Talk:CNMCyber event

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CNMCyber event requirements (office hour, 07-10-2023)

CNMCyber event requirements (office hour, 07-10-2023) is the office hour event on July, 10th about CNMCyber event requirements.

Preview video (21:45)



Hello guys, I'm Gary and decided to make like office hour with no attendees, it’s only me to record and to use further. So we'll be talking about CNMCyber events and they are part of, like target deliverables. First of all, I would like to take a look at generally all the deliverables. So it will be like CNMCyber event wiki page which we will go over. We also need to have a very workable recording standing operating procedure. They may exist may not. The team just recently started or is starting using virtual machines, so maybe it will kind of be a separate deliverable. Also we need really workable event scheduling tool. They may be combined with the scheduling tool of social we may use kind of the same. For now they're different deliverables but they might be kind of the same thing. We also plan to have some activity coordinating contract with someone. Someone who will oversee or supervise all events and work on the events and work on standing operating procedures or their updates. I decided also that script development is a separate thing because for every event which we have, I'm sure that we will have to have like Scripts. At least with the major points maybe not like complete scripts of everything that was said but made points it must be. And technically it could be a separate contract. So and we will have like someone will do scripts and post them for instance on their talk pages and we'll go from there.

Out-reach event

So for now, let's take a look back to CNMCyber events. First of all, all the events and this is different, like all CNMCyber events are outreach events by default. So only maybe common hour, we will move for like team event. CNMCyber team events. Maybe we will call it this way. So all CNMCyber events they are outreach. They must be public, they must be published on Meetup, and Facebook. For now, we're not using Facebook page but we probably, we need to. I hope it exists. WorldOpp, it looks like it's still there. But we don't update it -- 100 likes. We didn't update it for years. For a long, long time. The pictures are taken from like an old website. I see someone did career price conference. I don't know who did this page. I don't recall. In the first place, but anyway we probably need to kind of, to plug it too and it must be a part of our standing operating procedure. So, on this page basically initially it was like closed events or outreach events. Like for now I intend to make all CNMCyber events as outreach events. So we have 'this week', we have 'office hours', we have 'technology board', 'guided tours' it's not real right now and we may move it to Career prize. Guided tours, initially from the very beginning, guided tours was supposed to be paid. So kind of the idea that the first tour will be like free to test it and then we will go to paid versions. Welcome session, Sonya and Rita worked on it. They did some like dry around but it was a little bit out of touch in my view because the pitch was not available. I'm not sure abut the round table and stand up and seminars. I would say this week is technically a stand up. I would say, it's like it's a weekly stand up. I will combine two pages, 'this week' and 'stand up'. So we don't have like a 'stand up'. Round Table, it's interesting like 'Round Table' we're missing like one part of the events which we need to have. This will be like 'User Group' events and then this like 'Round Table' will come in. All operations must be unified and I would say here create event on Meetup Group.

Scheduling and reminders

Again we need to kind of play and practice with the social. So this is kind of more concentrated on Meetup Group which is correct, but also it doesn't include -- I see also like information about the event should be added. We don't use zoom, we don't use Google meet, we then use Xbox game. Kind of, this information is really outdated. Also as we discussed with-- a few times recently, like 15 minutes before the meeting, in the chat or somewhere it should be posted like message 'thank you for your RSVPs, we are starting in 15 minutes, the agenda is, the meeting will be recorded and published if you miss this you can still review like a video link'. Because people are forgetting that they RSVP'd or they wanted to go, and then just to remind them. It's like a friendly reminder and what is also important, on the same chat and the same kind of scheduling tool, it must be always scheduled. It must be kind of the link to the video must be posted so someone who missed this, they can go and review on YouTube. Right now we use YouTube, hopefully we will use CNMTube at some point of time, maybe not now. Live event operations is different, but usually it should be meet and greet, yes. Then it should be a disclaimer that the session is recorded and recording will be posted somewhere.

