List of maintenance-related failures

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This list of maintenance-related failures is a listing of incidents and accidents that have been, partially or completely, caused by human errors in aircraft maintenance.


Eastern Air Lines Flight 855

At 08:56 am on May 5, 1983, Eastern Air Lines, Inc., Flight 855, a Lockheed L-1011, with 10 crewmembers and 162 passengers on board, departed Miami International Airport en route to Nassau, Bahamas.
About 09:15, while descending through 15,000 feet, the low oil pressure light on the No. 2 engine illuminated. The No. 2 engine was shut down, and the captain decided to return to Miami to land. The airplane was cleared to Miami and began a climb to FL 200. While en route to Miami, the low oil pressure lights for engines Nos. 1 and 3 illuminated.
At 09:28, while at 16,000 feet, the No. 3 engine flamed out. At 0933:20, the No. 1 engine flamed out while the flightcrew was attempting to restart the No. 2 engine. The airplane descended without power from about 13,000 feet to about 4,000 feet, at which time the No. 2 engine was restarted.
The airplane made a one-engine landing at Miami International Airport at 09:46. There were no injuries to the occupants.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the accident was the omission of all the O-ring seals on the master chip detector assemblies leading to the loss of lubrication and damage to the airplane's three engines as a result of the failure of mechanics to follow the established and proper procedures for the installation of master chip detectors in the engine lubrication system, the repeated failure of supervisory personnel to require mechanics to comply strictly with the prescribed installation procedures, and the failure of Eastern Air Lines management to assess adequately the significance of similar previous occurrences and to act effectively to institute corrective action.
Contributing to the cause of the accident was the failure of Federal Aviation Administration maintenance inspectors to assess the significance of the incidents involving master chip detectors and to take effective surveillance and enforcement measures to prevent the recurrence of the incidents.
The FAA report is published at

British Airways Flight 5390

British Airways Flight 5390 was a flight from Birmingham Airport in England for Málaga Airport in Spain that suffered explosive decompression, with no loss of life, shortly after takeoff on 10 June 1990. An improperly installed windscreen panel separated from its frame, causing the plane's captain to be blown partially out of the aircraft. With the captain pinned against the window frame for twenty minutes, the first officer managed to land at Southampton Airport.

Human Errors: Windscreen panel is not properly installed on the airplane."

Lufthansa Airbus A320

On March 20, 2001 a Lufthansa Airbus A320 almost crashed shortly after takeoff because of reversed wiring in the captain's sidestick flight control. Quick action by the co-pilot, whose sidestick was not faulty, prevented a crash

The investigation has focused on maintenance on the captain's controls carried out by Lufthansa Technik just before the flight. During the previous flight, a problem with one of the two elevator/aileron computers (ELAC) had occurred. An electrical pin in the connector was found to be damaged and was replaced. It has been confirmed that two pairs of pins inside the connector had accidentally been crossed during the repair. This changed the polarity in the sidestick and the respective control channels “bypassing” the control unit, which might have sensed the error and would have triggered a warning. Clues might have been seen on the electronic centralized aircraft monitor (ECAM) screen during the flight control checks, but often pilots only check for a deflection indication, not the direction. Before the aircraft left the hangar, a flight control check was performed by the mechanic, but only using the first officer’s sidestick.

Lock pin

Figure 14-30. A description of a Lufthansa Airbus A320 that almost crashed due to reversed wiring of the flight controls.

Excalibur Airways Airbus 320

August 26, 1993, an Excalibur Airways Airbus 320 took off from London-Gatwick Airport (LGW) and exhibited an undemanded roll to the right on takeoff, a condition which persisted until the aircraft landed back at LGW 37 minutes later. Control of the aircraft required significant left sidestick at all times and the flight control system was degraded by the loss of spoiler control.

Technicians familiar with Boeing 757 flap change procedures lacked the knowledge required to correctly lock out the spoilers on the Airbus during the flap change work that was done the day before the flight. Turnover to technicians on the next shift compounded the problem. No mention of incorrect spoiler lockout procedure was given since it was assumed that the 320 was like the 757. The flap change was operationally checked, but the spoiler remained locked out incorrectly and was not detected by the flight crew during standard functional checks. The lack of knowledge on Airbus procedures was considered a primary cause of this incident.

