Talk:CNMCyber Week 2023-03-09

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Gary: Sonia is recording too right?

Kevin: Sonya is you recording?

Sonya: Yeah

Kevin: Ok

Gary: okay that's good, that’s fine, awesome, what's up? Like I, uh, I work on the same stuff all week. My last week in had so I work on the

          same thing on the same kind of positions on the same on the same stuff

Kevin: um. So since we have guests, I'd like us to start with the introductions maybe Gary you can start

Gary: okay. Yeah I'm Gary ,uh I have a few other names, uh ,my American name is Gary. So recently I go with Gary and, uh, uh, I'm sponsoring this program um I have a dream ,uh, to kind of take people from scratch train them and move to their Workforce and that is why I'm investing like my money into it it's kind of like a hobby we can call it like a startup business, but I have been doing this for a while so it's probably right now it's like more like a hobby,uh I don't expect, it may pay off you may not I don't know at this time, I will do it anyway so ,um ,and this program like for the last two years, it was active in Ukraine and right now we are we want to move it to English and we definitely look at the all the markets um especially Kenya. I have a good like I have good experience in Kenya and in Pakistan. But in Pakistan I don't have any partner at the moment and in Kenya, Kevin and Mariston and I decided oh this is this is our chance God sent God sent right? So it's yeah we talked to Kevin like last week we had a good conversation um and what he said like made sense to me um we thought to develop like a new position calling it like it's a train developer right now I think maybe we can take like website developer we should we already have and modify it like give it or kind of adjust to to our needs but basically we need people right now we're hiring people to develop this program so the program doesn't exist yet um I mean in English in Russian we had pretty good kind of good level good level at a good level it was like three courses uh I would probably translate the first one from Russian to English um and work on it we need websites we need courses, we need apps ,we need requirements, we need many different things and we have a budget which is good thing

Kevin: I can introduce myself, I'm from Kenya. I just recently rejoined this project that is being developed at the moment. We recently had some very interesting conversations with Gary like you said; we are now developing a new position, called the training developers. To develop the project that we need in this case, so that we may be able to present something to those who want to join this project. Uh, that all I can say.

Gary: Whom do you want to go next?

Kevin: Anyone who is ready.

Sonya: Ok, I can, and my name is Sonia I'm from Maine and so it's my Ukrainian name. I haven’t had a different name yet and so I work with Gary on this project about half year ,yeah ,um um, I can say that I'm so good in it but um but try and and it interesting for me so.

Onesmas: Nice, okay all right okay thank you Sonia uh hello Gary and Kevin my name is Onesmas I am new here this is my first time to be in such a forum, um uh ,and I yeah I'm learning about yeah CNM and everything about it. So I hope I learn and get something and be part of the

team and part of the process but at the end of it all so I'm very much humbled to be here thank you Gary for such a program 

Gary: Welcome, welcome, we are happy, we are happy to have new people

Kevin: We also have Rita who has just joined us. Can you hear us Rita? You are on mute. Kindly unmute and you may speak

Rita: Okay good evening everyone

Kevin: Good evening

Rita: You can hear me?

Kevin: Yes, we would also like to see you if that's possible

Gary: it's not nothing if you don't want to kind of to be seen it's it's okay too like at least to me

Rita: Hi

Gary: Ladies we have only Sonya and now it's like more balanced right?

Kevin: Maybe introduce yourself and say something about you Rita.

Rita: Okay, thank you Kevin um good evening everyone okay it's eight o'clock where I am right now uh I am Rita, I'm from Uganda

Gary: Oh okay

Rita: Yes

Gary: We had a good record with people from Uganda

Rita: Nice

Gary: I work with a lady whose name was Victoria. She was from Uganda and also Kevin and me we work with Marion who was a lady in Pakistan but her grandma was from Uganda right isn’t that so Kevin?

Rita: Wow, yeah amazing so I'm happy to be here and nice to meet you all

Gary: Do you do you speak Swahili as well in Uganda or you speak luganda ?

Rita: Uh, we speak mostly luganda but uh the Swahili now being introduced in schools.

Gary: Oh okay okay Asante

Rita: Karibu Karibu, for me I know some Swahili because I spent some time in Kenya so I managed to meet up with Kevin

Gary: Ah,okay okay ,cool so what yeah, it's good it's wonderful

Rita: Thank you

Kevin: I believe we have already talked about what we have done last week; the bigger part of it, unless anyone else would like to add a note on what they did.