Facilitating the event

Facilitating event means different things it depends on the event, but yes it must be like a very clear moderator. Also I want to get back with every event which is missed here, it must be a very clear organizing platform. It can be, right now we use Meetup. But let's say, in the last Thursday we had like technology board and it became clear that it didn't have any scheduling tool because neither me nor Natalia did know what the link of the event is and no one RSVP'd. It was not clear whether it will start, again where it will be conducted and how it will be conducted. So like to choose, let's say if the scheduling platform is not chosen, it must be chosen before the event starts. And for series, it must be predefined. I'm not sure about why, let's say for technology board meetings we didn't use like Meetup at all. I tried to find it's not ever, we didn't have any past event. We never had any technology board. We had it, yeah so we had it in June but it is not kind of the last time or Rita, again it's no video link and no reminder and someone again kind of someone tried to attend but we didn't help this person to go through. So and this was on June 29th right. and the last was June 29 but what about sixth. So we didn't have it on sixth, right. Yeah it doesn't look like we had it. Anyway, if I go to technology board it must be also like defined. So again, what the difference between like CNMCyber event page and all like other specifics. So every event, every let's say technology board or any other CNMCyber event must follow the standing operating procedure from the event. But it has differences, so let's say facilitating is different. Facilitating in let's say this week's series, facilitation is just meet and greet disclaim that it will be recorded and recording will be published give kind of a mic to a speaker, conclude and the rest is pretty much-- so only like this part to like allow asking questions. The rest should follow the same like events which every CNMCyber event should go.

Streaming and location

I'm building like, Sonya created kind of how to record meetings. I don't know whether it's kind of good or bad. We also need to decide about streaming. This is kind of the topic which also like concerns me a lot. So the locations, I prefer let's say like this week meetings or technology board, I prefer them to have in on-site locations. Especially in Washington DC Metro area where I am located. So some people can go and join, like kind of normal people. Someone who is interested in. We need volunteers, we need people and why not to try. We had some location-based events for a while, why not to continue. So and I mentioned many times I mentioned it to Sonya when she was available, Kevin at least like twice. I want to move to physical locations to make it hybrid. Those who want to attend in person should be able to get an attendant person and we never went through. No one asked me about how to do it, how to start. We never tried. I would say I like to keep it to 45 minutes. For like a strange reason, some of our meetings are more than one hour which is not correct and again this is kind of the problem of facilitator who didn't stop me well. This information is outdated so this page by itself is not owned by anyone. Again initially this page was kind of for both open to the public events and close to the public events but for now CNMCyber event by itself should be public, Facebook must be kind of notifications and so on and so forth. It must be better developed including the text before the event, during the event, and so on.


We have kind of like a blueprint for agreement. Interesting. I will move it mostly, instead of agreement we have agreement for Careerprise coordinator. We will just use here the kind of the subject matters, so we'll take kind of a subject matter out of here and because the subject matter will be kind of exhibit A for the agreement, appendix sorry. So we will move, so let's say instead of this appendix A will be the subject matters and in this way we don't need to reprint the contract all the time. But the contract will be kind of the same but the subject matters, rates, methods of payment, and communication will be different. Appendix A should be like subject matters. Yes it is we how we will kind of move it. Anyway, the point is that we need to have well-defined CNMCyber event, kind of standing operating procedure, those things which are clear. For now let's say we have a good experience with using Meetup let's say. We don't use it fully because we don't use like comment sections well but at least like as a scheduling tool it's okay. But we need to create a good standing operating procedure and work it out. Anyway that's it guys, and talk to you later.
Thanks so much and see you around what you think and and we will go from there we'll improve. Bye-bye.

Event scripting requirements (office hour, 2023-08-02)

Event scripting requirements (office hour, 2023-08-02) is the office hour event on August, 2nd about CNMCyber event script development.

Preview video (26:02)



Hello everyone my name is Gary from CNMCyber and we have Kevin and this is our office hour Kevin requested. He has several questions which you can see on the screen.

