CNMCyber for Action

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CNM Cyber for Action (hereinafter, the Session) is a learning session introducing its participants to CNM Action Suite. The Session consists of two lessons, each of which is made of three to five lesson parts, called lectios. Every lectio includes a presentation and a quiz. The official version of the Session is published at CNM Cert. Its materials are also published at CNM Page, CNM Talk, CNM Wiki, and various channels for marketing and convenience purposes.

The Session is the third of four sessions of the CNM Cyber Welcome Course.


The predecessor activity is the CNM Cyber for Competence.

Action Suite Essentials

Main wikipage: Action Suite Essentials
Action Suite Essentials
Lectios # Referred topics
What Action Suite Is 1 CNM Action Suite, career administration, job search
What CNM Venture Is 2 CNM Venture, enterprise resource planning ecosystem (ERP ecosystem); software system, e-commerce
CNM Linkup vs Venture 3 CNM Linkup, customer relationship management system (CRM system); CNM Linkup vs CNM Venture, integrated database, contact list
CNM Venture vs Lab 4 CNM Venture vs CNM Lab, deliverable, service, feature, result; project, job search project
What CNM Mail Is 5 CNM Mail, email, email management system
CNM Action Suite. A collection of five CNM Cyber services that are designed to assist in career administration, job search, and other career enhancement activities.
CNM Venture. The enterprise resource planning ecosystem (ERP ecosystem)of CNM Cyber that is delivered to its end-users as a service.
Software system.
CNM Linkup. The customer relationship management system of CNM Cyber that is delivered to its end-users as a service.
Deliverable. Something that can be delivered, especially, to fulfill an expectation. In project management, the deliverable can be any product, service, or result that emerges as an output of the project. In marketing management, the deliverable can be any goods, services, events, experiences, persons, places, properties, organizations, information, ideas, and brand names that can be marketed in order to have some value.
Project. One or more enterprise efforts undertaken to create a unique deliverable, functional features of which are identified or can be identified before the efforts start. Any project can be viewed as a set of processes.
CNM Mail. The email management system of CNM Cyber that is delivered to its end-users as a service.

CNM Social Essentials

Main wikipage: CNM Social Essentials
CNM Social Essentials
Lectios # Referred topics
What CNM Social Is 1 CNM Social, social networking system
CNM Social Spaces 2 Social networking service, community space, job support group
CNM Social Communities 3 CNM Cyber community, CNM Cyber professional committee, CNM Cyber industry council, CNM Cyber Community Board
Social at Action Suite 4 Social networking, social profile
CNM Social. The social networking system of CNM Cyber that is delivered to its end-users as a service.
Social networking service. A service that is designed to accommodate social networking.
CNM Cyber community. Any group of CNM friends who share their either industry or occupation and who have organized that group in order to exchange career-oriented information and, possibly, services, among the members of that group. Any CNM friend can initiate a new community or apply for joining an existing community.
CNM Cyber industry council. A CNM Cyber community grouped on a basis of the industries its members work in or would like to work in.
Social networking (or, simply, networking). A socioeconomic activity by which people meet to (1) form relationships, (2) recognize, create, or act upon opportunities, (3) share information, and (4) seek potential partners for endeavors.

CNM Cyber for Experience is the successor session.

See also