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CNM Cyber on the Web (hereinafter, the Lesson) is the primary learning activity of CNM Cyber that introduces its participants to where CNM Cyber is located at the World Wide Web. The Lesson is the eleventh of twelve activities that are designed to prepare its participants to the CNM Cyber Entrance Exam. All of those activities belong to the CNM Cyber Welcome Course.

The Lesson is preceded by the CNM Cloud Essentials and succeeded by Who Develops CNM Cyber. The Lesson is made up of five lectios. At CNM Cyber, the word, lectio, is used for a lesson part.

CNM Cyber Hostname

CNM Cyber Hostname is the first lectio out of five ones that make up the Lesson.

Lectio 1 presentation

Until CNM Cyber's mobile app is developed, every user of CNM Cyber must use a web browser such as Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or any other, in order to access this platform.
In the World Wide Web, CNM Cyber is temporarily located at the hostname. Friends Of CNM is an alias name of a commercial company that sponsors CNM Cyber. This company covers all the expenses associated with CNM Cyber, employs its staffers, and, generally speaking, executes the requirements of CNM Cyber Team. Accordingly, CNM Cyber Team is a team of volunteers of the Career Network Ministry, which is alternatively known by its acronym CNM. CNM is a non-profit group that the Friends Of CNM supports.

Lectio 1 quiz questions

CNM Cyber Subdomains

CNM Cyber Subdomains is the first lectio out of five ones that make up the Lesson.

Lectio 2 presentation

Various systems of CNM Cyber are available at subdomains such as for CNM Cabin, for CNM Cert, for CNM Social, for CNM Video, or for CNM Wiki.
Those versions of CNM Cyber systems that are installed on the CNM Next Server have the .next. field added to their hostnames such as,,, or

Lectio 2 quiz questions

Cyber Domain Exceptions

Cyber Domain Exceptions is the first lectio out of five ones that make up the Lesson.

Lectio 3 presentation

One exception is CNM Cabin; it is temporarily located at The Friends Of CNM also reserved a separate hostname,, for CNM Cyber. One day, CNM Cyber shall be found on the World Wide Web under its own hostname.

Lectio 3 quiz questions

Numeric data

-- 218 words, 10 sentences


To change your password at CNM Cyber, you need to go to:
-- (wlcm-cabin-00002-prvw)

CNM Cyber Hostname CNM Cyber Subdomains Cyber Domain Exceptions



Activities Lectios (if any) # Referred topics
Action Suite Essentials What Action Suite Is 1 CNM Action Suite, job search, CNM Talk, teleconferencing, CNM Social, , project management system, CNM Lab, job-search management
What CNM Venture Is 2 CNM Venture, enterprise resource planning ecosystem (ERP ecosystem), e-commerce
CNM Linkup vs Venture 3 CNM Linkup, customer relationship management system (CRM system)
CNM Venture vs Lab 4 Contact list
What CNM Mail Is 5 CNM Mail, email
CNM Social Essentials 9 CNM Social, social networking system, social network, wikipage, CNM Action Suite
CNM Cloud Essentials 10 CNM Cloud, system, end-user application, CNM app, CNM Wikiware, CNM Wiki, CNM Videoware, CNM Video, CNM Mailware, CNM Mail, CNM Cabin, CNM Middleware, CNM Servers, WorldOpp Federated Server, CNM Middleware, CNM Next Server, Wiki Next, Video Next, Mail Next, hands-on training, CNM Fellow Server, CNM Cloud Project, CNM Cloud Usable, development hub, product epic, user story, requirement, document, CNM Lab, software
CNM Cyber on the Web 11 Mobile app, web browser, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, World Wide Web, hostname, Friends Of CNM, CNM Cyber Team, Career Network Ministry (CNM)
Who Develops CNM Cyber 12 CNM Cyber, WorldOpp Fellow Staff, Friends Of CNM, WorldOpp Orientation, CNM Cyber Team, CNM, CNM Cyber Orientation, CNM Pageware, CNM IT Project Coordinator, CNM Cloud Project Coordinator, CNM Wiki, workspace, CNM Trial Server, CNM app, CNM Next Server