What CNM Cabin Is

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What CNM Cabin Is (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the CNM Cabin Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Cabin. This lesson belongs to the CNM Cyber for Experience session of the CNM Cyber Welcome Course.

Key terms' outline

|1||CNM Cabin, user management system, user dashboard

CNM Cabin. The user management system of CNM Cyber that is delivered to its end-users as a service.

What CNM Cabin Is

What CNM Cabin Is is the first lectio out of six ones that make up the Lesson.

Lectio 1 presentation

CNM Cabin is the user management system of CNM Cyber. This system provides all the other systems of CNM Cyber with federated service. Every system of CNM Cyber utilizes the user records of CNM Cabin. For instance, CNM Cert takes CNM Cabin's data to track your progress. CNM Cabin literally transforms various systems of CNM Cyber, which otherwise would be standalone, into a united platform.

Lectio 1 quiz questions