Talk:WiseNxt pitch

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account manager partner liaison solution architect information architect product designer, product owner content manager UX designer, usability analyst graphic designer procurement manager contracts administrator business buyer project manager team lead Scrum Master configuration manager DevOps engineer accountant business administrator functional manager

Office Hour Questions:

(For Careerprise patrons)
  1. What is Careerprise pitch?
  2. What is the goal/objective of the careerprise pitch?
  3. Who are the target audience for the pitch?
  4. What are the key qualifications for the target audience?
  5. What is the core message/key ideas the pitch needs to get across?
  6. What are the specific pain points the careerprise pitch needs to address?
  7. What are the desired benefits/outcomes of developing the careerprise pitch?
  8. What evidence/examples, or stories can be used to back up the pitch?
  9. Are there any constraints or limitations to consider?
  10. What makes careerprise stand out compared to available options in the market?
  11. How will the success or impact of the pitch be measured?
  12. Are there any must-mention topics, words, or concepts?

Careerprise pitch Office Hour Questions:

(For institutions, highschools/colleges)
  1. What is iDosvid looking to offer its partners?
  2. What is iDosvid in relation to highs-chools?
  3. Why should you partner with iDosvid?
  4. What do partners of iDosvid expect to get from the partnership?
  5. What is the next step after partnering with iDosvid?
  6. What are the short term and long term benefits of partnering with iDosvid?
  7. What is the road map of partnership from identifying potential partners to the point where students receive their training?

(Sample partnership pitch for highschoolds)
Title: Transforming High School Graduates into Career-Ready Professionals: A Partnership Proposal
We believe that high school education should extend beyond the classroom, and we are eager to propose a partnership that will benefit your students and prepare them for success in selecting their future passion by giving them a hands-on experience of the job market.
At iDosvid, we specialize in providing practical training and onboarding solutions that bridge the gap between formal education and the professional world.
iDosvid specializes in equipping students with practical skills and knowledge that bridge the gap between education and professional life. Our approach is hands-on and tailored to students' needs, helping them discover their passion and chart their career paths confidently.
iDosvid Journey
Our program encompasses three phases that will empower students:
  1. Organize meetings;
(Position : Event Organizer)
We will kickstart the journey with student-organizing meetings. These gatherings will serve as safe spaces for open discussions, enabling students to explore their interests, strengths, and aspirations. These meetings will create a foundation for the rest of the program.
  1. Website Development;
(Position : Website Developer)
In the second phase, students will dive into practical, real-world projects by developing websites. This hands-on experience will expose them to the world of technology, AI, and design allowing them to apply what they've learned in a tangible way.
  1. Professional Calling;
The final phase is all about discovery. We will assist students in identifying their professional calling and target occupations based on their experiences, interests, and skills developed throughout the program. This phase aims to empower them with clarity and purpose as they take the next steps in their educational and career journeys.
Educaship 30-second pitch - Drafts
We at #CNMCyber welcome high schools as partners to provide their students with introductory hands-on experience, career options, and guided entrances to the labour market. The students are to explore various occupations, find the best match, and earn industry credentials. To the partnership, we bring introductory training, workplace sandboxes, supporting technology, and limited financing. We expect that our partners would contribute their expertise and student participation. If interested, shall get you started.
We at #CNMCyber welcome high schools as partners to provide their students with introductory experiential learning, career options, and guided pathways to the job market. The students are to explore various occupations, find the best fit, and earn industry credentials. To the partnership, we bring introductory training, simulated work environments (workplace sandboxes), supporting technology, and limited financing. We expect that our partners would contribute their expertise and student participation. If interested, shall get you started.
We at #CNMCyber welcome high schools as partners to provide their students with hands-on learning experiences, career exploration, and pathways to future opportunities. Students will have the chance to try out different occupations, discover their interests, and earn industry credentials. We provide introductory training, simulated work experiences, technology support, and limited funding as part of our partnership. We expect that our partners would contribute their expertise and student participation. If interested, shall get you started.
We at #CNMCyber welcome high schools as partners to provide their students with introductory training opportunities, career options, and guided transitions into the workforce. The students can explore various occupations, find the best match, and earn industry credentials through our programs. Our partnership offers hands-on training, simulated work environments, supporting technology, and limited financing. We expect partner schools to contribute expertise and encourage student participation. If interested, shall get you started.