Website gallery

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Revision as of 22:49, 4 December 2020 by Gary (talk | contribs) (Multiple gallery filtering)
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Layout options


based on an aspect ratio of your choosing.


same height, different image widths -- to set the height for each row, and varying width per image.


same widths, different heights -- to maintain the same image width and varying heights.


The overlay styling.

Content design

Show any combination of content as part of the gallery: incorporate the title, caption, alt, description or keep it clean. You can adjust just about anything with the style and layout of the content, with full control of typography and positioning. Use CSS filters and blend modes to give your gallery a consistent stylish look.

Multiple gallery filtering

Why settle for one gallery? Build a multiple gallery display that includes a filter bar, so your visitors can easily navigate between different image categories. Worried about setting the same image across several categories? Once the visitor goes back to the full display option, those repeating images will only appear once.

See also