Friends Of CNM newsletter, 2019-05-05

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Ladies and Gentlemen ... Greetings from CNM Digital Services team ... Significant developments on several initiatives ... Please review thoroughly and, as always, if more is needed just let us know and we'll shift fires accordingly ...

CNM IT Taskforce project

This newsletter continues introducing CNM IT to you in order to recruit volunteers, someones like you, for CNM IT Taskforce. Its primary purpose is to put our technology to work.

Last week, we started the introduction with CNM Videos. Today, we will touch CNM Mails and CNM Certs.

CNM Mails

Traditionally, we used emailing solutions provided by third-party vendors. This is how my current email address,, is set up. In addition, we used emailing tools that came with various pieces of software we used for collaboration, project, learning, customer relationship, and so on management.

However, we have just installed a separate mailing server that we plan will serve all the applications within the CNM Cloud. We also consider integrating some calendaring software. Would you like to help us to define what we need?

CNM Certs

We used to call our learning management system the CNM Campus. However, the new vision is that the whole CNM Cloud will serve as the learning campus, so the name has changed.

Imagine what we together can do with CNM Videos. We can post there the CNM orientation, seminar presentations, and event previews, streamline our events, etc. Currently, just a couple of test videos are published, but the technology is ready to be used and our video-sharing service is waiting for your help. Would you like to be a part of that change?

With your help, we may design CNM Certs to help to identify and close training and learning gaps. Basically, the software can accommodate any education activity. At the same time, today learning management systems are more used by corporations rather than educational institutions.

How to get started

Here are a couple of scenarios for how to get started:

  1. If you don't have time or interest to help with development, stay tuned and get back when the service is up and running;
  2. If you have a description of your desired role, reply to this email and attach it;
  3. If you are interested in joining our taskforce, RSVP for the taskforce meeting (for instance, the one for May 7th is published at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> ) or just show up in Vienna VA on Tuesday nights and find me. Fortunately or unfortunately, I am rarely available to meet you at any other place and/or any other time.

Blessings, peace, thanks! --Gary, Natly, Romanof, and Paul at CNM Digital Services