Family as an organization

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Is a family an organization?

Best answers

  • According to the textbook, an organization is "a consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals." So, if family members share one or more goals, it is an organization. It they are, for example, on the break of divorce, it is not.
  • An organisation can easily be thought of as a collection of individuals with, at least partly, shared goals or interests. In that sense, a family is very much an organisation of people with the shared interest of each other. Families work together to achieve a common goal (a happy family, a good life, take your pick). So, yes.
  • Of course yes. Different family members have different duties. They should run the whole family efficiently. And job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated. Even just the normal things like washing dishes,cooking or clean the rubbish. High interaction among family members to increase trust and openness. So a family is a organization.
  • I think family is an organization. Organization is a group of people who want to achieve a particular aim. In my opinion, their nature is the same. Both of them are organized, managed, and run by the leaders, who make decision in your family.
  • YES. Organization is defined as an organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially a business, society, association, etc. Family and Organization are no more different. Both of them are organized, managed and run by the individual leaders with unique responsibilities.
  • I think it is”yes”.My mom just like a financial manager in my family.My grandparent are the CEO ,But this”organization”are more affinity than the other organizations.

Partially-valid answers