Emery Worldwide Airlines DC-8-71F

April 26, 2001, an Emery Worldwide Airlines DC-8-71F left main landing gear would not extend for landing.

Probable cause was failure of maintenance to install the correct hydraulic landing gear extension component and the failure of inspection to comply with post-maintenance test procedures. No injuries.


American Airlines Flight 191

American airlines flight 191 (1979) is the worst aviation accident in the United States. Eight weeks before the disaster, the last repair of the plane damaged the overhead engine tower installed on the plane. When the plane took off from o'hare, the engine fell off the plane and landed on the runway, cutting off the electrical system and spilling hydraulic oil. It controlled some of the moving parts of the wing, and the pilots couldn't see the wing and didn't realize they were losing liquid oil. Damaged left, however, has stalled, the plane a dive, crashed into an open field, debris was thrown into a trailer park, near the destroyed several trailer and cars, there is an old aircraft hanger, and serious damage to a few people on the ground, killing two people, including staff of 273 people were on the plane of fire burned to death, not a survivor.

It was the fourth fatal crash on the dc-10 since its inception, with 622 people killed in all four dc-10 crashes. This has drawn harsh criticism from several media outlets. The report said the weather was good at the time of the incident and there were no bird flocks or other aircraft nearby at the time of the incident. After a few years later, in all aspects of conclusion is aa maintenance department in engine repair, in order to save more than 200 hours of maintenance time and money, the engine and the ""dragon"" (Pylon, suspended structure) between the engine and wings removed and put together all night just back, so that in the Pylon and cracks caused by the wing joint area. This is a violation of dc-10 design original McDonnell Douglas maintenance procedures, aircraft maintenance must be step-by-step, not to save time and money to take shortcuts.

The DC-10 left Chicago O'Hare on the Friday afternoon of Memorial Day weekend only for its left engine to detach from its wing and fall off, rolling the plane in the air and sending it crashing to earth just a mile from the runway.The plane ""burst into a pillar of flame and smoke that could be seen up to eight miles away,"" the Chicago Tribune reported at the time. All 271 people on board and two on the ground were killed in what remains America's worst aviation disaster.The plane ""burst into a pillar of flame and smoke that could be seen up to eight miles away,"" the Chicago Tribune reported at the time. All 271 people on board and two on the ground were killed in what remains America's worst aviation disaster.

The crash was found to be the result of a shortcut taken by removing the plane's engines for maintenance, cracking an aluminium component which held the engine to the wing.

A DC-10-10 aircraft took off due to a sudden loss of left engine caused the flap to lose control and the main instrument power failure, the pilot due to unknown posture to carry out the wrong handling procedures, resulting in many deaths.

The complete report is published at The FAA report is published at

Japan Airlines Flight 123

On August 12, 1985, the Japan Airlines Flight 123 suffered mechanical failures 12 minutes into the flight and 32 minutes later crashed.

The aircraft was involved in a tail strike incident on 2 June 1978, which damaged the bulkhead. However, the repair of the bulkhead didn't conform to Boeing's approved repair methods. So this reduced the part's resistance to metal fatigue by 70%.

In short, the bulkhead gave way leads to the failure of all 4 hydraulic systems then the aircraft's control disabled, the aircraft became uncontrollable, which leads to the disaster.

JAL123:After the tail damage, Boeing did not properly repair the damaged section. When replacing the damaged pressure wall plate, a whole joint plate should be used to connect the two panels to be connected and three rows of rivets should be used to fix them, but the maintenance personnel used two discontinuous joint plates, one with one row of rivets and the other with two rows of rivets. This results in a significant increase in stress on the metal skin near the joint and a reduction in resistance to metal fatigue of at least 70%. During the flight several years after maintenance, metal fatigue accumulated in the cabin due to repeated pressurization and decompression.The whole accident boils down to the maintenance man's irresponsibility.

The jal 123 disaster occurred in 1985, the second deadliest air crash after tenerife, which killed 583 people. The jal 123 disaster is still unforgettable.

The original crash had damaged the tail seven years earlier, but the damage had not been properly repaired. The metal used in the repairs can only withstand about 10, 000 flights, and the crash was the 12, 000th such flight. So as the plane climbed and flew, the metal that had been repaired in the tail broke under pressure, leading to a series of tragedies.

