Systems engineering

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Systems engineering (also known by its abbreviation; hereinafter, SE) is the orderly process of bringing a system into being using a systems approach.

Key points

  • Systems approach. The application of a systematic disciplined engineering approach that considers the system as a whole, its impact on its environment and continues throughout the lifecycle of a project.
  • Human factors. Also called ergonomics. The scientific discipline of studying interactions between humans and external systems, including human-computer interaction. When applied to design, the study of human factors seeks to optimise both human well-being and system performance.
  • Datapoint-device architecture.
  • Object-oriented modeling. An approach to software engineering where software is comprised of components that are encapsulated groups of data and functions which can inherit behavior and attributes from other components; and whose components communicate via messages with one another. In some organizations, the same approach is used for business engineering to describe and package the logical components of the business.


  • Abstraction. The ability of engineers to think of design concepts that are not dependent on specific solutions.
  • Boundary. A separation between the interior of a system and what lies outside.
  • Context. The users, other systems and other features of the environment of the system that the system will interact with.
  • Customer. The organization or individual that has requested (and will pay for) a product or service.
  • Engineering. The application of scientific principles to practical ends.
  • Feedback. Information about the output of a system that can be used to adjust it.
  • Gantt Chart. A project management tool in the form of a bar chart showing the start and finish dates of activities.
  • Input. A material, service or support item that is processed by the system.
  • Interdisciplinarity. People from different disciplines working together to design systems.
  • Lifecycle. Important phases in the development of a system from initial concept through design, testing, use, maintenance, to retirement.
  • Mission. An undertaking that is supported by the system to be designed to be successful (e.g. space mission).
  • Optimization. The process of choosing the best alternative that will satisfy the needs of the stakeholders under the constraints given (e.g. cost, schedule and available technology).
  • Output. What is produced by a system.
  • Process. A set of activities used to convert inputs into desired outputs.
  • Project. An activity having goals, objectives, a beginning and an end.
  • Requirement. A statement of required behavior, performance and other characteristics of the system to be developed.
  • Risk Management. A process of identifying what can go wrong and making plans that will enable a system to achieve its goals.
  • Specifications. The technical requirements for systems design.
  • Stakeholder. An individual or group affected in some way by the undertaking. Stakeholders are valuable sources for requirements.
  • System. A set of interrelated components working together to produce a desired result.
  • Systems Approach. The application of a systematic disciplined engineering approach that considers the system as a whole, its impact on its environment and continues throughout the lifecycle of a project.
  • System Design. The identification of all the necessary components, their role, and how they have to interact for the system to fulfill its purpose.
  • System Integration. The activity of integrating all the components of a system to make sure they work together as intended.
  • Systems Engineering. The orderly process of bringing a system into being using a systems approach.
  • Trade-off. losing one quality or aspect of something in return for gaining another quality or aspect.
  • Value. The benefit enjoyed by the stakeholders of the system when the system is in operation.
  • Validation. Testing to insure that the created system actually provides the value intended to its stakeholders. (Did we build the right system?).
  • Verification. The process of proving that a finished product meets specifications and requirements. (Did we build the system right?)

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