CNM Registration Project

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Revision as of 20:24, 2 July 2019 by Gary (talk | contribs) (First-time attendee)
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The CNM Registration Project is a project undertaken in order to create a process of registration of those patrons who attend CNM events on Tuesday evenings.

User stories

First-time attendee

As someone who attends CNM events for the first time, I shall:
  1. Be offered to (a) scan a QR code, (b) type an URL in my device's web browser, or (c) click on the registration icon on the device available at the registration table and:
  2. Get to the registration form and fill in the following fields:
    • Name
    • Email address
    • Phone number (cell preferred)
  3. Select Yes or No for a question Attend MBC?
  4. Read that

    CNM doesn't share with or sell your data to any other organizations.

  5. Click on a Submit button.

In addition, a mobile phone app can be considered being developed.

Second interaction

Thank you for your interest in CNM. Please provide the following information, so we will be able to serve you better:

  • Zip
  • SIC

Following interactions

QR code


  • Tom
  • Debbie
  • Bob K.
  • Bob P.

Admin management -- meetup model

Solution platform

The platform shall be open-source. Most likely, this would be a customer relationship management system -- SuiteCRM or CiviCRM. If the selected solution cannot accommodate user stories, the solution would be adjusted.