Work Suite Essentials

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CNM Cabin Essentials (hereinafter, the Lesson) is the primary learning activity of CNM Cyber that introduces its participants to CNM Cabin. The Lesson is the second of twelve activities that are designed to prepare its participants to the CNM Cyber Entrance Exam. All of those activities belong to the CNM Cyber Welcome Course.

The Lesson is preceded by the CNM Cyber Essentials and succeeded by Competency Suite Essentials. The Lesson is made up of six lectios. At CNM Cyber, the word, lectio, is used for a lesson part.

Managers of User Records

Managers of User Records is the second lectio out of six ones that make up the Lesson.

Lectio 2 presentation

There are two parties that manage records of those who use CNM Cyber. That includes your records.
The first party is you. You provided CNM Cabin with your login name and password in order to create your account. Now, CNM Cabin can help you manage your profile and preferences through CNM Cabin's dashboard.
The word, Cabin, in the service's name, indicates that this service provides you with a separate and private space where you can interact with CNM Cyber as a whole.
The overwhelming majority of records such as your exam scores or wikipage edits are collected automatically, through the algorithms that systems administrators manage.
So, the administrators are the other party. CNM Cabin helps them manage your access to various resources such as applications, networks, and services. You have started here, at CNM Cyber, as a newbie with minimal rights. The more you learn here, the more system access permissions CNM Cabin grants.

Lectio 2 quiz questions

System-User Names

System-User Names is the third lectio out of six ones that make up the Lesson.

Lectio 3 presentation

The bulk of permissions are granted automatically. To accomplish that task, CNM Cabin assigns every user with his or her system-user role. For instance, any user of the World Wide Web has NetAnyone's rights at CNM Cyber. He or she can view pages of CNM Page, CNM Tube, and CNM Wiki, but cannot edit anything. CertStudents are enrolled into this very welcome course, as well as can post comments on CNM Page and CNM Tube. CertUser's can join communities at CNM Social, and so on.
Some permissions such as appointing other administrators and alternating the algorithms must be done manually. In cyber-security, those operations are called identity and access management (IAM).

Lectio 3 quiz questions


CNM Cyber SSO is the fourth lectio out of six ones that make up the Lesson.

Lectio 4 presentation

CNM Cabin supplies every other service of CNM Cyber with your login and password. That means that you can log into any service of CNM Cyber with the same credentials. However, at this moment, you need to log in, i.e. type your login name and password over and over again.
The good news is that developers of CNM Cyber plan to implement something called single sign-on, which is also known by its acronym SSO. When implemented, you would be logged in automatically in every service when you logged in any. Every login of yours would initiate your session with CNM Cyber and you would be able to switch between services without additional typing.

Lectio 4 quiz questions

Student Aliases

Student Aliases is the fifth lectio out of six ones that make up the Lesson.

Lectio 5 presentation

To protect your privacy, CNM Cabin will also assign you a student alias for CNM Cert -- it will look like a normal name. CNM Cabin generates only gender-neutral names. The login name you have chosen when you created your account would emerge at the other services such as CNM Mail or CNM Wiki. Your real name and other user data will be kept in secret unless you decide to disclose it.

Lectio 5 quiz questions

Cabin vs System Roles

Cabin vs System Roles is the final lectio out of six ones that make up the Lesson.

Lectio 6 presentation

It is worth mentioning that CNM Cabin manages its own system-user roles and every other service of CNM Cyber uses that role to allow that user to access its resources. CNM Cabin's system-user roles are called federated. Going further, every service is supported by their own systems and those systems can manage their own system-user roles. For instance, if CNM Cabin identifies you and informs CNM Social that your federated role is user, CNM Social checks its own database and clarify that you joined some communities and, possibly, manage another. If no internal permissions are assigned, then the particular service takes your federated role by default.
Nevertheless, throughout all services of CNM Cyber, only CNM Cabin can identify you as you. No other service or system can do that.

Lectio 6 quiz questions


When I take classes at CNM Cert, my peers shall be able to see my:
  1. Name
  2. Gender
  3. Location
  4. All of the other substantive answers are correct
  5. None of the other answers is correct
-- (wlcm-cabin-00001-prvw)

Legacy presentation


In the CNM Cyber Orientation, the Introduction to Education is the predecessor session.

CNM Cloud Essentials

Main wikipage: CNM Cloud Essentials
CNM Cloud. The information technology that supports CNM Cyber.
Opplet role. Any system-user role within CNM Cloud.



The predecessor lesson is CNM Cyber Essentials.


CNM Cabin Essentials
Lectios # Referred topics
What CNM Cabin Is 1 CNM Cabin, user management system, user dashboard
Managers of User Data 2 User account, username, password
System-User Roles 3 System-user role, NetAnyone, CertStudent, CertUser, CertFellow
CNM Cyber SSO 4 Authentication, single sign-on (SSO)
User Aliases 5 User data, user alias
Federated vs System Roles 6 Identity and access management (IAM), federated role


The successor lesson is Competency Suite Essentials.