Who Recruiters Are

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Who Recruiters Are (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the second lesson part of the Recruiters' Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to employment and related topics.

This lesson belongs to the Introduction to Recruitment session of EmployableU Foundation. The Foundation is the second stage of the WorldOpp Pipeline.


The predecessor lectio is Selection Phases.


A recruiter is any legal entity whose business is to enlist or enroll people as employees, students, or as members of an organization. Recruiters provide their employers or other customers with recruitment services.
Usually, several types of recruiters are working on a filling in one employment vacancy.
Retained recruiters are paid for the time spent while recruiting regardless of the fact whether qualified sources are identified, hired, or not. The retained recruiters can be corporate recruiters or employees of the employing organization; the retained recruiters can also be third-party recruiters working on a contract with a retainer provision.
Contingency recruiters are paid only when qualified sources are identified and hired. They must be third-party recruiters.
Next, hiring managers are rarely full-time recruiters, but they make contingent selection decisions. The hiring manager is a representative of the employer responsible for hiring one or more employees to fill open positions. That manager may work for that employer as an employee, be hired as an independent contractor, or be an employee of a third-party recruiter as well.
Recruitment is a time consuming and expensive endeavor. To concentrate on their core business, a substantial number of businesses including as big as Microsoft outsource their recruitment to third-party recruiters.
The CNM Cyber Workforce traditionally features a substantial number of vacancies for recruiters, both volunteer and paid.

Key terms

Recruitment service, recruiter, retained recruiter, contingency recruiter, hiring manager


Is the difference between contingency and retained recruiters explained well? --Yes/No/I'm not sure

Third-Party Recruiters is the successor lectio.


Placement entrance exam

Every statement below is split into one true and one false question in the actual exam.
  1. Recruitment service is (not) any service related to recruitment.
  2. Employment agency is (not) any entity that matches employers and employment candidates.
  3. Staffing firm is (not) any entity that provides employers with their staffers.
  4. (Not) every recruiter is an employee of the employer who is hiring.
  5. (Not) every recruiter is paid for the candidates that he or she sourced, screened, and selected.
  6. Retained recruiter is (not) paid for the time spent while recruiting.
  7. Retained recruiter is (not) paid only when qualified sources are identified and hired.
  8. Contingency recruiter is (not) paid for the time spent while recruiting.
  9. Contingency recruiter is (not) paid only when qualified sources are identified and hired.