CNM Wikiware

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Revision as of 16:39, 28 September 2018 by Gary (talk | contribs) (Functionality)
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CNM Wikiware (hereinafter, the App) is the CNM knowledge app that empowers CNM Wiki. The App is both


The App is a MediaWiki instance that is run on the CNM Cloud Platform.

Business functionality


Since Opplet handles user management for the App, roles are defined by Opplet role specifically based on rights of groups granted by MediaWiki (these rights can be found at MediaWiki's list of groups)

User stories

  1. As a NetAnyone, I need to be able to read and/or view contents of any wikipage at clearly understood URLs such as starting with
  2. As a NetAnyone, I need to be able to easily access information:-Information should chronologicaly arranged.
  3. As a Russian-speaking NetAnyone, I need to be able to locate wikipages in Russian, possibly, at URLs starting with
  4. As a NetConsumer, I need to be able to add selected wikipages to my watchlist and receive notifications when the watched wikipages are updated to my email.
  5. As a CertCandidate, I need to be able to:
    • Have default rights of a user (with a registered account) established at MediaWiki;
    • Upload files up to 2Mb.
  6. As a CertFellow, CertPartner, and/or CertVendor, I need to be able to upload files up to 20Mb.
  7. As a WikiAdmin, I need to:
    • Have default rights of a sysop established at MediaWiki;
    • Make sure that CNM Wiki at least gets basic cyber-security features implemented;
    • Make sure that CNM Wiki has access control over who can edit and access certain information.
    • Be able to restore CNM Wiki if the working software collapses. No more than one hour of work is allowed to be lost.
    • Be able to view weekly, monthly, and yearly financial statements.
    • Be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete picture of CNM activities and members


The RFB has been posted and the following responses are collected so far:

  1. Define page types, naming conventions, user rights, expected behavior to select a set of useful extensions. Then develop ontologies, templates and forms for pages of various types. Adjust search function to the needs of the project.