Aloha Airlines Flight 243

The FAA report is published at

Alaska Airlines Flight 261

Alaska Airlines Flight 261, a McDonnell Douglas MD-83 aircraft, experienced a fatal accident on January 31, 2000, in the Pacific Ocean. The two pilots, three cabin crewmembers, and 83 passengers on board were killed and the aircraft was destroyed.

The subsequent investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that inadequate maintenance led to excessive wear and catastrophic failure of a critical flight control system during flight. The probable cause was stated to be “a loss of airplane pitch control resulting from the in-flight failure of the horizontal stabilizer trim system jackscrew assembly’s acme nut threads. The thread failure was caused by excessive wear resulting from Alaska Airlines insufficient lubrication of the jackscrew assembly.

The stuck horizontal tail hinders operation of the balancing system. Investigators found that the maintenance took only about an hour to complete. In fact, the plane's manufacturer expected the maintenance work to take about four hours to complete, suggesting the mechanic wasn't up to the job. That led to a crash that killed all 88 people on board.

China Airlines Flight 611

On May 25, 2002, China Airlines Flight 611 Boeing 747 broke into pieces in mid-air and crashed, killing all 225 people on board. The accident was the result of metal fatigue caused by inadequate maintenance after a previous incident.
During the permanent maintenance of China Airlines, the maintenance personnel discovered the severe metal fatigue skin and, instead of replacing the whole skin according to the structural maintenance manual prescribed by Boeing, just covered the area with an aluminum plate similar in size to the damaged skin. However, the maintenance personnel indicated on the maintenance record that the maintenance was carried out in accordance with the Boeing maintenance guidelines. Follow-up maintenance personnel believed his maintenance record and were not checked.

A passenger plane from Taiwan's Zhongzheng International Airport to Hong Kong International Airport disintegrated and crashed. A Boeing 747-200, b-18255 (old b-1866) airliner carrying 206 passengers and 19 crew members (including the first and second pilots and Flight Engineers) broke up and crashed at a high altitude of 34900 feet (10640 meters) 23 nautical miles northeast of Magong City, Penghu County on the same day, killing all the people on board, which is the worst casualty in Taiwan A heavy air crash.

In fact, after investigation, it was found that the aircraft had maintenance records before the accident and the tail skin was damaged, but the maintenance personnel did not replace the whole skin according to the requirements of the maintenance manual. But only the damaged part was repaired. After the aircraft climbed, the accumulated metal fatigue here led to the falling off of the whole tail, which eventually led to the crash of the aircraft. This is very similar to the original Aloha accident in the United States, which is caused by the accumulated metal fatigue caused by long-term rain erosion.

On May 25, 2002, Taiwan China Airlines Flight CI611 crashed in the waters near Penghu, killing all 225 passengers and crew on board, making it the most shocking air crash in Taiwan in recent years.

The reason is that on February 7,1980, the aircraft damaged the machine tail skin at the time of flying, and was transported back to Taiwan for temporary maintenance on the same day. However, it only covers the area with an aluminum plate with an area that is similar to the damaged skin, and does not replace the one-piece skin with the maintenance guidelines prescribed by Boeing, which thus accumulates the metal fatigue. After the crack, the aircraft tail fell off and out of control, and finally crashed through the loss of pressure and control.

Colgan Air Beech 1900D

On August 26, 2003, a Colgan Air Beech 1900D crashed just after takeoff from Hyannis, Massachusetts. Both pilots were killed.

The improper replacement of the forward elevator trim cable and subsequent inadequate functional check of the maintenance performed that resulted in a reversal of the elevator trim system and a loss of control in flight. Factors were the flight crew’s failure to follow the checklist procedures and the aircraft manufacturer’s erroneous depiction of the elevator trim drum in the maintenance manual.

American Airlines Flight 1400

On September 28, 2007, American Airlines Flight 1400 DC-9 experienced an in-flight engine fire during departure climb from Lambert St. Louis International Airport (STL). During the return to STL, the nose landing gear failed to extend, and the flight crew executed a go-around, during which the crew extended the nose gear using the emergency procedure. The flight crew conducted an emergency landing, and the 2 flight crewmembers, 3 flight attendants, and 138 passengers deplaned on the runway. No occupant injuries were reported, but the airplane sustained substantial damage from the fire.

American Airlines' maintenance personnel's use of an inappropriate manual engine-start procedure, which led to the uncommanded opening of the left engine air turbine starter valve, and a subsequent left engine fire.

