CNMCyber Workforce

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Careerprise Team (hereinafter, the Team) is a non-government non-political non-religious group of legal entities that design and/or develop either services for Friends Of CNM (hereinafter, the Group) or the services that the Group delivers to its patrons.

The Team is divided in two departments, which are (a) Community Board and (b) Fellow Staff, as well as WorldOpp candidates in WorldOpp incubators, Careerprise vendors and Careerprise partners.

Community Board

Main wikipage: Friends Of CNM Community Board
The Friends Of CNM Community Board includes Friends Of CNM industry councils and Friends Of CNM professional committees.
One of Friends Of CNM Industry Councils is Friends Of CNM Council for Workforce Services, which is a group of directors, whose goals are:
  1. To enhance CNM's services generally; and
  2. To oversee WorldOpp Fellow Staff.

Fellow Staff

Main wikipage: WorldOpp Fellow Staff
The WorldOpp Fellow Staff is the Friend's department that consists of WorldOpp fellows. This department supports CNM Cloud, sponsors WorldOpp incubators, and is overseen by the Friends Of CNM Council for Workforce Services.


Main wikipage: WorldOpp incubator
WorldOpp incubator discovers, analyzes, designs, and implements new services related to education, workforce development, recruitment, and administration of information technology.


Main wikipage: Careerprise vendor


Main wikipage: Careerprise partner

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