Composing the Documents

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Composing the Documents (hereinafter, the Session) is a hands-on session designed to get its participants started composing the text documents relevant to WorldOpp. The Session is the eighth of ten sessions of WorldOpp Placement Seminar (hereinafter, the Seminar).


Analyzing the Sources is the predecessor session.

How to design concepts

A concept is a mental image or understanding about a distinct entity in regard to its features. It is what the mind envisions when that entity of object is mentioned. Different people will will understand and perceive ideas in a different manner.

Methods of designing and developing concepts

  1. Definition - a definition of the concept is very helpful especially if it words that are difficult or unfamiliar to the intended audience.
  2. Classification - This is a description of how the concept is different or similar to other concepts and how it can be broken down into smaller parts to make comprehension easier. It is also important since it shows the big picture
  3. Narrating a process. - this is a step by step explanation of how a process works and how the concept is used in real life. For example, if a trainer was to explain the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM) to a class, he may start by stating the process, the steps followed and finish with the end result, say improved quality or productivity in the organisation that employs this process.
  4. Illustration - This can be done through use of examples and anecdotes which helps the learners better understand an idea. The idea is to give a relevant example that the learners are already familiar with to help the generate a mental image that they can relate with the concept being discussed.

How to design experiments

How to compose a text document

How to create a text lead

How to outline a text document

Managing the Knowledge is the successor session.


Recorded audio

Recorded video

Live sessions

Texts and graphics

See also