The complete report is published at

Air France Flight 447

The crash, which left no survivors, was the deadliest air France crash since it was founded and the first crash of an airbus A330 since it went into service.

The two co-pilots did not have a clear division of labor, emergency appeared in the opposite operation.

Improper handling by the pilots and technical problems with the airbus A330 were the main causes of the accident. The pilots' knowledge and handling of the emergency were inadequate and lacked the training to deal with it. In addition, airbus, the manufacturer of the airbus A330 model, will also assume technical responsibility." Air France flight 447, because the division of labor between the two co-pilots is not clear, leading to the emergency of the opposite operation and finally it fell. Flight recorder data showed that the pitot tube, which had been installed outside the cockpit to measure the plane's speed, had frozen before it crashed into the sea and had stalled for three minutes and 30 seconds.About two minutes and 30 seconds before the recorder stopped working, one of the pilots said to his companion, "we don't have any good display data anymore."The captain, mark dubois, had left the cockpit in rotation and was replaced by co-pilot David Robert, but co-pilot kaidrick berning was in control.This also laid the potential for the subsequent tragedy -- the two co-pilots did not have a clear division of labor, emergency appeared in the opposite operation.

An air France airbus a330-200 (f-gzcp) on flight AF447 from Rio DE janeiro, Brazil, to Paris, France, May 31, 2009. The plane took off at 2203 hours local time on 31 May and lost contact with air traffic control at 2.14am. The plane was over the Atlantic ocean between Brazil and the African continent. Five days after losing contact, Brazilian searchers first spotted floating debris. It was carrying 216 passengers and 12 crew members (three pilots), nine of whom were Chinese. The crash, which left no survivors, was the deadliest air France crash since it was founded and the first crash of an airbus A330 since it went into service.

Other failures

Draft story

Long voyage air crash in 1981 and ""China airlines air crash"" in 2002

Cause: the plane lost pressure in the air and crashed

The disappearance of the Malaysia airlines passenger plane, some people have been analyzed as the plane had a collision in Shanghai pudong airport, resulting in wing damage caused by metal fatigue, leading to the disintegration of the aircraft. This is not uncommon in the history of air accidents, including two in Taiwan.

On August 22, 1981, a Boeing 737 operated by Taiwan's far east airlines crashed over miaoli county while flying from Taipei to kaohsiung. All 104 passengers and six crew members were killed.

An investigation later found that the plane also lost cabin pressure on August 5, when it was flying from Taipei to kaohsiung."

Draft story

Errors caused by maintenance:

a) In 2005, an accident occurred when an amphibious airplane operated by Chalk’s Ocean Airline crashed into a shipping channel near the Port of Miami, Florida. Once crash investigators concluded their analysis, the NTSB reported their findings: that the crash had been caused by the separation of the plane’s right wing during flight, and that this had occurred due to dual failures in the airline’s aircraft maintenance program.

Draft story

Korean air flight 801 (KAL801, KE801) is a Korean air flight from Seoul (now Seoul) to Guam. On August 6, 1997, the flight crashed just before landing at Guam's Antonio wangpat international airport.

The plane was a Boeing 747-300, with the fuselage registration number HL7468. The flight departed Seoul kimpo international airport at 2053 local time (2153 Guam time) on 5 August with a total of 17 crew members and 237 passengers on board.

At 1am local time on August 6, flight 801 made preparations for landing. Due to heavy rain and poor visibility in Guam airspace, the pilot decided to make a manual landing. At about 1.40 am, the aircrew was cleared to land runway 6L. At 1:42 PM, the plane misjudged the location of the airport during the landing process. The crew mistakenly thought that the passenger plane had passed the head or could not see the location of the airport. They planned to lift and fly again. But the plane was five kilometers short of the 78-meter runway and crashed into the side of nimitz mountain at 201 meters.

(NTSB) indicated in its subsequent report that the main causes of the accident were as follows:

When flight 801 was preparing to land on runway 6L, the tower staff told the Korean airlines crew that the Glide slope beacon in the instrument landing system had been shut down due to a fault. But at one point in the recording, possibly due to interference from other sources, the captain said he saw the glide path gauge move and asked the co-pilot if the glide path was really malfunctioning. As for the Minimum Safe Altitude Warning system (m-saw), it was frequently misreported by the wrong signals in the vicinity of the airport. As a result, it was repeatedly corrected by the engineers, which resulted in the effective range of the system being further away from the airport and unable to cover the surrounding area near the airport. The pilot of flight 801 did not strictly follow the manual landing procedure when it happened, and he lowered the flight altitude too early, relying too much on automatic operation. The crew of flight 801 was tired."

