Website IA

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Website IA For the purposes of this very wikipage, information architectures or IA are images, layouts, mockup models, outlines, prototypes, sketches, wireframes, and/or words that represent classification, organization, and structure of content and other information at Cyber websites or similar products. Similarly to UX design, IA strives to enhance user satisfaction; IAs of Cyber products shall help to make them accessible, credible, desirable, findable, usable, useful, and valuable. Dissimilarly from UX design, IA shall help the Cyber to achieve the Cyber objectives. In simple words, IA shall balance benefits for the Cyber and its users.

IA components

Key components of IA are:
  1. Hierarchy of website and its webpages.
  2. Roadmaps of every identified persona through the website.
  3. Mockups of hub webpages at the websection box level.
  4. Labels of groups of information for user orientation and, when used in sub-domain names, for search engine optimization (SEO).
  5. Navigations such as menus, breadcrumbs, and pagination.
  6. Search tools that ensure findability of information.

IA developments

No Cyber IA can be developed immediately and completely. It starts with a sketch to be gradually upgraded up to a prototype. The IA-development projects closes when the Customer approves the IA. Development of IA is a:
  • Marketing project since the IA shall serve interests of both users and the Cyber.
  • Creative project since acceptance criteria rarely can be defined; product and project certainties rarely can be reached before the development starts. That is why Contractors shall be hired on a per-hour basis. In the industry, the most qualified architects are normally hired to develop the most important IA components such as the menu structure and landing page mockup.
  • Prerequisite project that shall be finished before the contractors to develop a website as a part of Careerprise Funnel can be hired. As product depictions, the outputs of the IA-development project shall be used for graphic design, UX design, and website assemblies.

Personas in IA

In marketing, a persona is an imaginary product user that (a) represents a distinguishable type of customer and (b) has been created to design special appeals to that customer type while designing products.
Cyber websites may serve a variety of customers. For instance, a school student and school principal may visit However, interests of the student differ from ones of the principal. Moreover, the Team would like the student to get enrolled into WorldOpp Orientation, while the Team would like the principal to contact Cyber administrators. So, their website roadmaps shall be different.
Information architectures (or IAs) shall serve all of its identified personas. If a subordinate IA serves one persona, and five personas are identified to be customers, the IA may be divided in one site-wide IA, which welcomes all of its customers and directs them to those webpages that are designed to serve specifically them and five separate subordinate IAs.