What is a script

So the questions are; what is the script? Basically we're talking about the recording for general events. Script is technically like wording in which we use like in office hour. I'm talking right now and in the best case scenario, it should be typed and Kevin you remember when we started collaborating, maybe like two years ago or more. I asked you to transcript several videos. I recorded the videos and I remember you did it basically. What we have here, let's say WorldOpp Orientation most likely you will have kind of this scripts right, and this is the script. It is how it showed up. Basically it is what you submitted to me and when you supplied me with this wording I added links. So maybe it's not direct recording because then links changed that is why kind of the beginning. In this case we have a lecture on the page and script on another page. If we talk about office hours, the goal is a little bit different. But I would say scripting shouldn't include something like my name is Gary, or sorry I need to drink my coffee, or give me a post I will like or I will answer another call. It's not important right. So script should include what is important, what should be, what can't be moved to other stuff. So for instance right now we are talking about scripting and I expect that you will take what I said and you will put it on the requirements page. Eventually the script is an intermediate product, it's not the final product. It's a deliverable but this is not a user deliverable. It's a sub-product. So then when the script is available, then we will develop a Wiki page. It will be called like scripting, or CNMCyber event scripting or office hour scripting, something like that.
Kevin - So you mean like each event will have its own scripting page?
Gary- I'm not sure about scripting page, I will say we may put them on the same page. What I plan, instead of the name discussion on the wiki. Instead of the word discussion, it will be the word project and script basically is a part of the work on the product, so the page is the product and discussion will be a project. And we will make this distinction all the time. So let's say what the product name is the product right it's the lecture which is available to our learners on their discussion page which will be hopefully called a project here it will be information how it was developed, what requirements, and so on. So the script, I know that it will be kind of another question but maybe I will need to repeat again later. The script is the record of someone's requirement. For instance, do you remember our discussion, I said like you wrote on this page for office hours right, you wrote something and why did you write it, what did you reflect, what requirements and you said, oh you said this. I said okay, can you show me all right? So the same thing, for instance you're going develop a firm for someone, assume that you will work on this technology right, different records, different everything what the firewalls, what software to use and you talk to a customer (whomever whomever pays for this) and he said, I want to use proxmoxVE right or I want to use this and I want to use that and you say okay we will do it. And then you do proxmoxVE, and then you're coming back it's ready right and they say oh the person whom you talk to, he moved to another project. He is no longer with our company, or he retired or he kind of he quit. And you say who is his replacement, right. And you are coming to his replacement and he said, oh what did you use? ProxmoxVE oh no, I don't want, it's not my strong suit. I want you to use openstack right. So now what? If you don't have a record, what would you sar? You just lost like, if your team worked like for a months on it, you just lost like, I would say fifteen thousand dollars right. Because you don't have a record.
So, I decided to have it as a good habit. It's a good habit to have a script. You talk to a customer, you script it right. The script by itself it goes to requirements. So script by itself is not a final product but requirements which kind of let's say a customer will sign or say okay I agree, it's what I want then it is kind of the product by itself. So then you can measure and in the best case scenario also uh it should be requirements traceability Matrix. So in the best case scenario when you write requirement here on this page, imagine it is what you are going to offer to your boss or your customer. You say it is what you will get, it will have HumHub, it will have Odoo, it will have jitsi they will be installed in this way, we'll use proximoxVE, it will be highly available with three noDes, it will have a network of public ip4, it will serve on Apache and nginx, it will have ceph as a series of storage, it will be monitored using PF sense. Okay is this what you want? Sign or confirm by mail. this is what you want right then you have something like blueprint. But when you create this page eventually we never have done it before but it's kind of our next step. It will be like references and the references; okay proximoxVE reference, who told you or with whom you agreed that it will be proximoxVE right? Because if you don't have the information that it will be proximoxVE, like what is the next right. Again this is for our reference, this is a sub-product. We need to have it but eventually what we said there must be moved to the

requirements, on the page available to end users.

Scriting page

Kevin: Well what I mean is, what is the name of the page that describes how the scripts will be developed?
Gary: So right now we are discussing this so for events. We need this script development contract.
Kevin: So, it will be like a topic in CNNCyber events not on its own page.
Gary: Maybe we will do like it's own page. It depends on how big will it be. I don't know right now it's your initiative. I don't know how long it will be so do something and we will see what you got and we decide whether to move it to another page or not.Wth the wiki it's easy it's like seconds. Usually when I work, I work on the same page and then I see how long it is. If it's too long we can move it to somewhere else.

