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Decision-making (alternatively spelled, decision making) is the action, process, and/or creative behavior of making decisions.


Any decision is a choice made from among two or more alternatives. The criteria that define what's important or relevant to resolving a problem are known as decision criteria. The freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation is known as decisional discretion.

Programmed vs non-programmed

Individual vs collective

Problem-solving vs sounding

Some decisions are made to solve a particular problem; the others may be referred as a sounding board.


Those decisions that shall be made to execute a particular job task may or may not adapt to various task attributes such as consequence of error, impact on enterprise, importance of being accurate, level of competition, task structure, virtualization, and others.

Structured vs unstructured

Task structure. One of Fiedler's situational contingencies that describes the degree to which job assignments are formalized and structured.

Error-untenable vs error-tolerant

Consequence of error. How serious would the result usually be if the worker made a mistake that was not readily correctable?

Competitive vs non-competitive

Level of competition. To what extent does this job require the worker to compete or to be aware of competitive pressures?

Impactful vs non-influential

Impact on enterprise. What results do your decisions usually have on other people or the image or reputation or financial resources of your employer?


Forcing vs backgrounding

Controlled vs uncontrolled

Situational control. The capacity of a decision maker to manage the situation and estimate the likelihood of certain outcomes.
  • Certainty. A situation in which a decision maker can make accurate decisions because all the data and outcomes are known.
  • Uncertainty. A situation in which a decision maker has neither certainty nor reasonable probability estimates available.

Internal vs external

Core self-evaluation. Bottom-line conclusions individuals have about their capacities, competence, and worth as a person. In other words, self-believing in one's inner worth and basic competence.
  1. General mental ability. An overall factor of intelligence, as suggested by the positive correlations among specific intellectual ability dimensions.


Enterprise competence

Sufficient vs deficient data

Adequate vs inadequate tools

Time-pressing vs time-insensitive

Time pressure. How often does this job require the worker to meet strict deadlines? How important is it to this job that the pace is determined by the speed of equipment or machinery? (This does not refer to keeping busy at all times on this job.)


Decision-making approach. A particular manner of taking preliminary steps toward making a decision.


Rational decision-making. Decision-making that produces choices that are logical and consistent and maximize value.
  • Rationale. A reasoning characterized by making consistent, value-maximizing choices within specified constraints.
  1. Rational decision-making model. A decision-making model that describes how individuals may rationally behave in order to maximize the outcomes from the decision.
    DREPDGOFERDECIDESeven-step decision-making
    DiscoverGoals clarification.Define the problem.Outline your goal and outcome.
    Establish all the criteria (constraints).Gather data.
    Options generation.Develop alternatives.
    ResearchFacts-finding.Consider all the alternatives.
    Consideration of EffectsList pros and cons of each alternative.
    EnvisionReview and implementation.Identify the best alternative.Make the decision.
    PlanDevelop and implement a plan of actionImmediately take action to implement it.
    Do and discover againEvaluate and monitor the solution and examine feedback when necessaryLearn from and reflect on the decision.


Intuitive decision-making. Unconscious decision-making on the basis of distilled experience, feelings, and accumulated judgment.

Ad hoc

Ad hoc decision-making.


Decisional tendency.

Optimizing vs. satisficing

  1. Satisfice. Acceptance of solutions that are "good enough."

Conservative vs aggressive

  1. Allostasis. Working to change behavior and attitude to find stability.
  2. Risk aversion. The tendency to prefer a sure gain of a moderate amount over a riskier outcome, even if the riskier outcome might have a higher expected payoff.

Process types

Agile vs rigid

Linear vs nonlinear

Thorough vs shortcut

  1. Bounded rationality. Decision-making that is rational, but limited (bounded) by an individual's ability to process information. In other words, bounded rationality is a process of making decisions by constructing simplified models that extract the essential features from problems without capturing all their complexity.
  2. Escalation of commitment. An increased commitment to a previous decision despite evidence it may have been wrong.


Decision-making dilemma. Optimizing vs. satisficing, intuitive vs rational vs ad hoc, Agile vs rigid, conservative vs aggressive, linear vs nonlinear


Self-regulation strategy.
  1. Prevention focus. A self-regulation strategy that involves striving for goals by fulfilling duties and obligations.
  2. Promotion focus. A self-regulation strategy that involves striving for goals through advancement and accomplishment.


Ethical dilemma. A situation in which individuals are required to define right and wrong conduct.