CNMCyber Office Hours

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CNMCyber Office Hours (or, referring to a single event, a CNMCyber office hour; hereinafter, the Series) is the series of CNMCyber events that incumbents of CNMCyber jobs organize to collect requirements and/or gather data from other members of CNMCyber Team such as staffers of CNMCyber Office and/or CNMCyber Customer. The requirements gathered during office hours should lead to the creation and development of relevant wiki pages.

The Series consists of events scheduled to take place once a week, Tuesdays at 1PM EST/ 8PM EAT for coordinators to submit their challenges and progress of what projects they have taken on. In addition to this questions about CNMCyber are also welcome in this session. Anyone is welcome to this event.


Participants of the Event are сurrent CNMCyber Team and curious people or potential coord who came from meetup group. By default, the Host is a confirmed participant of any Event. Personally, the Host may identify, contact, and confirm those participants that would be specially invited to the Event.

See also

Related concepts