Talk:CNMCyber Bootcamps

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CNM Cyber Placement Product Development Epic- Version 1.0

This very page shall discuss ideas and strategies in form of various Conceptual deliverables, for the development of CNM Cyber Placement.

Product Perspective

After graduating from Welcome Course and Orientation , aspiring candidates would undertake Placement course which mainly aims to conceptually and practically train them according to the tasks and activities they have to perform as WorldOpp fellows . For example , as measurable deliverables are mostly drafted on CNM Wiki, trainees are educated to operate and format Wiki.


Analyzing the lectures , to deduce new ideas and suggestions for adding anything that might be helpful for the content and Placement wikipage itself. Working on additional materials such as videos and graphics etc as to better candidate's learning experience . In addition working on adding quizzes , exams or practical activities at the end of each lecture . They can be graded or non-graded.

Section on Job Description

  • A section with video demonstration of Job description wiki page , WorldOpp fellows can be added. It can be beneficial as the page is quite extensive and apart form just reading the text, candidates will get primary knowledge of their job in a concise video demonstration for which they will be allowed to ask any questions as well. It can be Lecture 0.
  • A video about each of CNM Cyber's service mainly focusing on how we can access them and main interfaces. All modules will be discussed concisely in a single video.

Requirement analysis activities

A major part of WorldOpp fellows work will consist of developing requirements . In addition to "Identifying and Analyzing Data" , basic knowledge and activities for requirement analysis can also be introduced. For Example, we have a method of "Surveying" and "Interviewing the stakeholder" for requirement gathering. We can have text and practical activity such as using Jitsi on Cert where candidate will get to interview a potential stakeholder for a task. Survey (learning activity) can also be used.

CNM Agile Basics

In addition to DREPD and for working on Conceptual deliverables, CNM Agile can also be a part of this curriculum. Basic Agile and CNM Agile knowledge, concepts in addition with Product backlog, creating Epic, User Stories, Sprint, Sprint Retrospective (how it works in CNM Agile) can be added via video demonstration, text and practical activity.

Incorporating CNM Social

A separate Space on CNM Social can be dedicated to Placement candidates where they will be able to communicate with fellow candidates as well as concerned people for any of their questions and information. Alternatively, we can use dedicated learning activities From CNM Cert for this purpose as well. For example, Chat, Feedback, Forum, Cohorts.

Incorporating Learning activities

Incorporate learning activities on Cert in most of our Placement activities. Some examples are described briefly as follows:

  • Forum , Chats, Cohorts, Survey, Groups: For interactive activities and communication between fellows and managers to fellows.
  • Quizzes and Assignments can be used for graded or non-graded quizzes and exams.
  • Badges and Certificates . If candidates achieve specified milestones or get graduated. We can issue certificates as well as Badges.
  • These activities, along with other have multiple features that can be utilized.

Placement Curriculum Draft

Modules # Sections Lesson Contents
Working on Deliverables 1 Concepts of Deliverables What Deliverables are, Deliverables of CNM Cyber – Requirements, DevOp instruments, Viable Deliverables, Product Backlog, Product Backlog Item, Sprint Backlog, Sprint Baklog Item
2 Developing Deliverables Concepts of Requirements, Importance of Requirements, Types of Requirements (Functional, non-functional), Identifying System Stakeholders,
3 Requirements Elicitation Core Components of Requirements, Requirement gathering techniques (in terms of core components),
4 Stating the Requirements Concepts of Backlogs, Product backlog, Product backlog item, Prioritizing backlogs, Sprint backlog, Sprint backlog item, Product Epic, Structure of epic, Developing an Epic, User story, Structure of user stories, Developing user stories
CNM Agile 5 Agile Fundamentals What Agile is (definition and basic concepts), Agile characteristics, Agile environment, Agile Team (individual and team work values in Agile), Scrum, Agile Vs Scrum,
6 CNM Agile Working in CNM Agile, Initiating CNM Agile Project, Planning CNM Agile Project
7 Executing CNM Agile Project Anytime Any phase, Understanding DREPD, Inductive and Deductive DREPD, Planning Sprints (prioritizing and estimate milestones), Sprint phases (sprint zero, shippable, billable sprints),Types of Sprints in Development Cycle, Product Epic sprint, user story sprint, SBI Sprint, prototype Sprint, MVP Sprint, Marketable Product Sprint.