The Session at Cyber

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The Session at Cyber (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the final, fifth lesson part of the Welcome Session Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to WorldOpp Orientation. This lesson belongs to the Orientation.


The predecessor lectio is Tips for Course Takers.

Slide stack


Learning contents of this very WorldOpp Orientation can be found at several parts of CNM Cyber. However, let's start with the part where they cannot be located.
CNM Cyber services are delivered in three ways: (a) one-on-one, (b) in groups, with a live facilitator, and (c) asynchronously, through CNM Cyber suites, without any human host.
One-on-one services include mentoring and consulting. These services are available to members of CNMCyber Team only. However, you must pass this session if you choose to join CNMCyber Team. Logically, when you become the member, you will no longer need it. So, no session is offered one-on-one.
At the same token, CNM Cyber volunteers may conduct live, in-person CNMCyber events such as CNM Cyber Welcome Webinar. If that happens, CNM Talk will be used.
Of course, CNM Cyber seminars and other events are not conducted 24/7. Their schedule is posted at CNM Cyber Meetup group.
On the contrary, CNM Cyber suites are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Specifically, four CNM Cyber services that belong to the CNM Competency Suite deliver learning content of this very WorldOpp Orientation to you.
You may find Session's videos at CNM Tube, related events at CNM Talk, and wikipages of CNM Wiki. When CNM Page is available, each lectio would have a dedicated webpage. Finally, the course itself is published at CNM Cert.
CNM Tube publishes video versions of the lectios. This resource is also used to stream CNMCyber events including the CNM Cyber Welcome Webinar, which features first two lessons of this Session. In the World Wide Web, CNM Tube is located at and other tube. resources.
CNM Wiki publishes the complete contents of all the lectios, as well as all the quiz and survey questions. In the World Wide Web, it is located at and other wiki. resources.
If you plan to get access to all suites of CNM Cyber, you should complete the course at CNM Cert. In the World Wide Web, CNM Cert is located at and other cert. resources. Only CNM Cert tracks your survey and quiz questions.
If you plan to be neither a Certified CNM Cyber User nor a member of the CNM Cyber Workforce, you are encouraged to skip the course at CNM Cert and use the learning content, texts and illustrations, that are published at CNM Tube, CNM Wiki, and, soon, CNM Page.

Key terms

CNM Cyber Welcome Webinar


What the Team Is is the successor lectio.



User data

The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purposes.

Placement Entrance Exam