procedure and work it out. Anyway that's it guys, and talk to you later.
Thanks so much and see you around what you think and and we will go from there we'll improve. Bye-bye.

CNMCyber Office Hours requirements (part 1; office hour, 07-15-2023)

CNMCyber Office Hours requirements (part 1; office hour, 07-15-2023) is the office hour event held on July, 15th about Office Hours events.

Preview video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcc4f_4qg5A (25:44)



Hello everyone. I'm Gary from CNMCyber and I would like to talk about office hours. So, what it is, why it emerged, and how we got to this world, right? So if we go to the current Channel which is CNMCyber Channel. You can find there is a boot-camp devs Springs right. So it was several events where in which we tried to build website developer boot-camp and initially I wanted people to come and to ask questions and I planned that we will build the boot-camp based on the questions. The problem was that the questions was not meaningful enough and we didn't get any results, got nothing out of it. That is why I put like sprint one right. So, it was basically just trying, attempts, trials so then we stop this development and we introduced office hours. I expected and it happened that people will ask and if I have these questions and we will discuss these questions specifically. So instead of like one general or ask me anything sessions we moved towards more specified questions. So for instance, if we see like in the last office hour which I initiated. No one asked me but I decided that I need to speak about it. So I put only on CNMCyber event requirements and I recorded this video talking specifically for CNMCyber events and others. We can see some other which I called office hour. So here with Kevin we talked about social, CNM social User Group requirements. I talked about from hours to contracts on CNM cyber development, Gracie asked about website information architecture Sprints. So we discussed that and Erastus and Kevin asked about information architecture generally. So it was a separate, tech board requirements. We had several parts, initially it was at by Kevin then Rita asked so we recorded these sessions.

