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Badges are a great way to motivate users by celebrating their achievement and progress. In Moodle, badges may be awarded on the basis of variety of criteria chosen by the Teacher. You can upload your own images as badges or get them from any external site (backpack service). Badges are displayed on a user's profile and have the following categories:

  1. Site badges - available to users site-wide and related to the site wide activities, like finishing a set of courses.
  2. Course badges - available to users enrolled in the course and related to the activities that happen inside the course.

Managing Badges

  • Badges should be enabled by default in Administration>Site administration>Advanced features and can be managed from Administration>Site administration>Badges>Manage badges. Also , teachers in a course cannot by default access site badges unless they have been given a system role with badge managing capabilities by the administrator. Individual users can also manage their badges from Navigation>My profile>My badges. From here, they can view, search for and download badges.