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(Major milestones)
(Scope statement)
Line 137: Line 137:
:*One day after the ''Webinar'', follow up message with ''Webinar'' summary and replay link will be published on Meetup group.
:*One day after the ''Webinar'', follow up message with ''Webinar'' summary and replay link will be published on Meetup group.
:*'''Post webinar report'''  will be documented and presented couple of days after the ''Webinar'' event.
:*'''Post webinar report'''  will be documented and presented couple of days after the ''Webinar'' event.
==Scope statement==
''Webinar'' development shall consider following activities:
:*Development activities will start once the product scope, acceptance criteria and scope statement is approved by the project owner.
===Major milestones===
===Major milestones===

Revision as of 10:55, 18 October 2020

The CNM Cyber Welcome Webinar (hereinafter, the Webinar) is the CNM Cyber seminar that is conducted online as a webinar to welcome its attendees to the CNM Cyber Welcome Session. The Webinar is open to the general public.


Target audiences


Elevator pitch

The draft is:

We at CNM Cyber Team bring to the general public a collection of career services called CNM Cyber. CNM stands for Career Network Ministry.

Our career consultants and mentors deliver career development and social support services in person, mainly, one on one.

Three suites of CNM Cyber services are based on software. They are capable to connect you with key people, as well as provide you with a comprehensive toolbox for your job search, career exploration, and skills building.

Besides professional networks and credentials, CNM Cyber can also be used to get professional experience in any industry that you may choose.

All the services are free of charge. To get started, go to cnmcyber.com

Some modifications of the elevator pitch shall be incorporated in all of the contents to reflect interests of the target audiences.

Marketable titles

Marketable titles are used for marketing. Depending on the target customers, any of the marketable titles and subtitles can be used:
  • Get futureproof-employable. Start with CNM Cyber and go anywhere.
  • Stay futureproof-employable. Your competitiveness on tomorrow's market.
  • Start from scratch and go. No experience in IT industry? Will train!
Other ideas for marketable titles are sought. More formal titles for single Webinars shall be used at CNM Wiki.


Ideally, the participants shall easily access the technology on mobile, tablet and desktop devices.
The detailed instructions for what technology access is available and how to access should be included in the Announcement.

Actionable items

The Webinar shall address all the requirements for any CNM Cyber seminar.


Prior to the Webinar, the event host shall:
Pre-Webinar actionable items
Timing Action Deliverable
One week before Webinar's date Invite one or more of the target audiences at CNM Cyber Meetup to attend. Announcement
After announcement Address the participants' concerns if they emerge and where they emerge. Meetup chat thread, pre-event part
5-15 minutes before the Webinar begins Check webconferencing platform and, if needed, switch: (a) video quality to High definition, (b) speaking option to Everyone starts muted since the attendees shall address any concerns via meetup chat, and (c) video enabling option to the participant's choice. Avoiding any sort of noise and inconvenience
2-5 minutes before the Webinar begins Start recording. Recording to be used for marketing and reviewing

During the Webinar

During the Webinar, the event host shall:
Webinar-live actionable items
Timing Action Deliverable
First 2-5 minutes Greet the attendees and introduce the speaker. Ice breaking
Next minute Disclaim that the Webinar is recorded and recording will be available. Legal obligation
Next minute Invite the audience to drop questions and comments about any issues, including those that are related to connectivity, sound clarity, display or any technical considerations. Possibly, additional chat entries
Next 15-20 minutes Deliver first two lessons of CNM Cyber Welcome Session, a lectio by lectio. Learning content delivery
Next 10 minutes Announce the Q&A section and answer the questions of the attendees. Meetup chat thread, live-event part
Last 2-5 minutes Invite the attendees to get enrolled in CNM Cyber Welcome Session, announce further events and/or the event and close the Webinar. Possible Session enrollments
  • Meanwhile audience will be encouraged


After the Webinar, the event host shall:
Post-Webinar actionable items
Timing Action Deliverable
2-5 minutes after the Webinar ends Stop recording. Avoiding unnecessary recording time
1-2 hours after the Webinar ends Publish the recording at CNM Tube, add the date to the clean title of the previously posted welcome webinar, and change the clean title of the just published recording to "welcome-webinar". CNM Tube's video
One week after Webinar's date Document all the communications, concerns, proposals, ideas on the Talk section of this wikipage. Enabling Webinar's stakeholders to improve the Webinar



Webinar's poster sample
Are you figuring out how your next employment would look like? Are you choosing your career path? Are you navigating your job search process in the era of COVID-19? Any of those tasks sounds challenging.
That's why we at the CNM Cyber Team are building a wide bundle of career services from brief consultations to comprehensive employability.
On October 8th, we will be hosting a webinar to introduce our Team and invite you to learn about our services more. We'll also be saving a few minutes at the end of the panel discussion for live Q&A.
The Webinar will occur at https://talk.cnmcyber.com/welcome-webinar -- you are welcome to RSVP or just show up. No download, no account is needed if you use your web browser. If you access via mobile, you would need to install the app when prompted.
You can also watch the recording after the webinar -- the video will be posted at https://tube.cnmcyber.com/video/welcome-webinar
Would you like to get more details? You can preview the Webinar at https://wiki.cnmcyber.com/en/CNM_Cyber_Welcome_Webinar
And, just in case, this Webinar, as well as all the career services at CNM Cyber are free.

Webinar's body (presentation)

The body of the Webinar consists of:
  1. Greeting, disclaiming of the recording, and inviting the audience to drop questions and comments. The announcement poster shall be displayed on the screen.
  2. All the lectios of the Welcome Session Essentials and CNMCT Essentials, one by one, while displaying their slides that are published at CNM Wiki.
  3. Q&A session. The session will be of around 10 minutes where audience will be encouraged to ask questions, answered for the questions along with demonstrations where needed. To cover the breaks in this session , or in the case where there are not many questions, a wiki page or slide of frequently asked questions will be shown. This wiki-page or slide will be designed considering possible concerns of the audience and highlighted information about CNM Cyber.
  4. Closing. The announcement text with the links shall be displayed on the screen.

Follow-up communications

Answering the questions on the Meetup.

Acceptance criteria


  • Project owner is continually communicated about the developments status.
  • Developments are revised where required by the project owner.
  • Two Test events are conducted.First one, before publishing the announcement and second, two days prior to the Webinar.
  • Webinar announcement will not be published until all assessments from the first test event are worked upon.


  1. Video quality was on high definition.
  2. Speaking option - Everyone starts muted.
  • During the Webinar, host adjusted any technical settings that violated the decorum of the session. For example, noise.

During the webinar

Post webinar

  • Recording was stopped right after/2-3 minutes after the Webinar was ended.
  • Needed edits were made and recording was published on CNM Tube after 1-2 hours of Webinar ending.
  • Video was played and tested on CNM Tube.
  • After 15-20 minutes of video publication, video link along with post-event Thank you message was published on CNM Cyber Meetup group chat.
  • Follow-up communications will be entertained on CNM Cyber Meetup.
  • One day after the Webinar, follow up message with Webinar summary and replay link will be published on Meetup group.
  • Post webinar report will be documented and presented couple of days after the Webinar event.

Major milestones

  1. Test event approved by the project owner.

General Agenda

  • Before the Webinar date, two Test Events will be conducted. First one, before publishing the announcement and the second one, two days prior to the Webinar date.

See also

Related lecture