What the DevOps Is

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DevOps at CNM Cyber (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the Digital Transformations lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Lab. This lesson belongs to the CNM Cyber for Experience session of the CNM Cyber Orientation.


The predecessor lectio is What CNM Agile Is.


Many enterprises distinguish ongoing operations or so-called old businesses and projects or so-called new businesses. DevOps is an engineering practice that merges both -- the development feeds the operations and operations feed development.
DevOps unifies new product development or the Dev part and operations or the Ops part. DevOps processes are frameworks used in DevOps that represents a chain of phases.
Depending on production technology, organizational culture, and other factors, these phases may vary. In the development loop, they may include planning, building, and verifying. In the operations loop, the phases may include deploying, using, and monitoring in order to start planning a new development.
The development loop of the CNMCT DevOps process include 5-6 phases. Product epic drafts shall emerge on CNM Wiki as deliverables from the observe and envision phase. Product owners publish the approved product epics on CNM Page as deliverables from the define phase. Then, CNM Cyber Project Coordinators draft user stories on talk pages of CNM Wiki; these drafts are deliverables from the outline phase. Then, product owners prioritize these stories, while making some of them sprint backlog items. If needed, mock-ups emerge as deliverables from the prototype phase. Finally, minimum viable products (MVPs) create and test -- MVP

release and deploy -- marketable

To support DevOps, CNM Lab can be used to automate and monitor all steps of the development such as integration, testing, releasing to deployment, and infrastructure management.

Two primary purposes of CNM Page are to serve as the single source of truth and to accommodate interactions with Certified CNM Cyber Users. Indeed, the website shall display legitimate information since only authorized administrators shall be able to publish there. On the contrary, every Certified CNM Cyber User can post on CNM Wiki. Every Certified CNM Cyber User cannot alternate the page content on CNM Page, but should be able to ask questions in its comments section.
The development of CNM Cyber occurs in two hubs, which divide the development in two phases:
At CNM Wiki, the CNM Cyber Team creates the requirements that reflect what needs to be developed. These requirements include product epics, epic stories, user stories, and requirements specifications. This hub is open to the general public 24/7.
At CNM Lab, the Friends Of CNM leads implementations of those requirements that the CNM Cyber Team created. This private hub is used to develop viable computer files, software, as well as security-sensitive documentation.

Key terms

DevOps, DevOps process, CNMCT DevOps process, DevOps toolchain, CNMCT DevOps toolchain, single source of truth (SSOT), development hub, document, computer file (digital file)


Which statement below is correct:
  1. CNM Lab is designed to support continuous development of CNM Cyber.
  2. Every source code file must be uploaded to CNM Lab in order to be deployed within CNM Cyber.
  3. Authorized users of CNM Lab can identify which image file was last edited.
  4. All of the other substantive answers are correct.
  5. None of the other answers is correct.

What Requirements Are is the successor lectio.


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