CNMCyber Practice Assignments

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CNMCyber Practice Assignments is a collection of different assignments to help CNMCyber learners in developing their skills. The assignments can be worked on a self pace model or timed. However timed work is preferred since CNMCyber is preparing you to get employed in companies were beating deadlines are used in performance appraisals.

Mode of Assignments

CNMCyber learners will get hands on practice assignments which will allow them to prepare for pre-entry level jobs.



There are no deadlines, however CNMCyber learners are encouraged to work on their own pace. Furthermore if an assignment is undertaken, it should be returned in one weeks' time either done, partially done or not done at all and explain the challenges faced.

Assignment progress

You can put your assignment progress report here

CNM Website Developer Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

CNM Event Organizer Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Practice Assignments

CNMCyber Website Developer Practice

Task 1

You have been given a task to review CNMCyber Website Developer page, what are some of the changes you can make on this page to make it more effective for some else to use. Write down the steps you will use to make the changes on the page and ask questions.

Task 2

CNMCyber Event Organizer Practice

Task 1 How would you organize a welcome session for new learners? Do this practically and note down your finds in the Assignment progress section

Task 2 Host an event where you take learners through the process of signing up with WorldOpp Orientation