So with this regard, office hours became more concentrated. You can see like some specific kind of topics but it didn't serve the goal/the purpose in full. Why I sayed that; because office hours from the very beginning was designed to help, like to be an instrument for collecting requirements and I expected that those requirements will be transferred on the wiki, emerge on the wiki. At least on the wiki. Which we call, yeah wiki. So, for instance if we take a look at the events for instance, not events -- events it was kind of I initiated. Let's take technology board. I see Kevin did a lot Sonya did before. So let's take a look at what Kevin did, but anyway it was like June 20th so whatever we did like in the first technology board meeting maybe Kevin moved something to the requirements right but not too much now it's only one sentence the board is responsible for overseeing the current stage of Technology initiative addressing, yeah I don't know whether it was taken from the office hour or not but this is not a lot and they're meeting which we had with Rita it generated to no requirements at all. So the goal for office hours is to, for developers or event organizers or coordinators or learners to collect requirements but those quirements should emerge or be developed or appear on the wiki and since they don't emerge, so something is not working. So that is why I put since we are right now moving from from hours to contracts deliverablesthat is why I created these deliverables. So, and my proposal was; okay you are done with the hours. We no longer can pay you just because you atend to read or record or speak but now we would like to pay you for instance the description of what CNMCyber event should be, right on this very wiki page. But at the same time and I am asking people, okay give me a price right. Give me kind of how much money do you want to have, I want to have a general description so this is a job deliverable EE01, and I'm asking how much money do you need. Well today we had a discussion with Kevin and Kevin said I want to work on EB01 and let's talk about the price and I say okay price doesn't matter. I agree on any price if you tell me two million dollars I will agree. I will agree, I don't have this money but I don't I know that you will not finish this job because the scope is not defined. Whatever you do, I will ask you for more and you will be working till I retire and I say okay no longer commitments. We had a similar discussion with Erastus before, and Erustus talked, I want to do this. I said okay give me a prize and said like what the scope is I said oh here's the question what the scope is because technically this description doesn't have any scope and to have the scope you actually need office hours. So like when you have requirements then requirements by themselves they constitute the scope because if we have technically description like statement of work for instance what should be on the Wiki page then the statement of work can suggest the scope. So again with office hours for now I'm open for in-person events on Wednesdays and Thursdays like for two days but again I just decided to dedicate those days for now at the very beginning if they are very successful we can increase them. We can make more of them but for now let's start with kind of let's say two days. But I want this office hours right, what is missing here. it's nothing here at all -- nothing on this page. So it's a series of CNMCyber events customer organizes twice a week to support career price contractors. So like first of all it should be CNMCyber events -- correct. I don't want to be the only person who organize and I don't want to organize it at all. Like the the learner or whomever contractor should organize them. Definitely twice a week is not a requirement, it could be twice a day, it could be twice an hour. It depends on the needs, on the requests and the reason why I want not to call it not CNMCyber customer hours but Office hours is because I feel like this should be the major instrument to collect requirements and technically the organizer like event organizer whomever it is; Kevin, Erastus any basically event organizer he can request he or she can request not only me but for instance Natalia or maybe Kevin or maybe someone else. The goal is that, this official event which must be recorded which must be scheduled first. Most likely we will use CNM social but we need to work better on this tool. It's not available as of now but we can use something like CNMCyber meetup group for now because CNMCyber meetup group is available and the organizer should contact someone from whom this person will get requirements and this is what we will call office hours and the event should be recorded and script must be created not all the scripts for instance it doesn't matter -- oh I'm I'm Gary I'm from CNMCyber blah blah blah blah blah blah -- but the hard meat stuff. Kind of the red meat stuff, like hot topics. It must be scripted and moved to the requirements. That is pretty much it on what I want to talk about office hours. Again and every, like how envision; so how I envision people will be moving. So we had this discussion again today with Kevin, and again our talk with Kevin it prompted me to record this video. So let's imagine, like what we are working on right now. Like we are working on the topic that for instance; a lady whose name will be let's say Mary, who lives in Eldoret, Kenyan. 18 year old -- recent gradguate from High School. 18 year old why not like 16. I am just not aware of the legal requirements, whether any legal requirements exist. Why not older, usually people like have better -- I would say drive -- It can be older it doesn't matter for generally matter. But I would say the younger people, they tend to have better aspirations and I have it from my experience. Let's say like ladies before they have kids before, they get married like have kids they are more open for I would say professional activity versus when the kids are already grown up it's more like economic necessity. So and we are not proposing people (inaudible) jobs right so this is why I as a target audience right, now I would like to concentrate on let's say this like recent high school graduates right. Recent high school graduate, let's put in this way, who is interested in a professional work maybe professional activities, she needs to, like this Mary from Eldoret, Kenya like what we want, what we kind of plan, what we envision, what we target, what we assume that she will see like see or notice. Let's say put first -- noted the commercial. Like CNMCyber commercial that ladies who lived there they can try commercial CNMCyber introductory job promotion. So, there is a opportunity for people to get like introductory job and to try themselves like temporary. Let's say like 100 hours and she needs to get registered with CNMCyber, right? Then what else -- get prepared, get trained to organize events, meetings we call it not events, meetings. So now let's take a look what I feel -- what meetings we have, right. So, we have common hours which is not real meetings. It's not organized meetings, it's more like open mic. The only thing some learner maybe, no customer not me no recording no official recording someone comes there and like another person like from the same team can answer questions informally. So this is not a really, like it's not event which must be like really organized right? Technology board, no it's not for learners it's not for Mary. Mary will not be able to kind of to do it, she doesn't know what the servers or her availability or whatever. It's too tough right. This week, I don't feel like it's a good event for a learner too, it might be possibly but I would probably prefer this week and Technology board just to have a contractor and the contractor will have kind of we will know that let's say for one month or for six months we have a contract and someone organizes this so I don't plan kind of that everyone from the street will go and do it. Welcome session can be at least like a portion of it like a but again it's not like the first event right? So from those events which are available; office hours, looks like the primary event for pretty much everyone, like for Mary. Especially where since we're talking about Mary. For Mary like because she can have this like one-on-one meeting with me or maybe I don't know maybe some like religious problems with meeting a man she probably can meet with a woman again I don't know. I don't know anything about that requirement, it doesn't matter for now but their meeting must be recorded and script should be made up and their Wiki page description must be updated. It sounds like a reasonable job as for the first person like Mary. So here, not start organizing meetings, start organizing office hours. So she can request like may I have like your office hour she may request me, she may request Natalia, she may request Kevin or whomever will be like in charge of the program or it will be like a list of of potentials for someone to talk to but it must be a topic, like what the topic will be and again it must be scripted and he topic should move like every office hour she'll contribute to the wiki requirements if no Wiki requirements exist or kind of created office hour is absolute it doesn't it's not an office hour just talk it's a common hour. Just talk nothing comes out of that, so and furthermore after she organized maybe like two three four events she can start learning or trained or start getting trained to develop websites which we already kind of touched. So initially we thought maybe website developer will be the first job but for now I feel like no it's like event organizer, this is the first job because of our experience. We tried to develop websites but without organizing meetings it didn't work. So I put it here for now as a kind of as their editor like extended like let's call it user epic and I will put in discussion just to have it right so this is pretty much it. So let's say office hours should be the primary kind of event to collect requirements and pretty much everyone in the program must have this agreement to organize office hour. Is a must be the first contract for everyone, the first thing which everyone in the program must do that is pretty much it about officer how. I envisioned them and what I want from them and probably it will be kind of a good boost for someone to to work on it. Thank you so much and see you around. bye-bye