CNM Cyber Website Requirements Specification

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CNM Cyber Website Requirements Specification (hereinafter, the Requirements) states detailed requirements for CNM Cyber Website (hereinafter, the Website).

Need and Purpose

CNM Cyber Website Requirements are meant to bridge gap between CNM Cyber Website developer and CNM Cyber major stake holders. It is meant to provide detailed information of what is going to be developed in the Website. The developer of CNM Website will use these requirements in the development process to determine what is going to be developed, how it is going to be developed and the functions of each developed module.

CNM Cyber Website Purpose

CNM Cyber Website is being designed to provide a landing site where employers, employees and job seekers are able to find access to CNM Cyber service; These services include;
  1. Help job seekers find work through hands on training programs.
  2. Build careers through obtaining credentials and professional networks; and or Land jobs through a multitude of marketing vehicles, which include networking, interviewing, applicant-tracking systems, and social media tools;
  3. Help employers:
    • Source pulls of qualified candidates;
    • Screen the selected applicants;
    • Develop their workforce;
  4. Advance the job market through:
    • Sourcing and screening those intermediaries that are active on the job market
    • Provide technological solutions to institutions, organizations and interested individuals. These include; User management systems and learning management systems as well as any other system according to customer specification.


CNM Cyber Website will be designed to address the following areas;

  • About CNM Cyber - visitors are introduced to CNM Cyber, CNM Cyber services and CNM Cyber Team.
  • Partners and partnering with CNM Cyber Team; CNM Cyber Website will provide easy methods of partnering with CNM Cyber team to any NetAnyone who desires to partner with CNM Cyber.
  • Learners; Aspiring learners will be provided with registration options, access to Welcome course and CNM Cyber paid courses provided by CNM Cyber team.
  • Opportunities; NetAnyone on CNM Website will be able to access available opportunities to join CNM Cyber Team.
  • Hiring services; employers are able to explore hiring services provided by CNM Cyber team