Talk:CNMCyber Welcome

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Revision as of 15:42, 27 September 2020 by MariamKhalid (talk | contribs) (For reference)
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Webinar Requirements Backlog

  • The webinar shall help to invite people to collaborate in CNM Cyber as volunteers.
  • Considering the current state of CNM Cyber operations and making recruitment process better, volunteers shall help in improving the on-boarding courses i.e. the Welcome Session, Orientation and Placement.
  • Volunteers shall also have the choice to contribute in any other way they may want.

Webinar Content

For reference

  • Welcome Session and Orientation is the outline -- start with the first lectio, end with the last lectio, and start over with the first lectio, which, hopefully, would be improved based on the previous experience.
  • We are not ready for fellows in America -- I am open to fellows in Pakistan though, but this would be another project. We have no requirements for contactors -- otherwise, Atif would be working with us all the time. No, this webinar should target volunteers only.
  • You are moving in the right direction. "Join the IT team. Will train," "Start your IT career this week," and so on can work for the first webinar. For the follow-ups, we can add its content specifics.
  • I understand that the first lectio must address all those topics. As soon as the first lectio is complete, we can publish its video, right?
  • We need webinars to further develop the welcome session and orientation, particularly, to add some videos. If we get that, the rest is working moments.
  • how many lectios do you estimate in a webinar and how many webinars in a week. Alternate days, every day or how do you envision?

Have no clue -- as many as possible to get the welcome session and orientation as soon as possible. I am open to every hour, 12 hours a day (from 8am to 8pm; no night time) if we can :)

  • It sounds good to me. Just in case -- before we publish any announcement at the meetup group and schedule any event officially, we need to have a dry run -- as if I and Michael are the public, okay? If the dry run goes well, we will be scheduling officially.
  • volunteers will be delivered as well as directed towards onboarding courses (welcome session and orientation). By the time they finish orientation, first half of the placement will be ready and they should be able to proceed with that as well.
  • To become volunteers, they will have to use the Cert.
  • We will group similar lectios in each webinar instance. What do you think ? We can group -- at any rate, there should be some video that would substitute your initial "general" webinars.


  • As the project owner and customer, I would like to conduct webinars to invite people for collaboration in the development of my project and operations, as volunteers. Webinar would primarily deliver content of the on-boarding courses, CNM Cyber Welcome Session and Orientation . The agenda of webinars will be adjusted according to project needs.