Report finding

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A report finding (hereinafter, the Section) is a result of research or an investigation that a report presents. The Section functions as an essential part of the report content. The Section is a required part of report's body or text matter.


The ANSI/NISO Scientific and Technical Reports standard details,

A required component of the report, results and their discussion can be presented in the same or in separate sections. The results section presents the findings based on the methods. The discussion section indicates the degree of accuracy and the significance of the results of the research described. Specific values used to substantiate conclusions appear in the body. Supporting details not essential to an understanding of the results appear in an appendix. Sometimes a section, "Presentation of Results," includes figures and tables and their captions (titles). Such figures and tables appear as close as possible following their discussion in the text. The discussion accounts for the results but does not interpret them.