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Revision as of 11:56, 5 May 2020 by MariamKhalid (talk | contribs) (Creating a Group:)
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Groups in CNM Cert allow us to assign an particular activity or all course activities to group of students. With forums, wikis, and databases, students in the same group can post and reply only to each other. Each group member always works in their own group, but you can control whether or not they can see contributions of members of other groups. Groups can be useful for activities where students can interact.

Groups can be used at two levels:

Course Level

It is the default mode for all activities defined within that course. Following settings are required for Group mode to use Groups:

Administration > Course administration > Edit settings.

Activity Level

A Group mode can also be defined for each activity that supports Groups.

Group Modes

There are three group modes:

  • No groups - There are no sub groups, everyone is part of one big community
  • Separate groups - Each group can only see their own group, others are invisible.
  • Visible groups - Each group works in their own group, but can also see other groups. (The other groups' work is read-only.)

Creating a Group:

  1. In :
Administration > Course administration > Users > Groups , click the "Create Group" button.
  1. Type a group name and optional description, enrollment key and picture which would be displayed on the participants page and next to forum posts.
  2. If you with to engage in Group conversation, tick "Enable Group messaging" box and then "Save" button.
  3. Select the group to which you want to add participants, then click the 'Add/remove users button
  4. In the "Potential members" list, select the users you want to add to the group.
  5. Click the Add button to add the users to the group.

Auto create Groups

Groups can also be Auto created by clicking "Auto Create Group" button in:

Administration > Course administration > Users > Groups. 

"Expand all" link will show all settings.


Groupings are a collection of groups, and you can assign activities to specific groupings as needed.

Restrict Access to Groups

To be able to restrict an activity, resource or course topic to a group, Restrict access must be enabled. This will result in a 'Restrict access' section in the activity, resource or topic settings and a group restriction can then be added. You can use "Restrict access" to assign an activity to a particular group without having to use a grouping. Restrict access can also be used to assign an activity to course members who are not in a particular group or grouping, or, by adding multiple restrictions, a mix of Groups or Groupings.