Gary: It was kind of some discrepancy, I couldn't hear like all the words what was the last you said?

Kevin: Like the next section of this meeting with we here to talk about our progress what we've done last week and uh the next step

Gary: Yeah

Kevin: For next week

Gary: Yeah so I already talked told what I did. So I am working on this program I develop right now what um uh how it will look like, how our recruitment will go uh I didn't work on our new requirements to create this like new position training developer, but I believe like that probably it will be very close like website developer so I will take what I have already kind of started website developer and make it like to it brilliant develop a developer so this is what I'm doing. I can't do a lot because I have like a like strict time limitations um, but I'm working on this. I plan to finish this new position by May. So I kind of it's the time with not by and the end of the May or of May sorry uh, so I it is kind of my like time estimate for now uh, but also I'm I can involve like increase my involvement if it's needed especially if like new people are joining um, but again I'm I don't want to be I don't want to be perceived as a manager I'm not a manager I want to be a customer and coordinator volunteer coordinator but not like manager if kind of um ,Kevin you will suggest what is needed to be done with new people how to accommodate them how to plug them in, I will work on the requirements.

Kevin: okay

Gary: We yeah, we have like right now we have two general developments one development is going with let's say what Sonia does and what Natalia Natalia and Sony I'll do and I perceived that they will work on the technology I don't want, I don't know how far did they go, I wanted actually Sonia to talk about this uh more in better details ,but uh what I'm because like last week was not usual we like yesterday was a holiday March 8th International women's day uh I don't know whether you celebrate in Kenya in America it's kind of a little bit weird because uh like many protests but some also like congratulations. They celebrate women's day in Kenya now?

Kevin: Yeah, we do

Gary: You do congratulations on our ladies with the international women’s day. Um and um so they work on more like on if we can do this like recruitment part with Kevin and kind of new people it will be awesome, just awesome

Kevin: Sonya now anything that you would like to add about how your week was?

Sonya: Somebody say something

Kevin: Did you raise your hand Rita or was it Onesmas?

Rita: No it was not me

Onesmas: Yeah I did I did Kevin ,but I think Sonia can finish or I can just project my question

Kevin: Sonya please proceed

Sonya: Uh,okay so um okay um I've already said everyone to start a type of medium is well called guided CNM cyber guided tour and I want to make a presentation about a name for as a main speaker will -------- and we told --------uh we hear about ------- CNM WordPress ------- so we watch and I hope it will be better and more -------- in a week

Kevin: Ok

Sonya: yeah this meeting and I think -----------

Gary: With no mic .okay cool uh how will you handle? You will post kind of link to our like a Meetup or on chat or like how will you get it together?

Sonya: I can't uh now

Gary: Okay Kevin is back so what we talked about I like where we discussed this um like transition from like from Kevin or from Sonia like to Kevin this week events of this like this week events

Kevin: Yeah

Gary: Oh cool yeah Sony just shared like uh share the link on the on the chat and um so we want you from the next week right Sonya now from the next week we want you to post like the Wiki page kind of to organize this kind of this conference uh recorded and post recording on the YouTube right? So kind of what everything what oh and post on the Meetup too right? Kevin are you like are you on the Meetup?

Kevin: Yeah

Gary: You do you do, because you registered I will make you event organizer as well, right?

Kevin: on Meet up?

Gary: Correct

Kevin: OK

Gary: Yeah so you can post there new announcement right all right?

Kevin: All right

Gary: Does it make sense?

Kevin: It does

Gary: Okay you are a member right now. say it again

Kevin: I believe Onesmas had a question

Gary: Yes we can he said like he will be talking after 20, after Sonia. Kevin by the way do you want to be sent a message?

Kevin: Sure yeah

Gary: I promoted you to event organizer yeah okay

Kevin: Thank you

Gary: No problem and okay so and I will also get back to what Sonia said so right now like what how I envision that Sonia and Natalia will work on technology, they will develop our documentation on Wiki um uh describe what they what we have and they call like um like guided tours or maybe we will call them like general name of the series will be guided tours uh like CNM cyber guided tours but particular events can be called let's say CNN WordPress with Natalia, if Natalia wants kind of to put her name in the name and every week she will present our technology uh, what we have and we will do it like every week. Let's say every week one more app, uh we have right now about 20 software packages, so like in 20 weeks we'll do like a half of a year we will do like some basic coverage and then we will be like far farther and we then we at least like we will have kind of some something going on between on the technology side. It is what kind of what the Sony is working on Sonya and Natalia there are two of them

Kevin: Does this include the website?