Draft story

On August 24, 2010, Henan Airlines Co., Ltd. B3130 ERJ-190 regional passenger plane carried out the VD8387 Harbin-Yichun flight mission, took off at Harbin airport at 20:51, this plan landed at Yichun Lindu airport at 21:40, but crashed ahead of time at about 22:10 outside the runway 690 meters from Yichun Lindu airport. 42 people were killed and 54 survived.

Draft story

On August 31, 1983, Korean air flight 007 flew from Alaska to Seoul, Korea. On September 1, the plane was shot down by a Soviet air force su-15 interceptor in international waters southwest of sakhalin island after it strayed into Soviet airspace due to a pilot error. The interceptor had not flown in front of the plane before shooting it down. It had not reported that it was a Boeing with a portholes, not an rc-135, nor had it fired tracer bullets. Even later, the pilot who was ordered to shoot down the plane claimed that he shot it down decisively, even though he knew he was dealing with a passenger plane, because "western fighters often pretend to be passenger planes..." All 240 passengers and 29 crew members died.

Draft story

On June 2, 1978, the aircraft had damaged the tail of jal115 when it landed at IDAN airport.Boeing did not properly repair the damaged area after the tail was damaged. When replacing the damaged pressure wall panel, a whole joint plate should be used to connect the two panels to be connected, and three rows of rivets should be used to fix them. However, the maintenance personnel used two discontinuous joint plates, one with one row of rivets and the other with two rows of rivets. This makes the stress of the metal skin near the joint increase significantly, and the resistance to metal fatigue decreases by at least 70%. During the flight several years after the maintenance, the metal fatigue in the cabin is accumulating because of the multiple pressurization and decompression in the cabin. According to the calculation of the ex post investigators, the repair can only take about 10000 flights, and the flight is the 12319th flight after the crash.When the aircraft climbs to about 7000 meters, the accumulated metal fatigue of the pressure wall panel reaches the limit, and it can no longer bear the pressure difference and break. As a result, explosion and decompression occurred in the engine room. High pressure air rushed into the tail, blowing down the vertical tail directly and tearing off the main hydraulic pipeline, which made the pilot unable to control the aircraft normally.The pilots and engineers on the wrecked plane struggled with the plane for half an hour under the condition of nearly completely out of control, and tried to avoid the continuous mountain terrain before the crash, showing great efforts and Technology (after the accident, no investigators and pilots who simulated the situation at that time could fly for half an hour under the same circumstances). However, at that time, the captain showed sluggish response (failed to respond to colleagues' requests and tower calls for many times) and operational errors (did not choose to descend to the respirable state under high altitude hypoxia; the flight engineer proposed to use the oxygen mask to answer the permission but did not implement it; after losing control of the aircraft, he still insisted on returning to Yutian airport rather than going to the nearest airport Nagoya landing) has also been criticized, but given that the crew has always been in a state of high tension and hard handling of the joystick, these mistakes are not hard to understand.

Draft story

On May 8, 1997, the Boeing 737-300 b-2925 of China southern airlines crashed during the landing of flight CZ3456 from chongqing to shenzhen. 65 passengers were on board, 33 of them dead, 9 of them in the flight crew, 2 of them dead.

Due to the heavy rain in the night flight, poor visibility, water on the runway, light effect is not good, see the ground is not clear. In this case, the aircrew did not take the go-around measures decisively and continued to approach and descend in violation of the regulations, delaying the opportunity. This is the main reason for the abnormal landing and the final cause of the accident.

When the plane approached the platform at an altitude of 170 feet, a ""glide path low"" warning appeared in the cockpit. Subsequently, the crew corrected the plane to return to the normal glide track, but did not reduce the throttle. The plane was able to see the plane face for 2 to 3 seconds before the plane grounded."

Draft story

There is a famous air crash accident in 1994 which happened in Xian.It was caused by the auto-guiding machine which was done by people incorrectly.To our pity ,there are no one surviving in this horrible accident.

And the result of the research is people should be stricted with the rules of plane and take whole charge of their responsibility to ensure passengers’safety."

See also