CNM Website Projects

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Revision as of 15:29, 31 March 2023 by Gary (talk | contribs) (Website-core projects)
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CNM Website Projects is the primary list of those website projects (hereinafter, the Projects) that are:

  1. Undertaken to develop CNMCyber websites that CNMCyber Customer has authorized for funding, and
  2. Available for CNM Website Developers' (hereinafter, the Devs') practice.

On this wikipage,

  • The Projects are listed in head rows of the tables. The endeavor tags include a term, work, which refers to the Project on this very page. Alternatively, project wikipages can be found through the "CNM Website Projects" category.
  • The Projects' progress is reported in the table bodies.
  • Those CNMCyber products for which development the Projects are undertaken are listed in bottom rows of the tables. Alternatively, product wikipages can be found through the "CNM Websites" category.

Name yours

Component projects

Textual contents Non-textual contents SEO efforts CMS UI design WWW records

Website-core projects

Website idea Wiki-based prototype CMS-based prototype Website MVP Website marketable

For the purposes of this wikipage, DBMS refer to those endeavors that are related to database management systems (DBMS) of the Cloud.
Authorized endeavors related to database management
Работы CITPMA (work) CNMCyber (work) iDosvid (work) Bskol (work) FriendsOfCNM (work) HOTCOE (work) Inplz (work) Kryvi (work)
Business requirements        
Stakeholder requirements        
Product specifications        
Products CITPMA CNMCyber iDosvid Bskol FriendsOfCNM HOTCOE Inplz Kryvi