CNMC Event Administrator

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Revision as of 19:43, 17 June 2018 by Test.user (talk | contribs) (Hiring)
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Friends Of CNM Event Administrator (hereinafter, the Administrator) is an independent contractor for WorldOpp Fellow Team (hereinafter, the Team) who virtually and/or onsite administers events of the Team (hereinafter, the Events).


The Team is launching two types of events: free CNM standups and paid seminars.


The Team targets 15-20 CNM standups a month; all of them shall be offered free to the participants.


The Team considers 15-20 lectures of Careerprise Orientation and/or Septem Artes Administrativi a month. Initially, they are going to be offered at no cost, but, while being developed, shall become paid events. The target price is $10 per participant.


Expected outcomes

  1. Growth in a number of WorldOpp Fellow Candidates;
  2. At least $250 in event sales a month.

Job description

The Administrator:
  1. Drafts the Event's strategy, including:
    • Collects strategic ideas from the Team's members;
    • Analyzes the collected information and incorporates into strategic plans;
    • Submits the strategic plans to Friends Of CNM for their approval or critique and follows up;
  2. Organizes the Events, including but not limited to:
    • Creates guidelines for event organizing. The guidelines shall clarify usage of graphics used, ways of wording (ensuring that there are no spell errors etc.), and messages for event announcement, event support, and event follow-ups;
    • Based on the guidelines, serves as an event host assistant;
    • Develops and publishes all materials such as texts, graphics, and videos related to the Events;
  3. Promotes the Events in the Washington DC metro area, including but not limited to:
    • Develops guidelines for promoting events;
    • Publishes event announcements on Tech Events for Managers and Entrepreneurs (hereinafter, the Group);
    • Communicates with those members who chose to RSVP while sending pre-event, event, and post-event messages such as clarifications and additional info and answering members' queries on the Group;
  4. Manages public relations, including but not limited to:
    • Serving as a point of contact for the public;
    • Posting all related information to this CNM Wiki;
  5. Exercises any other legal and ethical duties in order to achieve Expected outcomes.


Main wikipage: Careerprise partner
Any Administrator shall comply with laws and policies of Friends Of CNM stated at Careerprise partner.



The Administrator shall possess or be able to possess the following qualifications:
  1. Excellent listening, proactive research, and learning capacity;
  2. Knowledge of the DADI and ability to apply it;
  3. Good English speaking and writing skills;
  4. Ability to communicate information and ideas in written formats especially demonstrated on the CNM Wiki;
  5. Willingness to jump to where ever is needed.


The successful candidate will be preliminary selected on a basis of
