Course Category

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Course categories organize courses for all Moodle site participants. The default course category on a new Moodle site is "Miscellaneous" (although this can be renamed). A Course creator, Administrator or Manager can put all courses in the Miscellaneous category. However, teachers and students will find it easier to find their classes if courses are organised in descriptive categories.

Adding Course Category

Use the following steps to add a course category;

  • Go to Administration > Site administration > Courses > Add a category
  • Complete the details required and click 'Create category.'
  • Alternatively, you can go to Administration>Site administration>Courses>Manage courses and categories and click the link 'Create new category'.

Adding a Sub-category

You may have a category for instance science, it may be useful to have sub-categories such as Biology, Chemistry and Physics. To add sub-categories to a category;

  • Administration>Site administration>Courses>Manage courses and categories, then click the down arrow left to the category name and selecting 'Create new subcategory.'

Hiding a Category

  • Categories may be easily hidden or shown via Administration>Site administration>Courses>Manage courses and categories and clicking the 'eye' icon of the category you wish to hide. Hidden categories are only visible to site administrators or those with the capability to "view hidden courses".

Sorting Categories

Categories may be sorted by ascending/descending names or ID numbers from;

  • Administration>Site administration>Courses>Manage courses and categories

Assign role at the Category level

Manager role can be assigned at the category level. The assigned manager will have access to all courses in the category and able to manage them but does not have access to any site administration tools. Manger role is assigned in the category level as follows;

  • Site administration > Courses > Manage courses and categories > (select a category)
  • Click the category settings icon > Select "Assign roles"
  • Select the role you want to assign > From potential users list, select the person you want to assign this role > Click Add button.