Objective of creating scripts

What is the objective? The objective is basically, I believe I addressed this question. So again objective; is to have good practices, to work with the documents, to have references, and again this is just a good practice for someone who works on the project. To have requirements in written, documented, then when you are coming to a new guy saying we did proximoxVE, the guy says "I don't like proximoxVE, like openstack" and say, "you know what sir/Madam, we had this requirement, it was kind of a signature or confirmation by email that will work on this for a month, if you want to move something else, I will send you invoice." right! Pay for the work which we have done so far and then we will discuss what you want, right? So again scripting is basically records and script is a part of the record. It's a good part. In normal case video or audio recording will be probably enough but I would say also where I'm not sure what kind of our policy with the recording will be, what if it will be like too many records. With the text it's easier to work because eventually these words should go to the requirements somehow. It is kind of my assumption. I haven't checked, I really need to take a script that you created and kind of try to move it to the office hour page and or event page and to see how it works. But when it's kind of written, it's much easier to work.

Targeted audience

Who is the target audience of the end product. In script, like in our case it will be whomever works on it. Again I thought about CNMCyber events, I recorded the video, I thought like you will look for a video and kind of learn something. So I created this office hour on my own. So I was both interviewer and interviewee and since you didn't watch it or didn't learn it or didn't execute it and no one works on this page so then I will take your script which should be here on the discussion page the opposite on the office hour but it must be here and I will and I will work on it, try to get this word in and to see what is missing and implement on the page so a developer is the target audience of the script if you mean end product is the script but again script by itself is not the end product. Script by itself is the intermediate product, the product page is the end product and script is a part of development with a deliverable. The script is a deliverable.


The script is the deliverable.

Success criteria

What is the success criteria -- usefulness. For now it's difficult to define the acceptance criteria or success criteria because we don't have a good experience of using scripts. We need to start doing this and after some time we will build up. What desired outcome? Wiki Pages, description of the product is the desired outcome. Again, let's take back the firm I will talk about it because I'm working on it right now. So eventually we need to have this platform on which our Jitsi will work, which is called talk and we will do this conference one day on the slash something. So right now we are doing this on employableU which is temporary. So the end product is the service but to build this firm we need to have a description, what we are doing, what we are, what we need to look for, what we need to do, and this description right now I'm writing it on my own. It's not final because Muhammad is working it on it right now. We are thinking about the security. We decided to use PF sense, it was not even mentioned here by the way. We haven't used it before, so the substance is still unknown so I am right now, I'm writing something as a sub-product but when it's ready then I will try to interview Muhammad. Me or maybe Natalya to share what he had done. He is really good with documentation and we will update these DNS records because right now they are still on biskol, this name we use in Ukraine but I'm already, I started changing to CNMCyber, talk.cnmcyber but again here will be IP4 address not IP6 and so on so forth. so when it's ready, then I will look for someone who will serve it or maybe I will look for an intern. Someone whom I can hire and this person will develop what needs to be done let's say once a week right. To check or maybe once a month or whatever. I will talk with Mohanna there. So to clarify the page I will need to interview Muhammad, I may need to interview Natalia. So the script is the way how to build the description of the products right. For me, in this case then when we have a description of the product then we develop this product. So eventually the final product will be working technology, kind of the pre-final intermediate product will be description and pre-pre final product will be a script right. So script, description, final product. So this is the sequence.

Desired outcome

What is the desired outcome? Working technology, nice events, because again we had this discussion before and I said whether this event is good and I told you if you said it's good I will say how do you know right. So there are several definition of quality, the one definition is in Market. Quality is when it is perceived to be like quality product but we're not going from that direction yet not from the marketing. The technical sense, quality is confirmation the description of the product matches the product itself right. So we have requirements and we have a product. If it's no gaps, it's a quality product. So, but to know that we have a quality product we need to have a description, if we don't have a description how would we know and scripting is a good way to build this description. That's it. I would say we need to start, like we need to find, I actually I thought like we will talk how we will hire people because I don't know whether like Rita and Erastus, Rita used to do it but I don't know what the stage and what kind of right now where we are, I would probably try to hire someone okay maybe reach out to her okay I don't remember whether we have a record or not my point right now is I want to have someone who is subscribed for like office hours like YouTube channel and as soon as something with the name officer emerges go do. The question is, how to pay for this person probably it should be like per word I guess the rate the rate per word and maybe for now per hour but per hour how we will know whether this will be maybe per word will be like more stable.