Focus on Knowledge

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Focus on Knowledge (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the Competency Suite Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Competency Suite. This lesson belongs to the CNM Cyber for Competence session of the CNM Cyber Welcome Course.


The predecessor lectio is What Competency Suite Is.

Key terms

|2||Knowledge-focused training, learning content; learning content delivery, lecturing, narrated instruction

Knowledge-focused training. The training that focuses on building learner's knowledge, especially work-related knowledge.
  • Learning content. The object of one's learning that is contained in something like a lecture that is written, spoken, visualized, or created in any other way. This object may be the knowledge and/or ideas that may help and/or provoke possessing one's skills and/or abilities. Learning content delivery aims to make the content available to the learner.
Learning content delivery. The act of taking learning content such as a lecture to the learner.

Focus on Knowledge

Focus on Knowledge is the second lectio out of five ones that make up the Lesson.

Lectio 2 presentation

When it is launched, CNM Page shall become the primary service for knowledge-focused training. This type of training focuses on transfer knowledge from the instructor to the learners.
The target knowledge is ordinarily embedded in learning content. Learning content delivery usually occurs through lessons like this one, instructor-led lecturing, and other narrated instruction.
Future CNM Page shall contain educational texts, graphics, audios, and videos. For now, the knowledge-focused content can be found at CNM Cert, CNM Tube, and CNM Wiki.


The successor predecessor lectio is [[Focus on Knowledge, Focus on Abilities, Focus on Skills, Inter-Relatedness of Training, What CNM Tube Is, Functions of CNM Tube, What Metadata Is, Tube at CNM Cyber, What CNM Wiki Is, Collaboration on Documents, Wiki Version Control, Wiki Knowledge Base, Wiki at Competency Suite, What CNM Cert Is, CNM Cert Enrollments, Standard vs Individual Courses, Cert at Competency Suite, What Action Suite Is, What CNM Venture Is, What CNM Linkup Is, CNM Venture vs Lab, What CNM Mail Is, What CNM Social Is, CNM Social Spaces, CNM Social Communities, Social at Action Suite, What CNM Cabin Is, Managers of User Data, System-User Roles, CNM Cyber SSO, User Aliases, Federated vs System Roles, What CNM Lab Is, CNM DevOps Support, CNM Lab vs Wiki, Cyber-Security at Lab, Teams of CNM Cyber, Pre-Entry-Level Positions, What Incubator Is, Careerprise BizOpps, What Work Suite Is]].

Key terms

Lectio 2 quiz questions