Careerprise service

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Careerprise service (hereinafter, the Service) is any service that is designed for job seekers or the workforce, designed by WorldOpp Fellow Staff, and delivered by Friends Of CNM (hereinafter, the Friends). Costs that are associated with the Services are supposed to be paid by either recipients of the Services, governmental institutions, and/or donors.

Product lines

Career services

Main wikipage: Careerprise
Careerprise is the one-stop hub for career services that is brought to the general public by the Friends. Using CNM Cloud, the Friends intends to connect the Patrons to those career service providers, that services fit the Patrons' needs. Some of the services, such as online career administration education, shall be offered at no cost to the Patrons.

Economic fellowship

Main wikipage: WorldOpp
WorldOpp is the economic development programme that features workforce development, employment, and entrepreneurship support delivered by the Friends worldwide. The programme provides its fellows with (a) economic education through Bracka Leadership Academy and (b) funding for startup businesses. The official website of the programme is

Dual education

Main wikipage: Educaship
Educaship is the program that combines liberal education, career administration, and apprenticeship, and is brought to the general public by the Friends. The length of the program is four or more years. Its graduates receive professional experience and other employable credentials. The costs associated with the program are similar to college tuition costs.

Delivery models

Target customers

The Services Donors Workforce Governments Learners Employers Investors
Careerprise Not offered Offered on paid basis
Bracka Leadership Academy
WorldOpp Prime
WorldOpp for the Vulnerable Offered to fund Offered to utilize Offered to support Not offered


Donors are welcome to fund any part of the WorldOpp for the Vulnerable programme, which is the only Service that offers WorldOpp stipends, WorldOpp reimbursements, WorldOpp computers, and WorldOpp grants to its participants. All educational programs of Bracka Leadership Academy and Educaship are delivered through WorldOpp for the Vulnerable at absolutely no cost to its participants as well.


All of the Services are designed around workforce's needs. Educaship shall provide workforce with vocationally-tailored education, Bracka Leadership Academy shall provide its participants with entrepreneurial education, WorldOpp Prime shall support entrepreneurs, Careerprise shall support employment candidates, and WorldOpp for the Vulnerable shall serve those who need the Services, but cannot afford to pay for those.


Although Bracka Leadership Academy and Educaship are directly tailored toward for needs of those learners who are not necessarily on the job market, these learners can also be benefited from other Services as well. The learners are responsible for all of the costs associated with the Services.


Employers are welcome to utilize the Services as a part of their recruitment and/or workforce development. The employers are responsible for all of the costs associated with the Services.


Although WorldOpp Prime is directly tailored toward investors' needs, they can also be benefited from other Services, as a part of their selection of the investment recipients and support for the funded entrepreneurs as well. The investors are responsible for all of the costs associated with the Services.


Although WorldOpp for the Vulnerable is directly tailored toward government's needs, governments can also be benefited from other Services, as a part of their workforce and/or economic development as well. Nevertheless, the governments shall be responsible for all of the costs associated with the Services other than WorldOpp for the Vulnerable.


Main wikipage: Careerprise partner

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