Gary: Yeah, this will include the website, but again they will be talking about Technologies they will be not talking about the content or uh uh I don't know like pictures or images or whatever they work on technology only right?! It is kind of it is my kind of my perception. So whatever is needed like working on technology I plan that our new uh uh training developers will do right pictures, texts um Administration uh yeah

Kevin: Onesmas wants to speak up

Onesmas: I think I have gotten some clear parts like what you guys do but I think Sonia has updated has given really a very good update and Kevin so I I'll be asking questions as you go on. Uh maybe just uh do we have uh maybe Communication channel? or it's uh is it mail? Is it, uh is there a group kind of? So maybe Kevin you can elaborate on that.

Gary: Kevin doesn't know probably. Uh Kevin didn't ask this question. So I like we had like a problem is that Kevin offered something like some commercial software. I'm not sure that we're interested in. We have a few uh platforms and I will probably most likely target our Who-Hub have it's called like social uh we call it social and we started doing this in Russian with some success, but basically Who-Hub happens it's kind of it's very similar to Facebook like our private Facebook, I mean like as a platform we can do it there at least like I plan to do this there to organize the group, but the question is excellent this is the excellent question and Kevin mentioned it too if like the idea is if we need more channels home to a commercial software, if we plan to work let's say um together on the technology why would we kind of rent someone's technology why not to build this technology? Uh uh, so this is kind of my perception. So like uh Kevin are you familiar with our home hub or social or?

Kevin: Yeah I am

Gary: You are ok. So my goal was kind of to develop this I'm trying right now to access. It's kind of has the same groups they call it spaces and we create the space yeah it is kind of working. I don't know how far it is. um and CNM Cyber but this is the part of what we need to be do. uh we can install more just let's say for project is kind of completely like a whole um Erp platform. I'm sharing right now in WeChat. So we can go there organize the group um right now I see like a name in sand it must be in English right?

Kevin: yeah

Gary: So the same way it needs to be kind of better developed, and create their group which is will be called let's say like here's news, our news about our meeting next events and update excellent question. Anything else?

Onesmas: Yeah thank you for the response I think that is ,I'm well guided thank you again will you

Gary: I'm like I want I dream you will come and work on that, and develop like our groups, our like places and if we don't like one, like two , we can switch to another two and the third two, and the fourth though until we will find what we like right? Okay and what how you envision how the new people will kind of will join us uh also kind of I guess there the internet is in Kenya is not free right?

Kevin: No, it’s not

Gary: That is why they go like they take out like their pictures because kind of to make kind of less internet consumption right

Kevin: Yeah, to reduce the bandwidth

Gary: Um I think your mic is off

Kevin: Can we set up a meeting to discuss this further maybe tomorrow?

Gary: Yeah of course yeah we can all right kind of a special meeting with only like with the new recruits right and we will discuss how to plug them in right yeah okay yeah what at the same time

Kevin: that is it, if Onesmas and Rita, you guys are interested in joining

Gary: Yeah what time? Same time

Kevin: Yeah

Onesmas: Same time, it will work for me well same time yeah

Gary: okay cool let's do it let's do it

Kevin: Anything else? If you have anything to share

Gary: I'm yeah I'm happy I'm really happy I'm glad that Kevin got Back. Does Sonya want to say anything

Sonya: Umm, No

Gary: Um no okay so uh by the way are we meeting with Natalia today or I I didn't get it kind of uh are you are we meeting with you or with Natalia or no oh it was only like one time it was only one time medium

Sonya: Um I simply if it was Natalia can meet on next week and um just you and me get called today

Gary: oh okay let's do it anything else? More questions, So we are again like what is kind of there are problems, uh we will have tomorrow at the same time as today uh I at the same time the same link or what

Kevin: I’ll set up the meeting

Gary: You will set up in the meeting okay cool um you will organize cool it's good and with Sonia we will be meeting in uh in 17 minutes right

Sonya: yeah

Gary: Okay cool anything else?

Kevin: No

Gary: okay so thanks so much really happy okay I'm leaving the meeting right

Sonya: bye

Kevin: Bye