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CNM Cyber (previously known as CNM Digital; hereinafter, the Services) is the web-based career enhancement platform (CEP) that the CNM Cyber Team designs and the Friends Of CNM brings to the general public.

The Services represent a variety of career services primarily delivered through CNM Cloud and designed to support patrons of the Career Network Ministry (CNM) beyond its face-to-face meetings.



Main wikipage: CNM Cabin
CNM Cabin is the Service that allows for user's identity and access management. This Service is not available to the general public; only those users who have obtained the CertCustomer role can access it.
This Service is powered by CNM Middleware, which backs a user management system.


Main wikipage: CNM Social
CNM Social is the Service that allows for management of groups and group spaces. This Service is not available to the general public; only those users who have obtained the CertAssociate role can access it.
The primary purpose of CNM Social is to accommodate a network of:
This Service is powered by CNM Socialware, which backs a social networking system. Each CNM Cyber community can have its own "space", which includes internal board, messaging, and private wiki engine.


Main wikipage: CNM Wiki
CNM Wiki is the Service that allows for public document collaboration. This Service is available to the general public at no cost; its primary purpose is to accommodate the open-to-the-general-public development of the Services.
As a result, any visitor of the World Wide Web, called NetAnyone, can access publicly-developed information related to the Career Network Ministry and Friends Of CNM, as well as vocational discovery, career building, and job search.
This Service is powered by CNM Wikiware, which backs a document collaboration system. CNM Cloud includes two other wiki engines, one is in CNM Social and another in CNM Lab. However, CNM Social's and CNM Lab's wiki engines are used to host private content only.


Main wikipage: CNM Cert
CNM Cert is the Service that allows for learning and certification management. The primary purpose of CNM Cert is to accommodate learning sequences and assessments.
Some courses and assessments are available to the general public, while others are not:
  1. All services of the Career Network Ministry are free-of-charge. Those services may include courses such as CNM Orientation, CNM PMP Bootcamp, and assessments;
  2. The Friends Of CNM offers free-of-charge services only to its associates; users shall obtain the CertAssociate role in order to access them. The Friends Of CNM can also offer paid courses and assessments to those users who have obtained the NetConsumer role.
This Service is powered by CNM Certware, which backs a learning management system and exam engine.


Main wikipage: CNM Page
CNM Page is the Service that allows for public websites. This Service is available to the general public at no cost:
  1. Its primary purpose is to present the Services in the World Wide Web and to accommodate early interactions with prospective clients. As a result, any visitor of the World Wide Web, called NetAnyone, can see official information related to the Career Network Ministry and Friends Of CNM, as well as vocational discovery, career building, and job search;
  2. Its secondary purpose is to present individual CNM friends, especially while serving as their resume websites.
This Service is powered by CNM Pageware. Each website is backed by a separate content management system.


Main wikipage: CNM Lab
CNM Lab is the Service that allows for management of software development projects. This Service is not available to the general public; only those users who have obtained the CertAssociate role can access it.
The primary purpose of CNM Lab is to accommodate the private development of CNM Cloud, which is the technology behind the Services. This technology is divided in several parts and development of each part occurs under a separate contract. The contracts are awarded to external vendors. The Service grants each part a separate "space". When its development contract is awarded, its vendor gets access to this "space", which includes tasks, reports, documents, and file hosting.
This Service is powered by CNM Labware, which backs a project management system, document collaboration system, version control system, and file storage.


Main wikipage: CNM Mail
CNM Mail is the Service that allows for emails. This Service is not available to the general public; only those users who have obtained the CertFellow role can access it.
The primary purpose of CNM Mail is to accommodate emailing from and to the stakeholders of the Services. This Service is powered by CNM Mailware, which backs an email management system.


Main wikipage: CNM Tube
CNM Tube is the Service that allows for video tagging, categorization, sequencing, and sharing. This Service is available to the general public at no cost; its primary purpose is to accommodate user-friendly access to those videos that are relevant for the Career Network Ministry and Friends Of CNM, as well as vocation discovery, career administration, and/or job search.
This Service is powered by CNM Tubeware, which backs a video-sharing system.


Main wikipage: CNM Linkup
CNM Linkup is the Service that allows for collecting, categorizing, grooming, and sharing of current and prospective customers' data. This Service is not available to the general public. Those users who have obtained the CertAssociate role can privately access only their own sections. Those users who have obtained the CertFellow roles can access only data that CertAssociates choose to share with them. CertFellows can also manage the contact information that is shared throughout the Service.
Two purposes of CNM Linkup are:
  1. To support relationships of the Service patrons with their prospective employers and job-market intermediaries; and
  2. To extend customer information available to the WorldOpp Fellow Staff for its work with its stakeholders. The staffers use another customer relationship system, the one that belongs to CNM Venture, to manage their relationships with them.
This Service is powered by CNM Linkupware, which backs multiple customer relationship systems.


Main wikipage: CNM Venture
CNM Venture is the Service that allows for enterprise operations such as:
  1. Market engagement management:
    • Sales
    • Customer support
    • Procurement
    • Recruitment
  2. Business process management:
    • Manufacturing
    • Asset management
    • Project management
    • Human resource management
    • Accounting
The Service features three levels of accessibility:
  1. Sales and customer support are available to the general public. Through this Service, the Friends Of CNM is able to bring workforce services of the vetted providers. Every visitor called a NetAnyone can access the online store and ticket system;
  2. Procurement and recruitment are available to those users such as employment applicant and prospective vendors who have obtained the NetConsumer role;
  3. All other features are available to only those users who have obtained the CertFellow role and are responsible for the enterprise operations.
This Service is powered by CNM Ventureware, which particularly includes enterprise resource planning software, customer relationship management software, project management software, and help-desk software.



The Services are being designed to:
  1. Help work sellers:
    • Discover vocations through hands-on professional experiences;
    • Build careers through obtaining credentials and professional networks; and/or
    • Land jobs through a multitude of marketing vehicles, which include networking, interviewing, applicant-tracking systems, and social media tools;
  2. Help employers:
    • Source pulls of qualified candidates;
    • Screen the selected applicants;
    • Develop their workforce;
  3. Advance the job market through:

Target audiences

Target audiences can be divided in three categories, every of which can further be divided in sub-categories:
  1. Work sellers, both:
  2. Job-market intermediaries including:
  3. Employers such as operational organizations and startup businesses.

User permissions

Main wikipage: Opplet role
All system-user roles, including their capabilities and permissions, are described at Opplet roles.


Main wikipage: CNM Cyber Transformation


The development of the Services currently occurs under the CNM Cloud Project.


Main wikipage: CNM Cyber requirements
The requirements were initially developed by Loredana C; the original version is posted at CNM Cyber by Loredana C.

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